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19 Cards in this Set

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"Mr. Lincoln... held that ours is a government of the people, by the people, for the people. I maintain on the contrary, this it is a government of politicians, by politicians, for politicians?"
This quote means that during this period in time the world is being run by politicians and it is the opposite of waht the founding father wanted to do
What was the first scandal that occured during Grant's first term?
Jay Gould and James Fisk tried to gain a monoply on the gold market by making the gold price higer and the supply lower.
After Grant's brother-in-law and Gould started the rumor that the president would not sell gold from the U.S. treasury what did Grant immediatley do?
Grant immiedietley sold $4 million of gold from the gocernment.
Credit Mobilier of America Scandal, what was this?
Many of the

What is the spoils system?
The spoils system is where government members were hired jsut becasue they were firends of people in the government
Who won the election of 1872?
Grant re-won the election of 1872
Who ran against Grant and what did the want and what was his party called
Grant won agaisnt Horace Greely. (New York Tribune editor)Greely was a liberal republican. ??????????????
What is the the Civil Service Reform?
Is where you had to take a test to become part of the governemnt. It meant that you must earn your way to be part of the governemtn. NOT UNDER THE SPOILS SYSTEM
What was the Whiskey Scandal?
This scandal made the distrust of politicians increase a lot. It was where the people hired under the spolis system were exepting bribes and made the tax of whiskey smaller so that the whiskey distributors had to pay more.
Who wrote the gilded age and what did it mean?
Mark Twain and Charles Dudley wrote it and it meant that thinks were nuice on the outside but corrupt on the inside
Who ran for president in 1876?
What did wanted What? Why didn't Hayes re-run?
Samuel J. Tilden ran for president and Rutherford Hayes. Hayes wanted wanted reform and Tilden wants spoils system. Hayes hated being president and was bored
Why do you guys think it was so hard to get Civil Service Reform Passed?
Because the spoils sytem people voted!
What did te half breeds and the Stalwarts believe in?
Half-breeds wanted Civil Service Reform and Stalwarts believed in the spolis system.
What split the republican party in two?
Rutherford Hayes passed a law saying that if you are being paid by the by the Government you can't partake in a campaign. New York senator Roscoe Conkling defied the order, Hayes removed him so the parties split.
Who won the election of 1880 and agiasnt who? Who killed Garfield?
James Garfield won the election of 1880 against Chester A. Aurthor. Charles Guiteau killed him becasue he tghough it would further the Staleart casue
What impact did it have on the Vice President Arthur? Why do you thin khe changed?
Arthur became president and changes becasue he lknew what was right and believed in the Civil Service Reform
What is the Pendelton Civil Service Act?
It was the Bill that established the Civil Service Commision.
Who won the election of 84 and why?
Grover Cleveland won the elction of 84 becasue he was such an honest man and all of the stalwarts were displeased with Arthur so the casted their votes for Cleveland.
Benjamin Harrison beat Celveland in the Election of 1888, why was this so unusaul?
It was unsual because Cleveland won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote