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78 Cards in this Set

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new deal was
RELIEF for the poor
RECOVERY of the economy
REFORM of the government
who proposed the new deal?
good war was also known as
WWII accomplished...
Got us out of the Great Depression almost overnight
Good vs. Evil – to win the war was to preserve what America was about
Cold war did what?
rooted the civil war
containment is...
The main theme of the cold war. Contain communism, keep it from spreading any further…starting with the TRUMAN DOCTRINE, then MARSHALL PLAN then NATO
Truman doctorine contained
Contained communism through military aid
marshall plan
Financial assistance to Western Europe
Billions upon billions given to countries like France, Luxemburg, Holland, Denmark
Goes toward the economic side of the war. Communist countries don’t trade with the US… we needed some loyal countries so we gave them money to get them to trade with us and not become communism
Make sure communism doesn’t even become an option
who wrote the other america?
Michael Harrington
what was the other america about?
Those that were left behind: poverty stricken, underclassed, underprivileged, minority groups.
This book will push the for the government to get involved with social programs and helping these underclassmen
what was the restrictment covenant?
could buy a house for 11500 as long as you swore to never rent or sell to a black
population migration of the 1950s
people wanted to move form the city to the suburbs
need improved roads
higher developed transportation system
need better housing
interstate highway system
Cost $2 billion in it’s first wave of getting up and going. Needed a faster way to get between the states and Route 66 wasn’t fast enough. We created a grid. Those heading east and west were numbered: 90, 80, 70, 10 and those running north and south were: 5, 15, 35, 45, 95. This was to help keep the military mobile….Cold War again.
where were the people moving inthe poputlation migreation of the 1950's?
From the North East to the SunBelt
why were they moving in the migration of the 1950's?
hey are moving because of things like, weather, crime and crowded cities. But the biggest pull to the SunBelt was the availability of jobs.
Defense jobs in California – working in the factories that created weapons
NASA jobs in Texas and Florida – spending money to ‘one-up’ Russia since they put a satellite up, we would go to the moon and spend booko bucks doing it
affluent 50's
people still had jobs as either military or in the factories that manufactured the weapons needed which kept our economy strong
Low inflation
Global markets – US is the world leader in the market because of WWII
megaoploies ie johnson and johnson
what was the red scare?
Communism was spreading and in the economic turmoil it was looking like a good idea...fear of communism
what is navatism?
Social reaction to the recession – the feeling that America belongs to the White Anglo Saxon Protestants and everyone else needs to get out
what two groups were not given an immigration quota?
mexicans and chinese
what was marketing>
tells the publis what was for sale and make them believe that they could have it
the economy of the 1920's
the economy leveled off
the economy of the 1920's
to 1927 was bigger thatn ever in 1927 it leveled off equalibrium...caused probs when people no longer buying durable goods overplus products
buying stocks with margin..?
buying stocks with credit 10% down 90% loan
what helped the economy of the 1920?
durable goods...last 3-5 yearsie washing machine...
recession of 1921-22
Unemployment was at 10%
All the soldiers coming back were given a pat on the back and that’s it…not GI bill
In a ‘strong’ economic situation unemployment is at 4%
what is a durable good
a product last 3-5 years ie washing machine
consumer confidence...
if the people thinkk that the economy is bad they wornt buy
the stock market crashed because...
the economy was built on credit.
what was black thursday
when the stock market crashed..one bussiness bought out stock and they all followed
what was black tuesday?
when the stocks went to zero...80 billion lost in the two black days
what started the great depression?
the stock market crash
how long was the great depression
10 years
what was the unemployment percentage during the great depression
what did hoover believe about the economy during the great depression
that it would fix itself..did nothing
what was hooverville
little vllages that the people had to move into when they lost their homes
what did america think about hoover
they hated him, thought he was unsympathetic
what does the federal reserve do in the great depression
Raises interest rates
Lower the money supply
Thinking this would help the economy, it does the opposite
what is a bank holiday?
for 8 days there were no banks.
what is the rfc?
reconstruction, finance, corporation, money to top bussiness trickle down affect
who made the rfc?
hoover because it was election year
what was FDR plan for the banks.
he only let the banks that were stable open back up
what is the fdic
protection for checking accounts people put their money back in the banks because of this
what did FDR do about the industry?
what was the NRA?
national recovery admiistration..price fixing and production quotas
what did fdr do about the agriculture
who was the hardest hit by the great deression
what was the AAA
agreiculture adjustment administration, price fixing, and production quota
what did FDR do about unemployment
What was the CCC
civilain conservation courps...unimportant work but it gave them value and money
what is tva?
gave men in tennesse jobs at powerplants, still around
what did the supreme court find unconstutuional?
NRA and shut it down
what were FDR critics
supreme court, Traitor to his class
Called him a communist
Not enoughers – He didn’t do enough
Huey Long – challenger to the presidency, governor of Louisiana. Brought LA almost out of the depression
WPA – Work Progress Administration
public works administration?
Public Works Administration – funded artists since no one else was buying it
CWA: Civil Works Administration: build buildings and houses
who legalized beer>
FDR probably the best thing
what did wwII do?
Got us out of the Great Depression almost overnight
Good vs. Evil – to win the war was to preserve what America was about
what is the cause of WWII?
WWI treaty of versiallias
what caused the rise of germany?
because germany was impoverised after they had to reparations to england and france. amercica gave money to their economy
germany was made to apologize for starting the war..humliated them
hese two things were what Hitler used to sell his ideas to Germany: restore the economy and national pride
what does hitler do to help the economy?
Resources: steals from France
Military: to build the economy, so he says
German Speakers: reunite the German speakers in the same areas that he was taking resources, then added Austria and Sudetenland (outer ring of Czech) Just start taking land
‘Living Space’ – expanding into space they need…which happened to be mostly populated by what Hitler called ‘undesirables’ – Jews, Slavs, Gypsies were the top 3
why was pearl harbor bombed?
Japan hit Beijing in 1937, took out the capital city and Japan is now the new leader of China
This upset the US because we wanted China’s resources for ourselves.
US put in place economic sanctions to punish Japan
Freezing assets – prevented Japan from touching any of their assets or money in our banks
Trade restrictions on Japan
Stopped shipping oil – most important one. We were supplying Japan with 80% of their oil. Japan’s military shut down without our oil.
what was the truman doctorine
It stated that the U.S. would support the bosnia and turkey corruption economically and militarily to prevent their falling under Soviet control.
Brown vs board
segregated schools are under fire.
truman on civil rights
Fair deal: civil rights emphasis, his extension of Roosevelt’s New Deal
Desegregate the military
eisenhower civil rights
States responsibility to push civil rights….the federal government has to stay out
Cold war
Hydrogen bombs
Issues in the pacific
kennedy civil rights
Barely made it in to the Presidency in the voting.

