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35 Cards in this Set

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Chief advisors of the president
One of the writers of the Federalist Papers and negotiated a treaty with Britain
John Jay
French diplomat who tried to get American support against the British in 1793
Edmond Genet
American angry over bribes demanded by French diplomats
John Adams
Early federalist leader and first secretary of the Treasury
Alexander Hamilton
Father of the Constitution
James Madison
First president of the United States
George Washington
French engineer who drew up the plans for the new capital
Pierre of L’Efante
Negotiated the treaty with Spain over Spanish lands east of the Mississippi River
Thomas Pickney
Native American leader who led Native American confederacy against Americans in the Battle of Fallen Timbers
Little Turtle
Divided power between the national government and the state governments
Political system where two political parties compete for power
Two Party System
States had the right to nullify or consider void any act of Congress that they deemed unconstitutional
A government in which the people elect representative to govern
A law that set up a plan for surveying land west of the Appalachian Mountains
Land Ordinance of 1785
Allowed states to count 3/5 of their slaves as part of the population
Tree-Fifths Compromise
Anti-tax protest by farmers
Shays or Whiskey Rebellion
Electors chosen by the states to elect the president and vice president
Elextoral Collage
First ten amendments to the Constitution
Bill of Rights
Funded by the federal government and wealthy investors to issue paper money and handle taxes
Bank of the United States
Guarantees citizens' rights to freedom of religion, speech, press, and political activity
1st Amedment
The branch of government that enforces the laws
Executive Branch
The branch of the government that interprets the laws and the Constitution
Judicial Branch
The branch of the government that makes the laws
Legislative Branch
Idea to give more power to the states with large populations
Virginia Plan
Law that organized the Northwest Territories
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Law that set up the national court system
Judiciary Acts of 1789
Papers written by the supporters of the Constitution to gain approval of those who were skeptical
Federalist Papers
Placing the interests of one region over those of the nation as a whole
Powers given to separate branches of government to keep any one from getting too much power
Checks and Balances
Raised the US residence requirement for American citizenship from 5 to 14 years and allowed the president to deport or jail any undesirable; set fines and jail terms for anyone trying to hinder the operation of the government
Alien and Sedition Acts
States would have equal representation in one house of the legislature and representation based on population in the other house
Great Compromise
Supporters of the new Constitution
Tax on goods produced within the country
Excise Tax
Tax on imported goods to protect domestic business
Protective Tariff