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93 Cards in this Set

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Who was fighting in the French and Indian war? (1754-1763)

France and Britain were fighting along with their allies.

Where was the French and Indian war fought?

North America.

Colonial Warfare was much different than European Warfare in what ways?

European got men and mass in big ranks and everyone had to stay together and fire at the same thing at the same time (usually in fields) while colonial would make their people wait in the woods and set traps... North Americans would hide behind trees and sniper people.. Once they knew they were going to win, they would drop their guns and attack with hands.

What was at stake and eventually lost in the Great War for Empire?

The Empire.

Where was the Seven Year War fought and when?

Europe, 1756-1763.

What was the Great War for Empire?

The 4th and last was between France and Britain in the New World.

Where were the areas of conflict?

New England, Ohio, and the Great Lakes.

What were the issues of conflict that they were fighting for?

Lumber, land, fishing, and fur.

What was the French colonial motive?

French were worried about the English taking their land.

What kind of military system does the French have?

Hierarchical (Merit based)

What's different about the English and British military?

They can buy their ranks.

French Colonists:

-The males had a rifle to own and carry it on them everyday.

-They had better armies, larger #'s of Native Americans join them.

-They had better weapons.

Fort Duquesne (Modern day Pittsburgh)

Also called the "hinge of the door".. You destroy it, the whole thing falls apart.

Problem of Fort Duquesne

It's quakerland and Quakers don't fight.

What's special about the British navy?

It's the largest and a big threat to the French. They also get their supplies quicker.

What was the American Response (Washington's Invasion)?

Washington decided that they would do a surprise attack on the French. It was lead by George Washington at Fort Duquesne.

What happened when American's arrived?

The French and Indians were waiting and surprised us instead. We built Fort Necessity to help quickly because they attacked. Then they also attacked Fort Necessity.

What did the French agree to do to help us?

They said they would let the American's go if Washington would sign an agreement to never attack the French again so he did.

What happened next?...

Dinwiddie (governor of Virginia) writes a letter to the king of England saying that the French was aggressive. Shirley (governor of Massachusetts) also writes the same.

What was the 13 American colonies military system called?

Militia: meaning 13 different leaders, 13 different governors, and 13 different armies.

What was the Albany plan?

To get the colonies together and form a union that would all help each other in war. This failed because they were already part of a union (the British union) This union questions the king and the empire.

What was Boscawen's failure?

The British would sail into the middle of the Atlantic ocean and stop all French ships. He started this in 1755, and a year later he finds out that the French knew about it all along and avoided his area.

What was Braddock's defeat?

Braddock was the highest ranked officer. He brings a bunch of soldiers to Virginia and then travels to Fort Duquense with George Washington and soldiers. French and Indians slaughter them. Braddock and 900 other British men are killed.

French Successes (1756-1757)

-In 1756, Oswego (British fort) was captured by the French.

-In 1757, they captured Fort William Henry which was also a British fort.

William Pitt (Secretary of state)

Starts Pitts gamble- Moving armies from England to North America.

What are Purussians?

Germans. They are the best army in Europe but they're small and are poor. William Pitt offers to pay the whole cost of war if they will fight France; So they agree. The war last 7 years. British must pay.

1758- The tide turns

Montreal's (the capital of Canada) general James Abercrombie attacks the heart of New France and successes.


Located at the mouth of the Saint Lawrence River. Their general is Jeffery Amhurst.

What happens in 1758 with Boscawan?

He finally succeeds in stopping French supply.

What does general Forbes do?

He captures Fort Duquesne.

What happens in 1759?

Amhurst captures Quebec. On the way to Quebec he captures Fort Niagara.

Who was Wolfe?

French General.

Plains of Abraham

The French were told to stay in their forts. The French and British go to war and the French lose.

In 1760, what happens?

Montreal surrenders to the British. The British are given an agreement: 1. Island of Guadeloupe or 2. Canada. The British pick Canada because ALL of New France is included.

