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139 Cards in this Set

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Name one thing that Andrew Jackson did before he became president that no other president did or experienced.
He fought in both the REv. War and the War of 1812
What was the name Andrew Jackson's wife?
Andrew Jackson's estate/home in Nashville, Tennessee was named?
The Hermitage
Name two of Andrew Jackson's three biggest political rivals.
John Calhoun, Henry Clay
Why did Andrew Jackson not win the presidential election of 1824 even though he had the most popular and electoral votes?
Corupt Bargain
What happened to Andrew Jackson's wife after he was elected president and before he was inaugurated in MArch of 1829?
She died
Give one reason why Andrew Jackson hated the British?
He just didn't like them
In what years did Andrew Jackson win a mojority of the popular vote in a presidential election?
What state was Andrew Jackson from?
Jackson was a member of what political party?
In 1828; before jackson's election (to the presidency), Congress enacted an extremely high tariff, which was opposed by what section of the country?
What southern state specfically said they would not pay the tariff?
South Carolina
Who wrote The South Carolina Exposition and Protest?
John C. Calhoun
Over what issue did Jackson dismiss most of his cabinet in 1832?
Because the wives of Jackson's cabinet refused to speak or socialize with Peggy O'Neill Timberlake Eaton.
In the Presidnetial Election of 1832 Andrew Jackson replaced his vice-president; John Calhoun with who?
Van Buren of New York
By 1832 supporters of Andrew Jackson began calling themselves?
The opponents of Andrew Jackson formulated the what party?
What happened to Andrew Jackson in 1835, another presidential first?
Who does Andrew Jackson choose in 1836 as his hand picked successor?
Martin Van Buren
What political party won the presidency in 1840?
The Whigs
A key figure in American politics during the first half of the 1800s. Solved one crisis after another through compromises that helped avoid civil war (until 1861)
Henry Clay
From Kentucky
Henry Clay
From Massachussets
Daniel WEbster
Vocal supporter of American Nationalism and above all the U.S. as one nation
Daniel WEbster
From South Carolina
John C. Calhoun
A champion of southern rights and nullification
John C. Calhoun
1811- House of Rep's
Henry Clay
1827- House of Rep's
Daniel Webster
1811- Elected to House of Rep's; leader of the War Hawks in the dispute with England
John C. Calhoun
1815- Introduces economic plan known as the American System; designed to unite north, south, and west (economically)
Henry Clay
1827- Elected United States senator
Daniel WEbster
1820- Missouri Compromise
Henry Clay
1824- Worked out a "corrupt bargain" to deny Andrew Jackson the presidency. Later appointed Sec. of State by John Quincy Adams.
Henry Clay
1831- U.S. Senator
Henry Clay
1833- Compromise Tariff settled "nullification" crisis with South Carolina
Henry Clay
1840- Led opposition forces against Andrew Jackson resulting in the formation of the Whigs
Henry Clay
1844- Defeated by James Polk for the presidency
Henry Clay
1849- Returns to United States Senate
Henry Clay
1850- Puts together the Compromise of 1850
Henry Clay
1828- With the death of the federalist Party he joinsDemocratic- Republicans; promotes a HIGH tariff; angering southerners; provoking the "nullification" crisis
Daniel Webster
1817- Appointed Sec. of War by President James Monroe
John C. Calhoun
1824- Serves as John Quincy Adams' Vice- president; begins transformation as a supporter of nullification
John C. Calhoun
1830- Webster-Hayne debate over states rights and the tariff issue; defends the union as one and inseparable
Daniel Webster
1833- Joins forces with President Andrew Jackson to suppress South Carolina's efforts to "nullify" the federal tariff
Daniel Webster
1828- Serves as Andrew Jackson's Vice-President (one term)
John C. Calhoun
1828- Authors the South Carolina Exposition and protest; asserting that a state had the right to "nullify" (veto) a federal law it deemed to be unconstitutional
John C. Calhoun
1841- Appinted Secretary of State by President John Tyler
Daniel Webster
1832- Resigns Vice-Presidency
John C. Calhoun
1842- Webster- Ashburton Treaty settles border dispute between Maine and Canada
Daniel WEbster
1845- Apposes Texas annexation and war with Mexico
Daniel Webster
1842- Elected to the U.S. senate
John C. Calhoun
1850- Appointed Sec. of state and supports Compromise of 1850
Daniel WEbster
1844- Serves as John Tyler's Sec. of State; helps engineer the annexation of Texas
John C. Calhoun
1850- Opposes the Compromise of 1850 but dies in March
John C. Calhoun
1852- Calhoun is followed in death by both Clay and Webster (1852)
John C. Calhoun
When he came ot Washington, he was grieving over the recent death of his wife Rachel.
Andrew Jackson
He was known for his height, shock of white hair, temper, and devotino to his deceased wife
Andrew Jackson
While in office, Jackson was celebrated as the man of what?
A man of the people
Andrew Jackson was a military war hero of what war?
The war of 1812
What did Jackson add to the white house in 1833?
Running water
When did Jacksons Mother and both brothers die?
During the American Rev.
Who was also a prisoner of war?
Andrew Jackson
Where was Andrew Jackson from?
Who killed Charles Dickinson in a duel?
Andrew Jackson
Who achieved National Fame as the hero of the Battle of New Orleans?
Andrew Jackson
Who was the Territorial govenor of Florida?
Andrew Jackson
He lost to John Quincy Adams in the disputed election of 1824
Andrew JAckson
Became the nation's first "Log Cabin" president of 1828
Andrew Jackson
Who did Jackson believed helped cheat him out of the presidency in 1824? What job title did he have?
Henry Clay; Speaker of the House
Who oftened allied with Jackson, but was after all a northerner?
Daniel Webster
Who fell out of grace (vp) over the South Carolina nullification crisis
John C. Calhoun
Who was the 6th president of the US
John Quincy Adams
Where was John Quincy Adams from?
Whose presidency was overshadowed by the corrupt bargain which resulted in Henry Clay's appointment as Secretary of state
John Quincy Adams
The people; rural in fact, will govern America
Thomas Jefferson
In 1828 about how many eligible voters voted?
In 1840 about how many elgible voters voted?
What was the significan of this?
one-half; three-quarters
With property and religious requirements eliminated democracy expanded
How many government employees did Jackson fire, and for what reason?
What's the significan of this?
one-fifth, because they opposed the election of 1828
He continues the practice of reqrding loyal supporters through patronage
Defying the Supremem Courty Justice John Marshall, Jackson ordered the Indians to do what?
Be removed west of the Mississippi River
What was the significance of of the Indian Removal?
A president defies the Supreme Courtl thousands of Native Americans are uprooted and moved west.
In 1828 before Jackson's election, What did Congress enact?
An extremely high protective tariff
What did the Southern planters hate?
The Tariff of Abominations
What did the Cotton growers believe about the Protective tariffs?
That their crop was paying the country's bills and underwriting industrial development in the North
In the South Carolina Exposition and Protest, what did John CAlhoun propose?
That states have the right to nullify a law and secede if forced to
What was the significance of the South Carolina Exposition and Protest?
South Carolina state legislature backs down and agrees to a modified tariff
Who was Peggy O'Neill dating
Secretary of War, John Eaton
What did Jackson do when the wives of Jacksons cabinet refused to speak or socialize with Peggy O'Neill Timberlake?
He fired his entire cabinet and VP John Calhoun
Who ingratiated himself to Jackson by taking sides in the affair. O'Neill?
Widower MArtin Van Buren
Who replaced John Calhoun as Jackson's running mate in 1832?
Martin Van Buren
What was signifance about Jackson vetoing the re-chartering of the National bank adn gaining popularity?
Henry Clay is soundl defeated by Jackson in 1832 and the Bank of US was dead
Who bonded by a dislike for Jackson, but still a diverse group?
The Whigs
Who would win presidential elections in 1840 and 1848; then replaced by the republican party?
The whigs
Who debated Robert Hayne(SC) in 1830 over union and nullification?
Daniel Webster
He championed the constitutional cause of union state, Liberty and Union
Daniel Webster
Jackson's popularity propels his VP Martin Van Buren to the White House?
What was the significance of this?
Jackson's financial policies brings on the Panic of 1837 and the election of a whig in 1840
In the election of 1840, the whigs nominate and elect War of 1812 hero?
