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114 Cards in this Set

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Meng Zi... Mencius in Latin

Confucian (Confucianism) philosopher (REN), he believed humans were fundamentally good


Laozi (pronounced Lau Tzuh) This is not confucianism. Daoism tells people to disengage- to stop interfering with others affairs. While Confucianism told people to engage and help. Two major texts were Daodejing and Zhuong Zi. You had to disengage from the material world, we are selfish and want everything. We disengage by reading the Daodejing. One should strive to live in harmony with the Dao. This does not become classical Chinese culture, but it is still popular and studied to this day.


Primary text of Daoism. Translated as the way of the world or the way of the cosmos. The purpose of this text does not tell you what to do, but to open your mind.


Daoism concept meaning the way. Disengagement.


Founder of Daoism

Xun Zi

We do not have a Latin name for him. He was born not long before Meng Zi (Mencius) died. He is also a Confucian scholar. He believed humans were fundamentally selfish. He was optimistic we could fix this. He emphasized "Li". Rules will be strict and strictly enforced.


Quality of kindness, humanity, benevolence, compassion to other human beings.


Sense of propriety, etiquette, behavior- how you act with another person.


This is the most important of the 3. This is your loyalty to your family.


Shang Yang and Hang Fei Zi. Social order is imposed from top down. Basically Dictatorship, authoritarian. As opposed to Confucious and daoists in which social order goes bottom up, starts with yourself. Justification for dictator.

Shan Yang

State of Qin, establishes new dynasty to replace Zhou. He is the chief minister to ruler of Qin dynasty. He was feared, loathed, and despised. Legalist philosopher. Legalism.

Han Feizi

Legalist philosopher. He takes "Li" and throws out "Ren". He was a legalist, which is law and order. He said essence of society was agricultural society, defense, and all other activities were a waste of time.

Qin Shihuangdi

Founder and emperor of Qin Dynasty. He was a warlord (most powerful). He defeated all opponents and unified all of China under leadership of Qin Dynasty. Modern country is named for Qin Dynasty. Qin-a, meaning *land of Qin*. He is a dictator and he brings peace and is a firm believer in legalism. Founded on legalism principles. He ordered the destruction of all books for learning except those he said were ok. He wants to erase all that came before him. He leaves: farming, war, storytelling. He created a road network and built a tomb for himself. One of the two rulers the Qin Dynasty had. When he died he was not in Shan Yang (capital) of Qin. His son finds him and tells older brother to kill himself. with royal stamp from dead father. Qin Shihuangdi was dee was buried with his army- life-size people made up to burn with him.

Liu Bang

He led the revolution and started Han Dynasty. This dynasty lasted 400 years. He was a war lord and believer in legalism. Despised Confucian scholars.

Han Dynasty

Started by Liu Bang, principles were legalistic. The Dynasty that came after first most important dynasty that unified China- Qin Dynasty.

Han Wudi

Reigned during Han Dynasty. Known as marshall emperor, warlord. He realized government needs a little "Ren"- kindness, humanity, compassion. Confucian scholars are brought into the system.

Wang Mang

There was a break in the Han Dynasty. Wang Mang rules in the name of boy emperor. Han Wudi died and his son was 2 years old.

Interregnum "middle king".

Yellow Turbans

The yellow turban uprise was not successful (rebellion). It was a contributing factor of Han Dynasty wearing down (starving people revolt)


From Central Asia- not Chinese. Not unified people, but they are tribes. They did waves of invasions, ran down Han Dynasty. Known as the Huns. Nomadic people that attacked everyone.

Confucian Education System

University Han Wudi built for Confucian scholars who would run the system. First University. Development of education in China.


Greek, Ambassadors to India, Persia. Greek [Seleucids (Persia) in Greek] during Mauryan Empire.

Chandragupta Maurya

Founded the Mauryan Empire. Converted to Jainism and starved himself to death. Maurya Empire rose, grew when 3rd ruler, grandson Ashoka ruled. When Ashoka ruled... high point of empire.

Chandragupta (Gupta Dynasty)

Founded the Gupta Dynasty. Much smaller than Maurya empire and they were not related.


