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63 Cards in this Set

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what does the analysis of DNA tell us about the origins of man?
it tells us that man was first only in africa (bushmen) and quickly after evolving into modern humans, migrated around the world
what is special about the san bushmen's language
they use clicks and other sounds that no other language has
what technology and skills helped the san be successful hunters
their spears and arrows they crafted with very sharp tips were made of bone
how did hunting effect early human's language skills? or vice versa?
explaining techniques needed some sort of communication. language allowed many different ideas and forms of hunting to evolve
studier of historic or prehistoric people and their culture by the analysis of artifacts, inscriptions and monuments
studier of the science of forms of life exiting in former geologic periods as represented by their fossils
studier of human behavior and the development of human societies and culture
why couldn't humans have originated from australia?
because humans are the only primates on the entire continent
how does india explain human's quick appearance in australia after leaving africa?
because there is a genetic mark that can link the migration from africa to australia
what physiological adaptations did africans have to make when they first went into europe?
they shrunk in size and their skin became lighter along with hair color and nose shape
most complete and best preserved skeleton of any early human ancestor found in Etheopia (adadis ababa) in 1974 by donald johnson.
hononid 3.5 feet 51 lbs.
afarensis- could live in trees
capitol- adadis ababa
where lucy was found
donald johnson
found lucy
year lucy was found
main component of chromosomes and is the material that transfers genetic characteristics in all life forms
primate of the family hominidae of which homo sapiens is the only extant species. humans are the only hominids left
meaning southern 8. an extinct genus of small-brained large toothed bipedal hominids that lived in african between one and four million years ago. discovered by dr. raymond dart, south african anthropologist
dr. raymond dart
discovered australopithecus. south african anthropologist
homo erectus
an extinct species of human lineage, having upright stature and a well evolved postrcranial skeleton, but with a smallish brain, low forehead and protruding face.
oldest remains are found in neander valley in africa
* habilis, erectus, sapiens*
homo habilis
an extinct species of upright east african hominid having some advanced humanlike characteristics, dated as being from about 1.5 million to more than 2 million years old and proposed as an early form of homo leading to modern humans
"handy man"
homo sapiens
the species of bipedal primates to which modern humans belong, characterized by a brain and by dependence upon language and the creation and utilization of complex tools. appeared 250 thousand years ago.
mary leakey
british archaeologist found 3.7 million old footprints of 3 people and animals. proves humans were walking upright then. found in laetoli, tanzania
louis leakey
kenyan archaeologist and anthropologist
richard leakey
kenyan anthropologist and animal rights activist. found bones of young boy (turkana boy) next to lake turkana in kenya
charles darwin
proposed and provided scientific evidence that all species of life have evolved over time from one or a few common ancestors through the process of natural selection.
great leap forward
60-50 kya. develope language, complex tools, make art on walls and themselves. bone tools, jewelry, rope, weapons, spears, spear throwers, bow and arrow, harpoon, hunting big game (make big holes) nets, hooks, fish, birds, jewelry was put on dead--> believed in spirits or ancestors, know they are going to die
5 billion years ago
earth was created and 30 million years later, monkey-like beings started to populate
forty thousand years ago
modern humans appeared
Neanderthal people
first to reflect on the nature of human existence and the world around them by performing burials and rutuals
cro-magnon peoples
physically indistinguishable from modern humans but died out. highly intelligent and worshiped Venus figurines (goddess of love) to increase fertility.
a gene found in Neanderthal remains from northern spain. there was a mutation found in the gene which caused dyspraxia (speech disorder)
oligocene period
36-40 mya
dominated by dinosaurs
climate was hot and wet covered by forests
apes appear (end of oligocene period)
arboreal lifestyle
polar ice caps form
climate becomes drier and jungles turn into savanahs and deserts
Apes disadvantage during food shortage
they are bigger and have a larger calorie intake, less agile.
an environmental habitat of an animal species and its pattern of exploiting that habitat
call and response pattern
example: there is a shortage of food and apes have no way of getting enough. they can either stay in trees and die, or adapt to the change and respond by coming down from trees and finding other sources of food
response can be physical or behavioral
stephen j gould
puntuated equilibrium (when adaptive changes happen they happen very quickly and abruptly with very few transition forms)
challenges of ground dwelling
-upright stance (loss of body heat)
-melanin production (protein that obsorbs UV rays)
-no fur
-sweating (cooling system)
*all good ways to survive africa's climate*
200 tya
homo sapiens appear and h. erectus disappear
100 tya
homo sapien sapien appear
60-50 tya
small groups begin to migrate out of african via suez and strait of gibraltar
40,000 bc
humans arrive in australia
20,000 bc
humans arrive in NE russia
12,000 bc
humans arrive in north america
10,000 bc
humans arrive in southern tip of south america
issues faced by african emigrants in europe
-high levels of melanin is a liability in cold environments because there is no direct sun light. not receiving enough vitamin d which leads to rickets (deformation of bones and for women deformation of birth canal which makes giving birth dangerous)
response to issues faced by african emigrants in europe
they much have tyr + or - gene--> albino gene
piltdown man
scull found in southern england thought to be oldest fossil but it was a fake (chimp jaw attached to human skull)
charles darwin published controversial book, the origin of species: by means of natural selection
the origin of species: by means of natural selection
controversial book published by charles darwin in 1885. theory:
not all members of a species are exactly the same. some have variations in their gene type. variations give the bearer a better chance of surviving and reproducing
members of the species not fit for adaptation are weeded out over a period of time
"survival of the fittest"
rebecca cahn
UCLA scientist who did a warldwide study of human M+DNA in 1986. found that all humans were related to a woman who lived in africa 200,000 million years ago
Tuang boy
remains of boy found in 1925 by raymond dart. (autralopithecus africanus) thought to be link between apes and humans
killer ape theory
created by raymond dart:
walking upright frees the hands to use tools
tool production requires intelligence
bigger brains produce better tools
francisco pizarro
conquistador that conquered incan empire
followed what cortez had done to conquer azteks thanks to a book he has written
advantaged of the europeans against the incans
horses (helped militarily and for transportation)
immunity to small pox and other diseases
best weapons (guns and steel swords-rapier)
ideas from cortez
incan king. known as living god
first form of writing (mesopotamia)
same climates and easy to spread ideas and crops and animals (eurasia)
different climates and day lengths (americas)
small pox
came from slave on ship traveling from spain to mexico, then reached incan empire
spencer wells
journey of man video, geneticist, most annoying man on earth
a space odyssey: 2001
stanley kubrick