French and Indian War was a direct cause for the Revolution.

In 1763, the Treaty of Paris is signed.

England will get all of New France.

4 points of significance:

1. The British have less respect.

2. American's don't need the British

3. British are more arrogant

4. British are broke

The proclamation of 1763

English colonists can't move over the Appalachian Mountains. This would cause conflict with the natives.

In 1763, George Greenville (secretary of commerce) starts the Greenville program.

This ends salutary neglect- letting us do what we want as long as it is what we are supposed to do.

Cost of Peace

This is very expensive because British don't trust us and it takes a long time to get troops where they need to be.

Greenville's Offer

Greenville tells Americans they owe money too but they won't tell them how much. They tell us, here's the total, tell us how much you are going to pay and when, and we'll be happy.

Colonial Rejection

They say NO to paying.

Sugar Act (1764)

Makes the price of French sugar cheaper.

Stamp Act (1765)

Pretty much like sales tax. You must have a "receipt" for any paper product you buy.

Ben Franklin (Unofficial ambassador) is asked how he feels about the stamp act...

He says that it's okay and American's won't mind.

Patrick Henry (Virginia's governor) says how he feels about the stamp act..

He gets really angry and writes mean letters to the king. He puts the mean letters in his desk to sleep off the anger, gets up and decides to write a nicer letter saying "No taxation without representation" because they don't have a voice. Someone finds his mean letters and decides to send them anyway without asking.

Stamp Act Riot

People get angry and make threats, bust stuff up, and burn stuff. Everyone is warned to be out of town before sundown.

John Adams examines the Stamp Act from a legal perspective...

He says it's illegal and should be overturned.

Stamp Act Congress

Goes completely against the Stamp Act. They're called the "Sons of Liberty."

When is the Stamp Act Repealed?


What did John Hancock (merchant of wine) do?

He gave everyone wine to celebrate the repeal. Everyone was partying so much that no one paid any attention to the Declaratory Act: British can tax us on anything they see fit.

In 1765, the Stamp Act Congress meets to ask for a representative from all 13 colonies.

What does Charles Townshend (British Minister of Finances) do?

He creates taxes on imports and exports: lead, paper, paint, glass, and tobacco.

Sam Adams (troublemaker, politician) protests against the Townshend Duties.

He says, "Give us Liberty or give us death!"

What is the Liberty?

The ship that illegally delivers Hancock's wine. British inspect and realize he's not paying his taxes and shut it down.

Bostonians Protest

Bostonians go to the harbor and take the tax collecting ship, drag it onto shore, carry it to the commons and burn it. After this, they decide to just stop buying the stuff they're taxing rather than burning more stuff.

England decide to repeal everything they have taxed except tobacco because they need money.

Boston Massacre (March 1770)

British set up guard shacks in their neighborhoods to spy on the people of Boston. Bostonians get tired of them talking about them. British get tough guys together and tell Boston they won't do anything. They all end up opening fire, killing 1 and wounding many. 5 British guys are arrested for murder.

Who was Crispus Attucks?

The first African American to be killed.

The 5 guys that were arrested go on trial in Boston..

3 are acquitted and 2 are charged with manslaughter and are branded on the thumb. All 5 were sent back to England but only 2 were discharged from the army.

Committee of Correspondence

They write from Massachusetts to Virginia. Groups from each colony correspond with other colonies.

In 1773, Tea Act leads to Boston Tea Party....

British love tea, most of theres comes from the east Indies. The Tea Act requires all tea to go to England first to be taxed. The British almost go bankrupt so they tell the east Indies the tea doesn't have to be sent to England anymore making tea cheaper.

Americans get cheaper tea too but are still angry because their tobacco is taxed and Britain's tea is not.

We get so angry that we won't let the tea ships unload or it will become violent. Around Christmastime, they pull up to unload and are told they can not.

Governor decides to have a town meeting and whoever agrees to let them unload will be shot.