Influential in Indian history. Mahavira becomes a title. Translated as the great spirit. Maha means big, great, super. Everything possesses a soul. If the soul stays in the same thing they become trapped and this would be bad and would be considered torture. They've limited themselves to vegetable diets and feel guilty because if they ate vegetables we killed them. They will not work as farmers be cause they kill when they plow field. Harvesting crops is killing. People would join this system to get out of the cast system. The cast system plays lots of limits. This was most popular with upper middle class. They had money to buy food themselves so they didn't have to kill it themselves. These people were educated and it had more influence than with people without money.

Varhamana Mahavira

Born as a high cast Indu. His followers called him Jinna and that is where Jainism comes from.


Extreme form of pacifism. Violence is always wrong. Killing animals, minerals, humans are all wrong. This is the principle of nonviolence. Janist term for ritual purification.


Dominant religion in East Asia. Begins in India. The founder was Siddhartha Guatama. He became the Buddha. People in this rejected the cast system. "Decay is inherent in all things. Work through your life, work it out yourself to be enlightenment. The goal is to enter Nirvana. Nirvana is state of blissfulness nothingness. No more pain or sorrow. Became popular with middle class merchants. Two types of Buddhism:

1. Mahayana (spread to China-larger following)- more liberal

2. Hinayana (spread South East Asia)

Never taught that he was divine or he should be worshipped. He is used for focal point in temples for prayer, meditation. One does not pray to it, but it is a focal point to think of while you pray.

Siddhartha Guatama

He was a prince. His father did not want him to experience pain, sadness, so old people and sick people were not allowed to enter the palace so he doesn't see people get sick and die.

When he left the palace he was exposed to poverty, old age, and sickness. He left home forever and wonders what is life? He sits under bow tree and he is determined not to get up until he understands/ gets enlightenment. Sits there for 49 days. He attains enlightenment. He becomes the Buddha- "enlightenment"

4 Noble Truths of Buddhism

1. All is Sorrow

2. Sorrow is caused by desire

3. End sorrow by ending desire

4. End desire by following Noble Eightfold Path

Noble Eightfold Path- Buddha's key to end desire.


Greater Vehicle of Buddhism


Lesser Vehicle of Buddhism


Individuals who have attained enlightenment. Prepared to enter nirvana, but they stay in this world to help the rest of us.

Minoan Society

Island of Creet. Everything we know is because of archaeology. Illiterate people. First system of writing in area is linear A. Salabic writing system-new system- linear B... from Greeks to Samoans. Names after king Minos.


capital of Minoan Society

Mycenaen Society

Largest most important city state in early ancient greece. This is pre classical.


Sparta was the second strongest after Athens. Fought against Athens in Peloponnesian war and won. Had a king, oligarchy and enslaved people were called helots.


Named for Athena- goddess for wisdom. demos- people, cracy- organization gives you democracy. This democracy was for anyone who was free, adult male. The thing was only 10% is free and 50% is male so really only 5% are voting. Athens to Marathon- 26 miles after winning battle. Thermo- heat, meter- measure... thermopolis "hot gates"


This means a city. Example) Napoli... now naples means "new city"


Greek slaves are known as Helots. Sparta

Peloponnesian War

Civil War for city states. Athenian leader help organize- Pericles. Thucydides was an Athenian general who went home and wrote book to say if things were done his way they would have have won.

Resulted because of Delian league. Where sort of like NATO (military) where everyone participates. They ended giving money to Athens as protection (Sparta did) and then thought why are we giving money again?


Athenian general that organized Peloponnesian War.He died early from the plague. Thucydides went home and wrote book to say if things were done his way they would have won.

Antigonid Empire (1/3 of division of empire)

After Alexander the Great died, he was one of the generals that took over. Land was divided into three.

Ptolomaic Empire (1/3 of division of empire)

After Alexander the Great died, he was one of the generals that took over. Land was divided into three. Egypt, Nile (Israel Lebanon Jordan) the capital was Alexandria now Egypt.

Rulers are known as pharaohs even though they were greek. It was to establish respect. Egypt then continued to have pharaohs.

