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12 Cards in this Set

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(3100 BCE) Form of writing founded in Mesopotamia

It is a writing system that shows communication

What time? What is it? Why is it important?


(1353-1335 BCE) Egyptian pharaoh

Promoted worship of sun god

What time? What is it? Why is it important?


(4-1.5 million yrs. ago) early hominid from East Africa

First bi-pedal humanoids

What time? What is it? Why is it important?


(800-500 BCE) traded

Created the alphabet

What time? What is it? Why is it important?

Pax Romona

27 BCE- 180 CE) Roman Empire

Time of Roman peace

What time? What is it? Why is it important?

Alexander of Macedon

(300s BCE) Greece, King

Conquers most of the known world

What time? What is it? Why is it important?


(1850 BCE) ethnic group that speaks Hebrew, from Israel

Wrote Hebrew Bible

What time? What is it? Why is it important?

Delian League

(477 BCE) group of Greek polis who allied against Persia

Unification, starts Greek empire

What time? What is it? Why is it important?


(600 BCE) aristocrat/prophet, from Persia

Founded Zoroastrian religion

What time? What is it? Why is it important?

Tiberius and Gains Gracchus

(133-123 BCE) brothers from Rome

Try to redistribute land for the poor

What time? What is it? Why is it important?


(3100 BCE) Egyptian king

Unified Egypt

What time? What is it? Why is it important?


(300 BCE) Greek philosophy from Athens, Greece

Prominent, dominant philosophy...adopted by Rome

What time? What is it? Why is it important?