The Sons of Liberty dress up as Mohawk Indians, yell, go onto the ships, bust all the tea, dump it into the harbor, and ruin it all so they can not unload.

5 Intolerable Acts (1774)

British only have 4.

These are passed because they want money to pay for the tea that was lost in the damages and to punish us.

1. Boston Port Act- Closes the Port of Boston. They can only get food until they get all money for tea back.

2. Administrative of Justice Act- If British official or soldier does something bad, he will have to be trailed in England or another country.

3. Massachusetts Government Act- Government can't meet again until tea is paid for.

4. Quartering Act- Made soldiers move into citizens rooms.

*5. Quebec Act- Mostly in Canada. Extended Quebec all around and gave it to Canada.

What was our response to the acts?

Minutemen... Gotta be ready QUICK!

First Continental Congress

Send 12 colonies people to this meeting. Georgia doesn't send anyone. They write a letter to England to cutoff trade..

After they meet again..

They send Paul Revier (Massachusetts) to Boston who says the acts are unconstitutional and they should prepare for war.

Lexington and Concord (April 1775)

They're both villages. John Hancock and Sam Adams are hiding in Lexington. Thomas Gage tells British they're there so they march out to arrest them early in the morning.

After that...

British march to Concord where the minutemen are already set up. They decide to shut off the British. They realize they're very outnumbered so they back off but the British follow. They tell them they need to disperse or they'll fire so they did and Americans shot back. This was the "shot heard 'round the world" that started the revolutionary war.

In this war we lost 49 Americans and 73 British, also wounded 200 British.

Why can't we settle in Lexington, Kentucky?

Because of the Proclamation of 1763.

Second Continental Congress (May 1775)

They vote to raise money for weapons. They also raise troops and get all 13 colonies on the same page.

What did they British do to slaves?

They held them in Virginia and Maryland and rallied them against colonies.

Dorchester Heights

You must go through here to get out of Boston. Washington comes here with a lot of people and weapons.

Battle at Bunker Hill (1775)

Thomas Gage leads British soldiers out of Boston.

Americans lost Bunker Hill but won morale. They also left Bunker Hill but stayed in Boston.

Who was Henry Knox?

Washington's righthand man in the American Revolution.

Thomas Paine

Wanted to help with the American Revolution, he was not happy with England.

He also wrote "common sense."

-The Summer Soldier and The Sunshine Patriot.

Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)... Who signed it?

Robert Livingston

Roger Sherman

Ben Franklin

John Adams

Thomas Jefferson and

John Hancock, who signed the biggest to make sure everyone saw it.

What happened to Americans after this was signed?

33% stayed with England (loyalists)

33% left England and

33% were undecided.

Southern Plan

Sail to Charleston, South Carolina.

Northern Plan

Conquer New York and divide colonies through New York.

Lord George German sent two brothers, who were they?

The Howe Brothers

Why didn't they kill Washington while they had the chance?

They didn't want the British labeled "not honorable."

William Howe

Commander in Chief of British forces in the North.

America had over 26,000 soldiers that fought at Bunker Hill.

Winter 1776

Washington crosses the Delaware in a snowstorm to attack the British in New Jersey at Forts Trenton and Princton.

Fort Trenton

Held mostly by Hessian soldiers. The short battle here killed 22 soldiers and left 83 wounded.

Fort Princeton

Washington wanted to attack before his enlistment expired. He did and wiped out a whole group of Hessians and British.

These victories lead to...

A boost in morale, more Americans, and reinforcements.

The Turning Point (1777)

Battle of Saratoga consisted of different forces...

1 from Canada under John Burgoyhe,

1 from New York City under William Howe, and

1 from the Great Lakes under Barry St. Leger.

They were to travel up and down the Hudson River and meet near Albany, New York to cut colonies in half.

Horatio Gates

Led American Forces in New York... Leader of Saratoga for the Americans.