Seleucid Empire (1/3 of division of empire)

After Alexander the Great died, he was one of the generals that took over. Land was divided into three. This was the largest, Persia, Mesopotamia.

Persian Wars

Series of Wars that Greeks won because they were underestimated.

Olympic Games

First Olympiad was at Mt. Olympus. Olympus is a sacred mountain in Greece. Olympics were for the gods and goddesses that lived in Olympus. Only men could compete (they had to compete naked to make sure they were men).

Year 1


female poet- from lesbos. Belief poetry was for other women and that is where the word lesbian comes from

Cult of Dionysius

Dionysius is the god of wine. This was the most popular temple. His festival associated with the first day of spring.

Greek Philosophers

Socrates- student is Plato

Plato- student is Aristotle

Aristotle- student is Alexander the Great.

3 different schools of thought (ideologies) Greek Philosophers.

1.Epicureans- high taste, like wine, going to the theatre. Regarded pleasure as greatest good. Enjoying life was the meaning of life.

2.Skeptic-nothing you could know for certain refused to take stronger positions.

3.Stoic-most popular. All humans under same family. Had responsibility to look over people who could not do it themselves. Live virtuous lives. Christianity matches up with stoicism. Thats why it was very easy to convert people to Christianity.


Into European speaking people. First Romans, but they weren't really Roman. Founded city of Rome.


They were rich, they overthrew monarchy and established republic. Res "property" Publica "public" =Republic "public property". They assigned two consuls. 1. Civil and 2. military. In emergency situations they could assign a dictator. Cincinnatus was a patrician.


They were elected for the senate.

Persian Wars

Series of wars that greeks won because they were underestimated.


General Citizen... poor people.

Punic Wars

Between Rome and Carthidge (originally founded by Phoenicians). Carthage actually owned more land. The Mediterranean sea was in between them. First Punic War was won by Rome. 3rd Punic War- Rome wiped out Carthidge because of CATO. In Senate he said gentlemen Carthidge must be destroyed.

Julius Caesar

Rome has empire. First Roman Emperor. It was a republic that started empire. Caesar continued it but did not start it. Very wealthy, he was a general. Responsible for conquest of France. Popular with soldiers. No Roman General could cross the Rubicon River with his military. If you did you were guilty, it was considered treason, and it was punishable by death. They did this because they did not want army going in and taking over. Caesar crossed the rubicon and seized control of govt. He establishes himself as dictator. His name becomes a title of any Roman Emperor.

Government (Rome)

It gave land to Plebians (poor people). They had to give up the land when the father dies and that is when they would redistribute land.


His name was Octavion and he became Caesar Augustus. Octavian and Marc Antony fought and Octavian came after Marc Antony and Cleopatra (Queen of Egypt) and they commit suicide. Julius Caesar's nephew.

Pax Romana

Romans- take criminal and crucify them. Nail them and leave them there to die.

"Peace of Rome" things were stable.


Religion of salvation. Reward good behavior. All human life was sacred. If you lived a good life you would join Mithras. This was only open to men. Isis was an Egyptian goddess. Zoroastrian god. Roman soldiers belonged to this cult along with Isis.

Saul of Tarsus

Better known as Saint Paul. He was Jewish but raised in a Greek community. He was literate. He did not believe anything at first. He thought only thing to do was to kill Christians he witnessed stoning of Christian disciple and he encouraged it. He went to Demascus to kill more Christians. He heard a voice on his was to Demascus. He was told by Jesus, you are going to be my spokesperson. Makes him blind until he gets to Demascus. Spreads the word.


Small faction of Jewish people. They fled to desert, area around dead sea (before persecutions began). Hid out in caves. They eventually evaporated as community.

Dead Sea Scrolls: Earliest form of surviving copies of bible. Torah- Old testament. Fragments of scriptures, the whole book of Isaiah.


Poor people that were representatives to the Senate.

Dead Sea Scrolls in Essenes.

Earliest form of surviving copies of bible. Torah- Old testament. Fragments of scriptures, the whole book of Isaiah.


