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77 Cards in this Set

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a germanic kingdom
were the people living in southeastern Britain when the Angles and the Saxons invaded that area
was called Charles and became emperor of Rome in 800 AD
wanted monks to become missionaries to make all of Europe Christian
Gregory the Great(Pope Gregory I)
Joan of Arc
-a French peasant girl
-helped lead the French army to victory in the second battle of the Hundred Years' War
-fought in the Hundred Years' War
capital of Charlemagne's empire
the place where the first major battle of the Hundred Years' War took place
the place the Vikings came from
Black Death
form of the bubonic plague, wipped out half the population of China and Europe
-a document/agreement signed in the city of Worms that stated that the pope could appoint bishops, but only the emperor could give them government jobs
-limited emperor's power
Concordat of Worms
parliement of France
political system based on bonds of loyalty between lords and vassals
under feudalism, "the land" a lord granted to a vassal in exchange for military service and loyalty
a noble warrior who fought on horseback in the Middle Ages
people who are sent out to teach their religion
disease that spreads quickly and kills many people
-a noble who served a higher-ranking lord, and in return was given protection
-works were lost after Rome fell
-he was reintroduced using copies of his books
-his ideas upset many Christian thinkers because he used reason, not faith, to arrive at his conclusions about the meaning of life
-king of the Franks
-became Catholic to get the support of the Romans living in his kingdom
-king of England
-called for a meeting of people from different partso of England to advise and help him make laws
Edward I
-founded the first order of friars in 1209
-served the poor
Francis of Assisi
-Germanic people called the Franks settled the area that is now France
-ruled England from 1154 to 1189
-utilized the law courts to increase his power
-set up a central court with trained lawyers and judges
-appointed circuit judges
-established jury systems
Henry II
Hildegard of Bingen
-famous nun
-headed a convent in Germany
-famous for creating church music
Jewish people
-were persecuted
-were hated
-lived in separate communites called ghettos
-forced to leave some places
-became king of England in 1199
-raised taxes in England
-punished his enemies without trials
-forced to sign a document of rights called the Magna Carta
King John
-involved in the Crusades
-Germanic kingdom
-Dominican friar and priest
-was scholasticsm's greatest champion
-best known for combining Chuch teachings with the ideas of Aristotle
Thomas Aquinas
-came from Scandinavia
-known as Norsemen or "north men"
-expert sailors
-began raiding Europe in 700s and 800s
-ordered a census called the Domesday book
-ruled Normandy
-took the throne from Harold Godwinson and became king of England
William the Conqueror
-mountain range that separates Italy
-mountain system of south central Europe
-Largest of the earth's seven continents
-Largest island in the British Isles
-where Slavs organized villages
Eastern Europe
-Narrow sea separating France and Great Britain
-the body of water separating England from Europe
English Channel
-one of the world's seven continents, sharing a landmass with Asia
-third-largest country in Europe, located south of Great Britain
Germany (Germanic States)
-Island west of Great Britain occupied by the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
-Southern Eurpean country south of Lebanon
-capital of Israel and holy city for Christians, Jews, and Muslims
-State made of small territories around Kiev, destroyed by Mongols in 1240
-small territores in easter Europe ruled by the Vikings
Kievan Rus
-capital of Russia
-important city because there was crossroads of trade
Region and former province of France, bordering the English Channel
Northern Europe
-north part of Europe
-capital of Italy
-one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom, the mainland occupies the northern part of Great Britain
-southwestern Britain
Western Europe
western part of Europe
hatred of Jews
large new church
a believer in Jesus and the gospel
a certain belief or religion
-certain rules knights follow
-knight was expected to obey his lord, to be brave, to show respect to women of noble birth, to honor the church, and to help people
how knights are supposed to act
-Code of Chivalry
-to change from one belief to another
-holy war
Domesday Book
-the first census in Europe since Roman times was put together as this
First Crusade
-was won by Christians
-drove the muslims out of Jerusalem
-comes from the Latin word for "brother"
-went out into the world to preach
Gothic architecture
-cathedrals with ribbed vaults and pointed arches instead of rounded barrel vaults
-tall churches
-people suspected of heresy
Hundred Years' War
-Edward III declared himself king of France which angered the French and war began that lasted more than 100 years
-English fought and France
-people were urged to confess their heresy and to ask for forgiveness
-church court
-a group of people who choose if a person is guilty or not guilty
-document of rights
-took away some of the king's powers
Magna Carta
a group of people from different parts of England to help advise the king and help him make laws
-lowest class in Europe
-a leader in the church
-everyday language that people would use in certain areas
Charlemagne success as a ruler
-to uphold his laws he set up courts throughout the empire that counts ran
-Charlemagne sent out inspectors to make sure the counts were doing their job
-thought school was important so he started one
Effects of the Crusades on Europe
-broke down feudalism
-increased trade between Europe adn the Middle East
Effects of the plague on Europe
-half the population dead
-weakened the existing feudal system
Feudalism in Europe including the levels
-Levels (1 hightest level)
1. Kings and Queens
2. Lords and Ladies
3. Knights-went to war or protected manor
4. Peasants and serfs-farmed land for loyalty
-landowning nobles governed and protected the people in return for services
-brought by Charles Martel because he needed an army so he gavee them land for loyalty
-being close to water increased trade and fishing
-mountains made it difficult for only one group to rule all of Europe
-separated cultures
Geography of Europe(importance of mountains and rivers)
Importance of the Magna Carta
-establish people's rights
-limits power of government
Medieval cities
-very bad