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65 Cards in this Set

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What are the causes of the Great War (WWI)?

imperialism, militarism, nationalism, alliances, assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

-assassinated by a Serbian in 1914 and his murder was one of the causes of WWI.

Central Powers

a military alliance between:




-ottoman empire

Allied Powers

a military alliance between:

-great britian

-soviet union

-united states


Woodrow Wilson said this during WWI

"the world must be made safe for democracy"

Lusitania Crisis

-(may 7, 1914) torpedoing and sinking of a British passenger liner

How did Woodrow Wilson respond to the Lusitania Crisis?

by sending a "strict accountability" message to Germany

What did WBJ do after Woodrow Wilson's response to the Lusitania Crisis?

he resigned as Secretary of State

Sussex Pledge

germans would not sink merchant and passenger (non-military) vessels

What did Woodrow Wilson say apart of the Sussex Pledge?

"any little... (u-boat) commander can put us into war at any time by some calculated outrage"

What was the Sussex Pledge violated with?

the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

"Lions led by donkeys"

a phrase popularly used to describe the british infantry of WWI and to blame the generals who led them

What does "lions led by donkeys" mean exactly?

the brave soldiers (lions) were sent to their deaths by incompetent and indifferent leaders (donkeys)

Zimmerman Telegram

(march 1917) stated that mexico should attack the US if the US goes to war with germany

Why did Germany need Mexico to go to war with the US in the Zimmerman Telegram?

because they needed that advantage due to mexico's proximity to the US

What would Germany do in return for Mexico in the Zimmerman Telegram?

germany would give back texas, new mexico, and arizona

Versailles Treaty

the compromise after WWI, that settled land and freedom disputes

What did the Versailles Treaty do?

ended the state of war between germany and the allied powers

What did Germany have to do in the Versailles Treaty?

had to take full blame for WWI, in order for the treaty to pass, among other things

Why did the US Senate reject the Versailles Treaty?

because of the objections to the league of nations; the US would never ratify the treaty or join the league of nations

Sacco-Vanzetti Case

Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian immigrants chargers with murdering a guard and robbing a shoe factory in Braintree, Massachusetts

How long did the Sacco-Vanzetti Case last?

from 1920-1927 (7 years)

What were Sacco and Vanzetti convicted on?

circumstantial evidence

What did many believe about the Sacco-Vanzetti Case?

that they had been framed for the crime because of their anarchist and pro-union activities

Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

a secret organization that used terrorist tactics in an attempt to restore white supremacy in southern states after the civil war

Who started the Ku Klux Klan?

Nathan Bedford Forrest

Installment Plan

an arrangment in which a purchaser pays over an extended time, without having to putdown much money at the time of purchase

Planned Obsolescence

the designing of products to wear out or to become outdated quickly, so that people will feel a need to replace their possessions frequently

Liberty of Contract Doctrine

freedom of employers and workers to negotiate the employment contract, including wages, hours, duties, and conditions with government interference

Teapot Dome Scandal

scandal during the harding administration involving the granting of oil-drilling rights on government land in return for money

Scopes Trial

(1925) tennessee trial where teacher, John Scopes, was charged with teaching evolution

Who was John Scopes defense?


Who was John Scopes prosecutor?


What did John Scopes demonstrate?

religious fundamentalists vs modernism


(1816-1824) a period of history referring to the presidency of james monroe, where the bitter rivalry between the federalists and republicans dissolved and the nation glowed with post-war triumph from the was of 1812

1921 Budget and Accounting Act

requires the president to submit an annual budget

What did the 1921 Budget and Accounting Act create?

the office of management and budget


a system in which society, in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production


shanty towns that the unemployment built in the cities during the early years of the depression

What does the name "Hoovervilles" show?

that the people blamed Hoover directly for the depression

Who believed politically responsible for the Great Depression?


What are 6 causes for the Great Depression?

-loose monetary policy (easy money)

-less restrictive fiscal policy (tax policy)

-fraud in the stock market (stock price manipulation)

-margin buying of stocks (not paying cash for the stock you buy, putting down payment on it)

-weak banking system (poorly regulated)

-inequitable income distribution (too many people at top making double the money; not equal)

Buying Stocks on Margin

purchasing stocks (a portion of a company) on credit, hoping the price will rise and the stock can be sold for a profit before the loan comes due

"Beggar-thy-neighbor" Trade Policies

economic policy through which one country attempts to remedy its economic problems by means that tend to worsen the economic problems of other countries

What was a major reason why the Great Depression lasted as long as it did?

because of the "beggar-thy-neighbor" trade policies

The Dust Bowl

(1930s) "dirty thirties" midwest environmental disaster that was caused by overproduction, bad farming techniques, and drought

Where did the Dust Bowl occur?

in the great plains, kansas, colorado, oklahoma, texas, new mexico, and nebraska

What happened to the great plains in the Dust Bowl?

struck by a massive drought, top soil was blown away, and wheat became unable to grow, unable to farm, and many went west to work elsewhere

What are 3 international reactions to the Great Depression?

-military dictatorships

-fascism and militarism


German Hyper-Inflation

too much money that they didn't know what to do with

How much does 1 pound of bread cost within the German Hyper-Inflation?

3 billion marks

1 pound of meat=

36 billion marks


4 billion marks

"Bold and Persistent Experimentation"

Roosevelt did not know what admin would do to solve the depression, but he was willing to experiment

The New Deal

(1933-1937) government sponsored programs implemented by president roosevelt to revitalize the economy and alleviate poverty and despair caused by the great depression

What caused the US to enter WWI?

Lusitania Crisis

How many americans died in the Lusitania Crisis?

128 americans

Name of archduke ferdinand's wife?


Where did archduke's assassination occur?


Why did archduke get assassinated?

because he declared war against serbia

President during WWI

woodrow wilson

President during WWII


which was is the great war?


Wilson threatened to break diplomatic relations because of the event dealing with the ____?

Sussex Pledge

What did WWI end with?

the treaty of versailles