Large scale form of land that was worked by slaves

Gracchi Brothers

They got assassinated.Romans who both served as tribunes in the late 2nd century BC. They attempted to pass land reform legislation that would redistribute the major aristocratic landholdings among the urban poor and veterans, in addition to other reform measures.

Twelve Tables

This was the Roman legal code. draw up a code of law binding on both patrician and plebeian and which consuls would have to enforce.

Circus Maximus

Public venues for poor people to distract them and therefore leading a rebellion.

Monsoon System

Moving goods by sea. All these people are doing business and this involves people from different cultures meeting. Therefore people had to learn different languages, and learn about other culture. Not only trading goods, but ideas, languages, religions. You can also spread germs.


A religion based on 3 pre existing religions.

1. Zoroastrianism

2. Buddhism

3. Christianity

Mani was the founder from Babylon. Babylon became important city of trade.

You see the world black and white. It is good vs evil.

Tribes that raided

Lombards, Goths, and Angles and Saxons.



Pandemic- super epidemic. There have been 3.

1. Smallpox (Killed 25% of population of Rome)

2. Bubonic Plague

3. Spanish Flu


He managed to stay in power for 20 years. He had a tetrarchy (divided into 4). When he died there was a civil war to be in control.... who will be the next Caesar. Last non Christian Roman Emperor.


Christianity has been developing and expanding. His mother was Christian. Had vision of seeing a cross in the sky. He takes this as a sign that God chose him. He won civil war and is the next Caesar.

Attila the Hun

Huns (Central Asia tribe) go to Germans (well traveled westward) and Germans fled. Germans were driven out and into Rome. Hun did not succeed with Rome attacks (they got to center). Romans were yet again weakened.


They moved into Rome and stole, led raids, raped, now known as Vandalism. With all of these invasions it is now regarded as the end of the Roman Empire.

Eastern Roman Empire

These germanic tribes were very primitive and and all the invasions ended Rome. Eastern Roman Empire, but they didn't control Rome, there capital was Constantinople. This might be weird calling it remaining half of Roman Empire so we call it the Byzantine Empire.

Arab Empires eat away at Byzantine Empire.

Christianity Split

The Eastern Side was the orthodox and eastern orthodox church in Constantinople (Greek Orthodox Church), Alexandria(Bulgarian Orthodox Church), Jerusalem (Serbian Orthodox Church) and Antioch (Russian Orthodox Church)

Western Side was the Roman Catholic Church in Rome

St Augustine

Oldest city in United States (in Florida). St. Augustine of Hippo has to do with Roman Catholic theology shaped and he is responsible for development.

Western early Christianity...important

Sui Dynasty

"Pronounced Sway" First unification of China since fall of the Han Dynasty. Only lasted 2 generations (like the Qin Dynasty). Established by warlord. Then his son ruled and got overthrown.

Grand Canal

China only has 1 coast so they built the grand canal. 1240 miles of waterway and it was all built by hand. They used picks and shovels (unlike Panama canals in which they had Diesel engines)

This costs a lot even though slaves built them because you need to feed the slaves. This results in heavy taxation. People don't like this and they get overthrown. Then begins the Tang Dynasty.

Song Dynasty

Pronounced "Soong". Song Tai Soh was the general. Gained control, not as big or powerful, but it lasted longer.

Foot Binding

Make incisions to woman's foot when young children. As they grew and developed their feet did not grow... it was a deliberate mutilation. This was for wealthy daughters. They could not do manual labor because they could barely walk. This was considered sexually attractive.

Neo- Confucianism

Synthesis of Confucianism and Buddhism. Confucianism is not a religion but an ideology. Buddhism is not an ideology but a religion.

Chan Buddhism

Then known as Zen Buddhism. This was a mix in between Daoism and Buddhism.

Silla Dynasty

This was in Korea.

Nam Viet

This was the original name of Vietnam. Chinese compelled Nam Viet to change their name.


Gods and Goddesses, polytheistic. Umaterasu was the sun goddess- female and the highest of gods.


Military dictator. The ruler that rules in emperors name. It is hereditary. Each clan had their own soldiers. Army of Shogun had to be the strongest of their time or else that clan would not be ruling.


