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51 Cards in this Set

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Name 12 events that lead to the American Revolutionary War
1. Proclamation of 1763 2. The Sugar Act 3. The Stamp Act of of 1765 4. The Quartering Act 5. The Townshend Act 6. The Boston Massacre 7. The Tea Cut of 1773 8. The Boston Tea Party 9. The Intolerable Acts 10. The First Coninental Congress 11. Lexington and Concord 12. The Second Continental Congress
What did the French and Indian War end with
The signing of the Treaty of Paris
Who controlled the profitable fur trade in the Ohio Valley?
The British
What events lead to the Proclamation of 1763
1. The British controlled the fur trade 2. The colonists were moving W of the Appalacian Mtns 3. The British wanted to control the fur trade with the Indians 4. Conflicts occurred between the settlers and N Americans 5. To appease the Indians, a law was made to prevent further expansion W of Appalacian Mtns and everyone already there had to move back
What was the war between the N Americans and Britsh settlers that was about fur conflicts
Pontiac's War
What law prevented further expansion W of the Applacian Mtns
Proclamation of 1763
What happened after the Proclamation of 1763
The British failed to enforce the law so it was ignored
What was the first law ever passed by parliment for the purpose of raising money in the colonies for the crown?
The Sugar Act
What did the Sugar Act say?
Reduced the tax on molassas but added more taxes on importation of other things like textiles, coffee and indigo
What was the money to be used for raised by the Sugar Act
To pay for the soldiers in the colonies
Who was George Greenville
The author of the Stamp Act and a member of British Parlament
What was the first direct tax imposed by Britian on its American Colonies?
The Stamp Act
When did the Stamp Act go into effect
Nov 1, 1765
What did the Stamp Act say
All commercial documents, other printed material such as newspapers an pamphlets had to carry a special stamp.
What led to the famous statement by colonists "Taxation without Representaton"
The Stamp Act
How did the Colonists force a repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766
They boycotted British goods
What did the Quartering Act of 1765 say?
Colonists had to provide housing, bedding, candles and beverages to British soldiers
What happened after General Gage ordered compliance with the Quartering Act in NY?
The NY assembly refused to obey the law and it was dismissed
What was introduced into Parliment by the Chancellor of Excheque, Charles Townshend in 1767?
The Townshend Act
What did the Townshend Act say?
It taxed led, paint, paper, tea and glass
What was the non-importantion agreement?
A treated supported by the Sons of Liberty that was signed by all colonies except NH that said all goods taxed under the Townshend act would not be imported
What happed after the non-importantion agreement was put into place
The Townshend Acts were repealed after economic pressure in 1770; only the tax on tea was kept.
Tensions that mounted in Boston on the arrival of British troops in Oct 1768 led to what?
The Boston massacre
What happened to British troops in Boston
They were not welcome, threatened and physically abused
What was the Boston Massacre
ON March 5, 1770, British soldiers fired into an unruley crowd outside the custom house killing 5 colonists.
What act was passed to allow the British E India Company to bypass colonial mercants and sell tea directly to colonists at a reduced price.
The Tea Act of 1773
Why was the Tea Act put into place
The British E India company had suffered from colonial boycot of British goods.
What happened to the Tea Act?
Colonial tea merchants were angry because they got cut out of the trade. The sons of liberty protested and branded tea importers enemies of America
What led to the Boston Tea Party?
The Boston colonists led by the Son's of liberty demanded that the tea ships that arrived in Boston Nov, 1773 leave the harbor without unloading its tea. The governor, Thomas Hutchinson, would not allow the boats to leave without paying duties on the tea. After 20 days, custom officials could seize the tea for non payment of custom duties
What is the Boston Tea Party
On the eve of the 20th day, Sam Adams gave the order to begin the Boston Tea Party. A disciplined group of men disguised as Indians, dumpted 342 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor.
What were the Intolerable Acts?
1. Boston Port Bill 2. The Administration of Justice Act 3. The Mass Government Act 4. The Quebec Act 5. The Quarterling Act
What was the Bill that prohibited the loading or unloading of any any ships in the Boston Harbor
The Boston Port Bill
What did the Boston Port Bill mean
The Boston Harbor was closed until the colonists payed for their expenses fromthe Tea Party
What Act was designed to protect customs officials in Mass from major suites in hostile provincial courts
The Administration of Justice Act
What did the Administration of Justice Act say
If it was determined that a fair trial could not be conducted in MA, the trail would be transferred to Britian
What Act said that town meetings could not be held without written consent of the governor and that they had to use the agenda that was planned?
The Mass. Government Act
What Act said that the boundry of Canada was extended to the Ohio river and an area in which Virginia, Mass and Conn had claims
The Quebec Act
What Act legalized the quartering of troopsin uninhabited houses including barns and other buildings
The Quartering Act
When and where was the First Continental Congress first held?
Sept 1774 in Philly
What was the reason the Continental Congress was formed
To protest the Intolerable Acts
What was accomplished at the First Continental Congress
All colonies expect Georgia sent delegates, they listed a statement of grievences and asked Parliment to repeal the 13 Acts. They stopped trade with Britian. They called colonies to form militia. They agreed to meet again in May 1775
What led to important events which occurred in Lexington and Concord.
General Thomas Gage learned of a major supply depot for the colonial militia in Concord MA.
On April 18, Lt Col Francis Smith received secret orders to lead 700 British soldiers to Concord to destroy the depot.
What was the midnight ride?
at midnight, Paul Revere and William Daws and Dr. Samuel Prescott headed to Concord to alert the colonists of the advancing troops. Revere alerted Sam Adams and John Hancock in Lexington. Rever was captured. Daws had to turn back and Prescott continued to Concord.
What happened in Lexington?
70 armed militia were waiting for the British troops under Cptn John Parker. After repeated commands by the British officials, a shot was fired. In the skirmish, 8 Americans died and 10 were wounded. Smith reformed his mena nd moved on to Concord.
What was the "Shot Heard Around the World"
The shot fired in Concord
What was done in the depot in Concord?
The colonists destroyed or hid supplies. When the British arrived the destroyed gun carriages, liberty pole and other supplies.
What happened at Concord's North Bridge?
American troops attacked British troops. Cptn Issac Davis was the first American to be killed
What happened when the British retreated back to Boston
They encountered assaults from all sides. Attacks continued back in Boston. A total of over 250 British were killed or wounded
What happened at the Second Continental Congress?
In May 1775, John Adams proposed a Continental Army be formed. George Washington was unanimously elected as commander of the troops.
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
A committee was chosen to write it including Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston.
When was the Declaration of Independence approved and how many parts did it have
July 4, 1776 and consisted of 4 parts: The Preamble, Natural Rights, A List of Grievances and A Resolution of Independence