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31 Cards in this Set

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America Under the Confederation (pg.259)
*First written constitution of the United States.
*Drafted by congress in 1777 and ratified by the States four years later
*New government was to be a "Perpetuel Union."
*States were basically on there own
*Had a Congress but no president and no judiciary
*Congress could only declare war, conduct foreign affairs, and make treaties with other governments
*No real financial resources
*Could not tax or regulate commerce
*The States believed that the western lands belonged to them
*State almost did not agree to have the Articles ratified because of western land
Congress and the West
*Western lands were occupied by Native Americans
*Americans chose to ignore that fact
*Since some Indians helped the British, Americans believed that they gave up the right to have land there
* Once land was given to them after many treaties with Indians- politicians began to fight about who should have the land
* Some believed that it belonged to farmers
*Some wanted to use it for revenue by having companies buy the land
*People believed that Congress should not have say in this; Private parties should be in charge of the western land
Settlers and the West
*By having people live on the western land, Americans saw this as freedom
*A group of Ohioans petitioned Congress in 1785, assailing landlords and speculators who monopolized available acreage and asking that preference in land ownership be given to "acctual settlements," their motto was "Grant us Liberty."
*Indians did not have any hold or entitlement to the land they preoccupied
*Congress wanted to have strict rules for the settlers of the west because they feared that they were not respectful and would begin fights with the Indians.
The Land Ordiances
*A series of measures approved by Congress during the 1780s defined the terms by which western land would be marketed and settled.
*Drafted by Thomas Jefferson-Ordinance of 1784 establised stages of self government for the West.
*divided into districts initially governed by Congress and would later be admitted into the Union.
*Congress rejected a clause that would prohibit slavery.
*Second Ordinance in 1785 regulated sales in the region north of the Ohio river.
*Money was used to help schools.
*Northwest Ordinance created a treaty that said that land that belonged to Native Americans would not be taken away, also prohibited slavery in the Northwest
The Confederation's Weaknesses
*Faced worsening economic problems after the War of Independence.
*had IOU cards that were used on soldiers and private companies
*lacked a source of revenue so it was hard to pay their debt back
*American ships were barred against trading with the West Indies.
*Imported goods drained us of our money
*States enacted in their own tariffs to help their economic situation
*States began to print their own money to try and relief debtors in there own state
Shay's Rebellion
*Late 1786, early 1787
*Crowds of debt-ridden farmers closed the courts in western Mass. to prevent seizure of their land for failure to pay taxes.
*Daniel Shays was one of the leaders of the rebellion group, was a veteran
*People who participated in this believed that they were acting in spirit to the revolution.
*Governor James Bowdin- dispatched an army to diperse the rebels.
*Dispersed in Jan. 1787 more than 1,000 rebels were arrested.
*This event along with several other rebellions was influential to some people who later became leaders of society
Nationalists of the 1780s
*James Madison-Virginia, ally of Thomas Jefferson
*Alexander Hamilton- came to America from the West Indies
* They were among the group of talented and well organized men who spearheaded the movementfor a stronger national government.
*Both men were believed to be "nation-builders"
*May 1787 they began to create a new type of government and scraped the Articles of Confederation
New Constituion
*55 men were at the convention-excluding Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
*Men that were there included George Washington, George Mason, and Benjamin Franklin
*The men that were there were educated and wealthy none were from a lower class, except for Alexander Hamilton he married into a wealth family.
*Madison took careful notes on the convention and it was held in private.
Structure of Government
*New Constitution would have a legislature, an executive, and a national judiciary branch.
*Congress would have the power to raise money without relying on the states.
*States would be prohibited from infringing on the rights of property.
*Government would represent the people.
*Madison created the Virginia plan that would create a two house legislature with a state's population determining its population in each.(helped the large states)
*New Jersey plan- was a single house Congress in which each state cast one vote, as under the Articles.
* in the end- Two house Congress was created, consisting of a Senate in which each state had two members, and a House of Represenatives apportioned according to population.
The Limits of Democracy
*New structure of government was less thandemocratic.
*Men from a higher class ran both houses
*Supreme Court members were appointed by the president for life terms
*talks about a process of how the president is elected (read more into it later)
Shay's Rebellion
*Late 1786, early 1787
*Crowds of debt-ridden farmers closed the courts in western Mass. to prevent seizure of their land for failure to pay taxes.
*Daniel Shays was one of the leaders of the rebellion group, was a veteran
*People who participated in this believed that they were acting in spirit to the revolution.
*Governor James Bowdin- dispatched an army to diperse the rebels.
*Dispersed in Jan. 1787 more than 1,000 rebels were arrested.
*This event along with several other rebellions was influential to some people who later became leaders of society
Nationalists of the 1780s
*James Madison-Virginia, ally of Thomas Jefferson
*Alexander Hamilton- came to America from the West Indies
* They were among the group of talented and well organized men who spearheaded the movementfor a stronger national government.
*Both men were believed to be "nation-builders"
*May 1787 they began to create a new type of government and scraped the Articles of Confederation
New Constituion
*55 men were at the convention-excluding Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
*Men that were there included George Washington, George Mason, and Benjamin Franklin
*The men that were there were educated and wealthy none were from a lower class, except for Alexander Hamilton he married into a wealth family.
*Madison took careful notes on the convention and it was held in private.
Structure of Government
*New Constitution would have a legislature, an executive, and a national judiciary branch.
*Congress would have the power to raise money without relying on the states.
*States would be prohibited from infringing on the rights of property.
*Government would represent the people.
*Madison created the Virginia plan that would create a two house legislature with a state's population determining its population in each.(helped the large states)
*New Jersey plan- was a single house Congress in which each state cast one vote, as under the Articles.
* in the end- Two house Congress was created, consisting of a Senate in which each state had two members, and a House of Represenatives apportioned according to population.
The Limits of Democracy
*New structure of government was less thandemocratic.
*Men from a higher class ran both houses
*Supreme Court members were appointed by the president for life terms
*talks about a process of how the president is elected (read more into it later)
The Division and Separation of Powers
*Took four months to write the constitution that consisted of 4,000 words but only discussed the briefest form of our new structured government.
*Embodies two basic politcal principles-1. division of powers and 2. checks and balances also known as the separation of powers
*Federalism refers to the relationship between the national government and the states.
*Strengthed national government
*the president had power aswell as Congress
* Most day to day affairs like education and law enforcement were still up to the states what to do with them
*the checks and balances was put into place so that not one of the branches can dominate the other
The Debate over Slavery
*slavery had people divided some were against it (Northern States) and others were for it (Southern States)
*Slavery was not mentioned in the Constitution because people did not want to have a heated discussion on it
* Congress was prohibited from abolishing slave trade for 20 years.
*The 3/5th compromise was created at this time aswell ( South Carolinas help)
Slavery in the Constitution
* The compromises in the constitution were put to find a middle ground when it came to slavery.
*The Constitution gave the national government no power to interfere with slavery in the states.
*The 3/5ths compromise enhanced the represenatives in the southern states
*Bill of Rights was not included and it became a big deal after the Constitution came out.
The Final Document
*G.Morriss put the finishing touches on the draft of the constitution
* Last Constitutional Convention took place on September 17,1787.
* Of the 45 men there only 39 signed the Constitution then it was sent to the states for ratification
*By giving Congress more power this made it possible for us to be a national economic market.
* Created a national political institutions, reduced the powers of the states, and sought out to place limits on popular democracy.
The Ratification debate and the Origin of the Bill of Rights
The Federalist
* Elections were held so that they can discuss if the constitution is right for them or not
* Men who wrote the Constitution began to write pamplets letting people know why the constitution would be good for the people
*Hamilton, Madison, and Jay were the ones who wrote The Federalist papers
"Extend the Sphere"
*Many types of people all with different backgrounds, these people make the United States
*Created a constitution for the people by the people
The Anti-Federalist
*people who were against the constitution
* did not like the fact the wealthy would be in charge
The Bill of Rights
*Was not included in the original document of the Constitution
*was later added because Madison promised that if ratified it would be created
*Rights were also called "unalienable rights"-rights that were inherited by the human
"We the People"
National Identity
"Explains who the "people" are and what is it that they have rights too
*People that were excluded were the Native Americans
*To be an American all you had to do was commit oneself to an ideology of liberty, equality, and democracy.
Indians in the new nation
*indians were not considered apart of the American society
*Washington gave them tools to see if they could be civil like Americans but they refused
*society looked at them as savages who could not be a part of society.
*African americans had a better chance of being civil than them
Blacks and the Republic
*no where in the constitution does it specify who is american who is not.
*Africans exceeded the population compared to Indians
*Some people excluded blacks from being Americans but others believed that they deserved to be free
* for 80 years no non-white immigrant could become nationalized in our country
Jefferson, Slavery, and Race
*Jefferson believed that Blacks lacked the capacity to function like white people did
*Jefferson believed that Indians were equivalent to whites on an intelligent level but not blacks
Principles of Freedom
*freedom was only for the whites and some people thought that was not right
* they believed that slavery should be abolished
Hamilton's Program
*Hamilton's immediate aims were to establish the nation' financial stability.
* His long term goal was to make the United States a major commercial and military power.
*His program had five parts- goes into detail about them
The Emergence of Opposition
*Wealthy people and business owners approved of Hamilton's idea
*Hamilton's ideas came from Britain whom he kept in touch with
*Jefferson and Madison were against his idea- they wanted to expand westward and have a angarian environment.
*both men feared that what happened before with Britain would happen again
*Farmers seem to be singled out under Hamilton's reign
The Jefferson-Hamilton Bargain
*South opposed Hamilton from the beginning
*Jefferson and Hamilton agreed on the condition that Hamilton creates a fiscal program and Jefferson will agree to the Nation Bank