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58 Cards in this Set

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What is a gauge?
The width of the train tracks
What is a network?
A system of railroad tracks
What is consolidate?
To combine
What is a pool?
Several railroad companies agree to divide buisness in an area
Who is Cornelius Vanderbilt?
He bought railroad lines and forced small buisness to sell the buisness to himself.
What is the Bessemer process?
It enabled steel workers to produce steel at a lower cost
What is Vertical Intergration?
Gaining control of all the steps to make a finished good.
What is a trust?
A trust is a group of corporations runned by a single board of directors
What is a Monopoly?
A monopoly is a buisness that controls everything in that one section of goods.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
He was a wealthy steel baron and philanthropist
Who is John Rockefeller?
He owned a monopoly in the Oil buisness. He owned many oil refinerers
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
He was a great inventor who invented the first phone
Who were the Knights of Labor?
They were a large and organized Labor union. Demanded 8 hour work day.
Who were the AFL?
American Federation of labor
A labor union...
Who were the ILGWU?
International Ladies Garmet Wearer Union

First Union that was strictly female workers
What were push factors for immigrants?
Religious and political percecution
What were pull factors for Immigrants
Family members in America
"Streets Paved with Gold"
What were settlement Houses?
Houses that were made to help the poor and homeless
Tenements, what were those?
They were small apartments, usually no heat, bathrooms, or windows
What were Building Codes?
Standards for construction and safety
Social Gospel?
A call to help the poor and homeless

What is the Hull House?
A settlement house started by James Addams

Very large
What is a vaudeville?
A show that included comedians, song-and-dance, and acrobats
What is ragtag?
A new kind of music with lively, rhtymic sound
What is compulsory education?
Laws that required children to attend school
What is a parochial?
A church sponsored school
What is the Chautauqua Society?
A bible-based Society that lecutred on religion
What was Yellow Journalism?
A sensational reporting style
What were Dime Novels?
Low-priced paperback books
Who were realists?
People that tride to show the harsh side of life as it was
What was Local Color?
The speech and habits of a certain region.
What was the Spoils System?
A practice of rewarding political supporters with political jobs
What is patronage?
Giving Jobs to followers. usually in politics
What were jobs based on after the Spoils System ended?
What was the Pendleton Act?
An act the started the Civil Service Commission

CSC made it so all federal jobs except elected offices and military jobs were filled in based on merit.
What were Civil Service Exams?
Tests that decided how high a persons merit was.
What was the Interstate Commerce Act?
An act that added the Interstate Commerce Commission which oversaw railroads
What was the Sherman Antitrust Act?
An act that proghibited businesses from trying to limit or destroy competition
Who were Political Bosses?
Powerful politicians
Who was Ida Tarbell?

Targeted unfair practices of big business
Who was Upton Sinclair?

Wrote The Jungle which talked about the meatpacking industry
Who was Lincoln Steffens?
What was public intrest?
People who wanted the best for the people
Who was Thomas Nast?
He wrote famous political cartoons
What was the Wisconsin Idea?
Started by La Follette

Lowered railroad rates
What is a primary?
An election where voters choose their party's candidate for the general election.
What is an Initiative?
IT gave voters the right to put a bill into government..possibly
What is a referendum?
Allowed voters to vote a bill into law
What is a recall?
Allowed voters to remove an elected bill
What was the 16th Amendment?
STarted a graduated income tax
What was the 17th Amendment?
Started direct ellection of senators
What was the 18th Amendment?
Prohibited sale/ manufacturing of alchohol

Was repealed
What was the 19th Amendment?
Gave women the right to vote.
What were Barrios?
Communities made up of Mexican Americans
Describe Theodore Roosevelt
Was a reformer
Trustbuster of bad trusts
1906- Pure food and drug act
DEscribe Taft
Raised the Protective Tarrif
Ensured max 8 hour work days
Describe Wilson
Won ellection after Rep. party's vote was split
Established FTC
What was the bull Moose Party?
A party established by Roosevelt