William Henry Harrison
What happened with Harrison being nominated by the Whigs?
He dies after one month in office
What was the first VP to become president and where was he from?
Tyler, Virginia
What kind of president was Tyler?
A sectional and unpopular president, and is dropped by the Whigs in 1844
The 1840s was known as the what?
The Age of Expansionism
In the 1830s and 40s, the westward movement of population left the valley of the Mississippi River what?
Behind and penetrated the Far West all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
What did the Pioneers do?
Perused fertile land and economic opportunity beyond the existing boundaries of the US and thus helped set the stage for the annexations and international crisis of the 1840s.
Why did the Pioneers perused fertile land and economic opportunity beyond the existing boundaries of the US?
Some went for material gain, others went for adventur and a significant minority sought freedom from religious persecution.
The Pioneers brought American attitudes into regions that were already occupied or claimed by who?
Mexico and Great Britain
Who was a daydreaming, part-time treasure hunter who, on conutryside ramble when he was 20
Joseph Smith
Who did Joseph Smith meet and what was shown to him?
An angel named Moroni, and he showed him gold plates
Joseph Smith found the what?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
What was the Idea of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
The idea that Christ had visited America and other beliefs polygamy upset people who cameinto contact with followers
By 1837 what happened to the Mormons?
They were forced out of one settlement after another
What happened to Smith in 1844?
He was murdered by a mob at Carthage, Illinois Near Nauvoo
Who is Smith replaced with?
Brigham Young who moved the group westward to
What was Joseph Smith known as?
The Mormon Moses
Where did Brigham Young lead the Mormons to?
Utah's Salt Lake Valley in 1847
What was Mormon impact on the West?
A large settlement is erected at Salt Lake City Utah, 62% of the Utah population is Mormon
What did Mexico do in 1829?
They abolished slavery; Americans in Texas would have to comply
What was the signficance of Mexico abolishing slavery?
Americans rebel and move toward Texan independance from Mexico
When the war for Texas independence breaks out(1836) ; who is president of the US?
Andrew Jackson
Who seized power in 1833, seeking to enforce Mexican culture (catholicism and no slavery) in Texas
General Antonio de Santa Anna
What did Texans do when General Antonio de Santa Anna seized power?
The rebelled, delcared independence and appealed for help from anyone
Who represented Tennessee in the In the US house of Reps, served in the Texas Rev. and died at the Battle of the Alamo?
Davy Crockett
Who arrived at the Alamo mission on JAn 19, with orders to destroy the complex? What happened?
Jim Bowie, instead he became the Garrison's co-commander
The Alamo commander who was likely one of the first defenders to die?
William B. Travis
In 1836, General Santa Anna leads a force of what into Texas?
Who was Santa Anna's first target?
The Alamo located in San Antonio
After ten days, what does the Alamo do?
Falls with all defenders killed or executed
What was signifance of the defenders being killed or executed in the Alamo?
They sacraficed their lives the defenders of the Alamo buy time for General Sam Houston to raise an army.
What happens during the Battle of San Jacinto?
Mexican forces are routed by Sam Houston, Santa Anna is captured, agrees to Texas Independence
What was significant about the Battle of San JAcinto?
In Oct. of 1836 Sam Houston is inagurated as the president of the republic of Texas
Who led Texas in its fight to for independece from Mexico?
Sam Houston
Who was the first president of the Republice of Texas Annexation of Texas to US?
Sam Houston
What is the Texas Debate
In 1843 Sec. of State John C. Calhoun informed congress tht it was time to annex Texas
What was significant about the Texas Debate?
opposed by the North, Texas becomes the issue in the presidential election of 1844
Who was the 11th president?
James Polk?
Where was James Polk from?
What did Polks policy in Texas lead to?
Expansionistic war against Mexico
What did Mexican cession ignite?
the slavery issue in both the North and the South
After the two year war Mexico is defeated by who?
The US
What was significant about the War with Mexico?
The US obtains the Mexican Cession, plus Texas
What did the Treaty of Guadalup Hidalgo do?
Gave the US the southwestern portion of today's continental US.
What was significant about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
North and South debate over the extension of slavey intensifies.