Extremely trained and skilled soldiers

Nara Japan

Describes during 8th century. Nara is the capital of Japan. Capital was moved to Heian (original)=Kyoto (eventual name). Capital (center of religion and culture) Daimyo- there clans compete for control of government. Japan used Chinese as their language for a while.

Tale of Genji

Genji is a fictional prince in Medieval Japan. This was a major work of literature. This was written by a woman.

Heian Japan

This was the Capital of Nara Japan. The eventual name was Kyoto.


The way of the warrior. This is not just a word, but a way of life. You will do whatever clan lord says whenever because you must follow Bushido- the Samurai/Warrior code.


You violated Bushido (the code) and you must go through Sepuku to get your honor back. First you write a poem on a clean sheet of paper with brush and ink. This was a death poem about nature for your family. The warrior had to dress in white and get on their knees. Behind him his friend had a sword. You would read the poem, then wrapt it around the blade. You would then position the blade to where it is on your right side of the abdomen and you would go right to left (stabbing yourself) and then thrust upward. Then so you wouldn't suffer, your friend would take his long sword and decapitate him.


This was tribal/clan warfare (nomadic). This was Arabs killing Arabs and Muhammad wanted to reduce this.


Muhammad was born in Mecca. Mecca was a few cities in Arabia. Few were Christians or Jews here. Believed in pagan gods and goddesses, they had shrines. He will later return and conquer Mecca.


These are the messages that God or Allah sends to arc angel Gabriel. He then repeats what he hears to neighbors. The short passages are prayers and the large passages are stories in old testament and new testament- many with Moses... Well rooted in Judeo Christian.


Another major text. Not as important as Quran.


Islamic Holy Law


"The city" In Medina, Muhammad organizers umma (community of the faithful). Muhammad was teaching Pagan gods are false and this became an issue for the economy. They are driven out and moved to Medina and started their calendar.


The Islamic New Year. It is the Muslem calendar.


It means "cube" This structure was there long before Muhammad. Used to worship Pagan gods before Muhammad. He led his followers to Kaaba first built for Allah by Abraham. Meteorite here and it is seen as a sign from God. Therefore a shrine was built here.

Five Pillars of Islam

1. There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.

2. Pray 5 times daily facing Mecca (because that is where the Kaaba is)

3. Daylight fasting during Ramadan (holy month)

4. Alms to the poor. ex) sending poor to Mecca

5. Hajj- Pilgrimage to Mecca.


Pilgrimage to Mecca, but more specifically to the Kaaba.


Holy War in the media but this is wrong. Sacred Struggle is the correct definition of Jihad. Some kind of struggle to achieve something better. ex) overcoming an addiction can be seen as a struggle, a sacred struggle you should overcome. This is a word that is abused, misunderstood and misrepresented, but it actually makes sense.


Pronounced "Calife" and this means "deputy". Nobody can replace Muhammad so they are not the leader, but the deputy leader. First is the Alubaba. Debates over whether Caliphe had to be related to Muhammad.


They thought the Caliph had to be related. The Shia were in Southern Iraq and Iran.


They thought the Caliph does not have to be related to Muhammad. This is the biggest population of Muslims.

There are more Muslims in India alone than there are Arabs.

Umayyad Caliphate

Biggest expansion during this Caliph. It is being run by the Umayyad Clan. Starts to spread, and it has a very rapid expansion. Spreads all the way to Central Asia.

Battle of the Talas River

Chinese army defeated by Muslims. Central Asia becomes mainly Muslim.

Abbasid Caliphate

Abu al Abbas which means the shedder of blood claims he is descendant of Muhammad. He led rebellion against Umayyad and succeeded. He became the Caliph. This one lasted much longer than the Umayyad. The Capital was Bagdad (now capital of Iraq) This is center of East and West trade. Very prosperous and is known as the Golden Age.


Mystics. Comes down to how people understand their faith. Some people:

1. have written understanding, they study it.

2. Prayer, experience religion.

For Sufis spirit of the law was more important than letter of the law.