He also took the stance that it was up to the States to enforce civil rights
Issues with Cuba
Issues with Soviet union
Issues with Vietnam
johnson civil rights
He knew how to push the right button to manipulate the right people to vote how he wanted them to.

Civil Rights Act of 1964
Voting Rights Act of 1965
These are the two major victories of Civil Rights, the government finally got involved
The language is the same as the amendments previously to the constitution, except that these will have bite
They threatened the states if they didn’t comply
Johnson said: Their problem has become our problem and WE SHALL OVERCOME.
great society
Johnson’s domestic agenda
Mostly a reaction to The Other America
Medicare and Medicaid were introduced as well as food stamps
Welfare based income
Emphasis on the arts and humanities: National Endowment for the Arts “ “ Humanities. NEA and NEH
Critics will say that this is to distract us from the nightmare in Vietnam
civil rights act
outlawed racial segregation in schools, public places, and employment.
cold war was
was the state of conflict, tension and competition that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies from the mid-1940s to the early 1990s. Throughout this period, rivalry between the two superpowers was expressed through military coalitions, propaganda, espionage, weapons development, industrial advances, and competitive technological development,
korean war
period of military conflict between north and south korea..was the state of conflict, tension and competition that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies from the mid-1940s to the early 1990s. Throughout this period, rivalry between the two superpowers was expressed through military coalitions, propaganda, espionage, weapons development, industrial advances, and competitive technological development,
the vietnam war
he war was fought between the communist North Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States and others
he United States entered the war to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam
what is impealism
the system of building foreign empires for military and trade advantages
spanish american war
an armed military conflict between Spain and the United States that took place between April and August 1898, over the issues of the liberation of Cuba.
what did the treaty of versiallias do?
ended ww1
what was the economy like in ww1?
we went into the recession
what was invented in ww1?
machine guns, planes, grenades, communication decices, tanks
what was the start of ww2?
invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany and of the Republic of China by the Empire of Japan.