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27 Cards in this Set

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compromise between North and South that allowed California to enter the Union in exchange for the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law
compromise of 1850
the belief that all powers not specifically given to the national govt in the US constitution or specifically denied to the states remain with the states
States rights
helped pass the compromise of 1850; tried desperately to preserve the Union, but after secession served as vice president of the Confederate States of America; supported slavery
Alexander Stephens
the idea of voiding and not following national laws within a state
this posed a threat to the Union if states would pick and choose national laws to enforce
involuntary servitude of men, women, and children
a reason that the North and South were divided on many issues
event that resulted in southern states seceding from the Union in fear their way of life was in jeopardy
Lincoln Election of 1860
the belief by the people in a given region or area that their ideas and interests are better and more important than those of another region or area
the parallel, Missouri's southern border, which defined whether states would enter the Union as free or slave
36° 30 line
allowing political decisions to be made by the will of the people
popular sovereignty
the concept behind the Kansas - Nebraska Act
popular sovereignty
governor of Georgia who had social and economic stake in the institution of slavery and during the secession debates supported seceding from the Union
Joseph E. Brown
legislation that created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska
Kansas - Nebraska Act
sued for his freedom after traveling into the free states of Illinois and Wisconsin with his master
Dred Scott
us supreme court ruling that declared slaves were not citizens of the US and that Congress couldn't prohibit slavery from extending into western territories
Dred Scott Case
compromise that brought Missouri into the Union as a slave state and Maine into the Union as a free state
Missouri Compromise
the idea that Providence intended for Americans to "overspread the continent"
manifest destiny
the belief that the state's interests should take precedence over the interest of the national govt
State's rights
created in 1854, opposed the spread of slavery, and existed only in the free states
Republican Party
T/F The North supported low tariffs to keep the price of northern made products lower than those on imported goods to protect northern industry from foreign competition
T/F Blockade runners wee important to Georgia during the Civil war because they brought needed supplies into the state
which new political party was formed in 1854?
why did Alexander Stephens want leaders to accept the compromise of 1850?
to prevent southern states from seceding thus preserving the Union
What was the Know Nothing Party?
they did not want immigrants to become citizens or anyone not born in the US to hold political office
who joined the Know Nothing Party?
what was the Constitutional Union party and when did it end?
•got Georgians to accept the Compromise of 1850
•August 1852