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28 Cards in this Set

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A member of the group that wanted to eliminate all traces of Roman Catholic ritual and traditions in the Church of England
Massachusetts Bay
Winthorp and friends obtained a royal charter for joint-stock enterprise, the Massachusetts Bay Company
Separatists; a member of one of the Puritan groups that, denying the possibility of reform within the church of England, established their own independent congregations
Mayflower Compact
An agreement in which they created a civil government and pledged loyalty to the king
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
A written body of laws by which the connecticut settlers would govern themselves
Roger Williams
Founder of Providence, Rhode Island
Sir Walter Raleigh
English navigator
1607 town named after King James
William Penn
Founder of Pennsylvania
Southern colonies
Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, Virgina,
New England
Rhode Island, COnnecticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts
Middle Colonies
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York
French Islands and Spanish Islands
I don't know really but i'll find out soon enough
1636; United States' first private college
Half-way convent
A convent mad between the Puritan church and it's members. Stated that in order to become a member you didn't have to go through the grillings.
Bacon's Rebellion
Led by planter Nathaniel Bacon because of the hostility between tribes and frontier planters
John Peter Zenger
German writer who wrote for the New York Weekly Journal; defendant in a famous trial which set a precedent for freedom of the press
French and Indian War
A conflict in North America lasting from 1754 - 1763, that was part of a worldwide struggle between France and Britain. ended with the defeat of France and the transfer of French Canada to Britain
Proclamation of 1763
An order which Britain prohibited its American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains
Treaty of Paris of 1763
Ended the French and Indian War
Thomas Paine
Author of Common Sense, a 47 page essay published in pamplet form attacking King George and the monarchy
Intolerable Acts
A series of laws enacted by Parliament in 1774 to punish Massachusetts colonists for the Boston Tea Party
Stamp Act
A 1765 law in which parliament established the first direct taxation of goods and services within the British colonies in North America
"No Taxation without Represention"
colonist sentiment as a result of British Parliament issuing the direct/indirect raxes on the colonial people
virtual represenation
What the British told the colonists they had. COlonists did not have actual diplomats as representatives
Actual Representation
Colonists wanted actual representation that were chosen by the people to express colonial opinions in Parliamentary decisions