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47 Cards in this Set

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name first three presidents in order

1. George Washington

2. John Adams

3. Thomas Jefferson

name 5 rights of the first ammendment

freedom of: religion, speech, petition, assembly,press

4 cabinet positions and their holders during Washington's presidency

Secretary of

State: Jefferson War: Knox

Treasury: Hamilton

Justice: (Attorney General) Randolph

Washington's VP

John Adams

Who dealt with the conflict between France and Britain

Genet (don't know anything else about it, sorry)

What was the issue of Impressment

The British would capture American sailors and force them to join the British navy

the formal beginning of a presidents term

inaugural address

Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court during Washington's presidency

John Jay

What other office did John Jay hold?

The Ambassador to Great Britain (so he wasn't in the country very often)

who was the Chief Justice under John Adams?

John Marshall

tell about the Midnight Judges

these men were sent their letters making them members of the supreme court right before Adams left office, (like talk about procrastination Adams.....)

what did the South get in the compromise?

the capitol of the nation would be moved to the south (i.e. from New York to now Washington D.C.)

Who wrote the Virginia document (I think is was the Virginia Compromise but not sure)

James Madison

Who wrote the Kentucky document

Thomas Jefferson

What did Madison and Jefferson support

Ratification and Nullification ( states have the ability to deny federal law)

4 parts of Adams banking plan

1. Tariff (import tax, didn't get passed)

2.Whiskey Tax

3. Assumption of state debt

4. National Bank

2 political parties

Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans

4 things Washington warns against in his last speech (5th for extra credit)

1. Alliances with Europe

2. National Debt

3. Political Parties

4. Abandon the Christian faith (go George!)

5. Sectionalism between the states

state the difference between Strict and Loose Constructionalists

Strict- State hold onto their rights

Loose- strong national government and powerful economy

Jefferson's VP

Aaron Burr (sneaky little bugger tried to become president too!)

What was the XYZ affair?

French promised a bribe to 3 men and to take out a really big loan (don't ask me anything else, I don't understand it )

Quasi War

the French started attacking American ships but the US didn't really have a navy since the American Revolution, so Congress had to approve buying new ships and changing them into war ships to protect American merchant ships

what is a confederacy

a loose association of states

what does it mean to ratify

to pass

what were the Northwest Ordinances

settlement divisions

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

described what it took to become a state

how many people to become a territory


how many to become a state


Congress didn't have to power to levy what?


what was the famous quote Britain asked of the US

whether they were thirteen countries or one

What was the Virginia Plan and what did it mean

Large State Plan- based on population (remember this Juniors, its on like every one of your tests next year ;)

what was the New Jersey Plan and what did it mean

Small State Plan- based on statehood

What another name for the Great Compromise and who is responsible for it

The Connecticut Compromise- Roger Sherman

What did Daniel Shays do?

began the farmer rebellion ( you know those farmers...look out)

Tell me literally everything about Alexander Hamilton

-wrote the federalist papers (oh joy)

-was the Secretary of the Treasury

-on our lovely $10 bill

who is known as the Father of the Constitution

James Madison

who was the chairman of the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington (he did like everything I guess)

Who was the oldest delegate to the Constitutional Convention

Ben Franklin

who was the European Philosopher and what did he believe

Montesquieu- separation of state powers from national powers

how old and for how long can one serve on the House of Reps

25 years old, 2 year terms


30 years old, 6 year term


35 years old, 4 year term

Supreme Court

no term limit, probably for life unless removed from office

what is the biblical relationship and reason for limited government

man's sinful nature (give sinful men to much power and they are sure to screw it up)

What is the House of Reps based on?


what is senate based on


how is the president elected

Electoral College