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43 Cards in this Set

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a government tax on imports/exports
Economic Nationalism?

Nations should act independently to attain their own goals A sense of national pride
American System?

Made a tariff to protect industries, create new national bank, building roads/new canals to

improve transportation

Monroe Doctrine?

American Continents were "henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.

Supreme Court

McCulloch - State gov. could not interfere with an agency of the federal government operating within the state's border. Taxing the national bank was a form of interference and , thus unconstitutional

a company had been granted a monopoly to control steamboat traffic on New York waters. They tried to expand into New Jersey and the case went to court. Final decision was the Federal law had precedence over state law in interstate transportation

Roads and Turnpikes?

major east-west highway was created ...The National Road. It reached from the Potomac River in Maryland to Wheeling Virginia on the Ohio River.

Steamboats and Canals

Rivers offered a faster, cheaper, and more efficient way to move goods than did roads. A barge could hold wagon loads of grain/coal.....they could only move downstream.

Steamboats made travel more reliable and could travel upstream

The Iron Horse?

The railroad developed in the early 1800's. In 1830 the train Tom Thumb pulled the nation's first load of train passengers down 13 miles of track at 10 miles per hour. Trains were much faster than stage coaches and could go anywhere track was laid.

Industrial Revolution?
A long, slow, uneven process in which production shifted from simple hand tools to complex machines.

Eli Whitney?
Invented the cotton gin. It had interchangeable parts.

Life in the city?
Industrialization drew rural people to towns in search of factory jobs. New York City was the Nation's largest city in the 1820's. Wall Street is the financial district.


Labor Unions

developed to improve wages and working conditions . Pushed for higher wages and shorter workdays.
Cotton Gin

.Eli Whitney, combed the seeds out of cotton bolls
Planters/Plantation Owners 1

Top of society . The made up a tiny group, but were powerful

Ordinary Farmers? 2

Yeoman farmers

Made up the majority of the white population

Urban class of lawyers, doctors, merchants, and other professionals 3


White rural poor 4

Hunted and fished and had vegetable gardens

raised hogs and chickens to eat

African Americans/enslaved people who worked in the fields. 5

Lowest class structure

Slavery Rebellion?

Staged work slowdowns

Broke tools

set fire to houses/barns

ran away and go beaten if they were caught

turned on slave holders and killed them

Nat Turner?

enslaved minister who believed God had chosen him to bring his people out of bondage. He killed 50 white men, women, and children before state and local troops stopped him. Turner was tried , convicted, and hung.

Missouri Compromise?
Henry Clay
Missouri wanted to become a slave state. Problem is it would upset the balance between slave and free states. Missouri would become a slave state and Maine would be a free state. The 36, 30' North was the line drawn to divide the slave states from the free states.

Corrupt Bargain/ Election of 1824?

Jackson won the pop. vote, but no one won the Electoral College vote. Went to the House of Rep. They selected 3 candidates. Clay was out. Adams won. Adams appointed Clay Sec. of St.

Jackson said it was corrupt bargain.

Split the party.Jackson supporters - Democrats

Clay supporters-National Republicans

Spoils System?

Giving people government jobs on the basis of party loyalty. Jackson believed that the majority should rule in democracy and ordinary citizens should play a role in government

Nullification crisis?

Started by the Tariff of 1828. Southerners hated paying taxes on imports ( machines for planting, etc.) South was going to succeed from the US. Jackson was going to use force to enforce the tariff. Henry Clay suggested a compromise......Lower tariff

Indian Removal?

Andrew Jackson and Congress passed this. It was the action of removing Indians from the lands East of the Mississippi River. This act was set into action because the growth of the US could continue without interference/violence if the Indians were not there.
Bank Battle?


Political Party formed to go against Andrew Jackson. They were against the executive branch having too much power. Martin Van Buren was elected as a Whig candidate.

Andrew Jackson?

Leader of new Democratic Party, liked by westerners and the common man

Henry Clay?

Responsible for the Missouri Compromise


Migration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there)


Favoring native-born Americans
Great Awakening

Religious revival

Dorthea Dix?

Called for a new approach to mental illness based on greater levels of care.

Institutions were created

Women's Movement

Catharine Beecher pushed for more educational opportunities for girls/women

Emma Willard founded a girls school

Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to earn a medical degree


Believed slaves should be free
Frederick Douglass

Most prominent African American in the abolitionist movement. Published his own antislavery newspaper, the North Star

Became a powerful public speaker for the abolitionist cause.

Manifest Destiny

John O'Sullivan said it was the "Manifest destiny" of Americans to overspread the continent allotted by Providence"

Many people believed that God had given the entire continent to the Americans and wanted them to settle in the Western lands.

Mormon Migration

Mormons were on a quest for religious freedom. Had to leave the east states. Joseph Smith was murdered. New leader was Brigham Young. Settled at the Great Salt Lake in Utah.
Texans held off Santa Anna's army for 13 days. During that time Texas formally declared independence. Santa Anna's army stormed the Alamo. Everyone died.
San Jacinto - Independence?
Santa Anna's men were taking a nap because they weren't threatened by the Texas army. Houston's troops crept up on Santa Anna's soldiers and charged...saying "Remember the Alamo." They killed hundreds and 700 of Santa Anna's troops were taken prisoner. Santa Ann was forced to sign a treaty recognizing indep. of the Republic of Texas. Texas had won the war.

Causes of war w/ Mexico?

Right to Oregon

Annexation of Texas - Mexico was mad

Dispute the border location of Texas's southwestern border

California -Polk wanted to purchase it

Results of the Mexican War?

Treaty of Guadalupe - Mexico ceded some 500,000 square feet of US territory. The land is now California, Utah, and Nevada.

US paid Mexico $15 million and agreed to take over $3.25 million in debts Mexico owed to American Citizens.