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118 Cards in this Set

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William "Buffalo Bill" Cody
frontiersman-sharpshooter-created traveling show
central park
by Fredrick Law Olmsted-new york-1st urban park movement
dumbbell tenement
6-8 story tall apartment buildings
settlement houses
social service houses staffed by middle class young people for urban immigrants
Hull house
one of hundreds of settlement houses-founded by jane addams and ellen starr
jane addams
activist-founder of hull house-earned nobel peace prize
clara barton
pioneer american teacher-nurse-"strong independent spirit" organized american red cross
american red cross
humanitarian organization provides emergency assistance for disater relief
george williams-originally for christian based learning
the salvation army
william and catherine booth-christian mission quasi-military structure for charitable work.
farmers alliances
2 separate organizations-north and south took the place of the grange
polulist party
short lived political partypfarmers
james b weaver
presidential candidate for the populist party against grover cleveland
grover cleveland
democrat president-imposed rrregulations and tarriff reform
jacob coxey
politician-led coxeys army-marched on washington w/unemployed men demanding the us government create jobs
coxeys army
protest march by unemployed workers led by jacob coxey
William Jennings Bryan
democratic pary nominee-lawyer-secretary of state-lost to mckinley
cross of gold speech
william jennings bryan at democratic convention-wanted to standardize the value of the dollar to silver.
fixed ratio of value of silver to gold
william mckinley
republican-president-upheld gold standard-promoted pluralism among ethnic groups
writers who exposed corruption and abuse in politics-business-meat-packing-child labor
lincoln steffens
reporter whose articles on municipal corruption in mcclures magazine. book "the shame of the cities"
industrial workers of the world
radical union in chicago-nicknamed the wobblies- oppose ww1
william d "big bill" haywood
leader of industrial workers of the world-promoted 1 union
social gospel movement
preached by liberal prostestant clergymen advocated chritian principles to social problems
washington gladden
church leader preached true christianity lies not in rituals but "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself"
walter rauschenbusch
leader of social gospel movement who wrote christianity and social crisis
robert m la follette
governor of wisconsin promoted goverment by experts-established a legislative reference bureau for research
wisconsin idea
principle of efficient government by experts that was publicized by follette
northern securities case 1904
broke up borthern securities company-
nickname for roosevelt for his going after monopolies
triangle shirtwaist disaster
new york city-lrgest industrial disasters in history-killed 146 workers-burned to death or jumped to their deaths.
national american women suffrage association
american rights movement for women.
congressional union
radical american organization formed and led by alice paul and lucy burns-campaign for a constitutional amendment
elizabeth cady stanton
feminist who founded the national womans suffrage association with susan b anthony
susan b anthony
womans rights movement -demanded 14th amendemnt for voting for woman and black males
19th amendment
right for women to vote
theodore roosevelt
26th president-energetic persona-cowboy image-republican-progressive movement
coal strike of 1902
strike by the united mine workers of america.
newlands reclamation act
set up bureau of reclamation to develop irrigable lands-hoover dam
william howard taft
27th president-republican-lazy
ballinger-pinchot dispute
between us forest service chief pincho and us secretary ballinger-splic republican party
gifford pinchot
1st scientific forester
hetch hetchy controversy
after earthquake san francisco applied to gain water rights to hetch hetchy-7 yr environmental stuggle
woodrow wilson
democrat -president-improved banking system-lowered tariffs
underwood-simmons tariff
tariff which lowered tariffs- and put provisions for the 1st federal income tax
federal reserve act
glass-owen federal reserve act created federal reserve system of regional banks and a federal reserve board
federal trade commission act
festablished federal trade commission to enforce existing antitrust laws-prohibited business combinations in restraint of trade
clayton anti-trust act
outlawed practices as price discrimination.
group of pubic officials that embraced the idea of overseas possessions
teller amendment
disclaimed any american designs on cuban territory -declaired cuba independent and demanded withrawal of spanish forces
spanish-american war
fought over cuba
siege of santiago
last major operation of spanish-american war. america captured santiiago de cuba
yellow fever
infection transmited by mosquitoes-1st mosquito driven virus
Dr.Walter Reed
dr who made contribution to health of people in tropical climates.controlled yellow fever
treaty of paris
us-spain signed treated ending sp-am war in paris
philippine-american war
military conflict between philippines and america
point of view in opposition to the expansionist rendencies inspired by the success of the sp-am war.
the white man's burden
poem critical of american imperilistic pursuits by british poet rudyard kipling
cuban constitution
cubas first constitution as an independent state
platt amendment
reserved the us right to intervene in cuban affairs
hawaii annexation
hawaii monarchy was overthrown by american businessmen-independent republic, then became us state in 1959
sweards folly
secretary of state william h sewards negotiation for purchase of alaska from russia
joh j. pershing
general sent to find pancho villa-couldn't -then sent to france during ww1
discriminates agains new comers or immigrants
american protective association
anti catholic secret society-iowa
louis sullivan
american architect-father of modernism
thomas edison
inventor-100's of new devices-improved telephone
george westinghouse
inventor-air brake for trains-altgernating current-electrical system
streetcar suburbs
mass transit-formed commuting
election of 1892
cleveland ran against harrison-won and became president-1st time ever to be president in non-consecutive terms
panic of 1893
depression-same as 1873-caused by rr overbuilding-series of ank failures
election of 1896
republican mckinley-democrat bryan -mckinley won
wistle-stop campaign
bryans way-go "door to door"-ride on trains and blow whistle and people would gather to hear
front porch campaign
mickinley-talked at own area and people came to him or people when out and advicated fo you.
election of 1900
rematch w bryan/mckinley-mickinley won-roosevelt was vice president
northern securities case of 1904
rr had minopoly-roosevelt had it broken up
3 c's
control coroption-consumer protection-conservation
meat inspection act
reaction to "the jungle"-law about cleanliness in meat packing industry
pure food and drug act
1st law to regulate food and medicine-prohibits additives and inaccurate labeling
upton sinclair's "the jungle"
novel-bad conditions in chicago meatpacking industry
election of 1904
republican roosevelt-against parker-2 1/2 milion votes -largest vote margin in history-"square deal"
square deal
four important things a president must enforce-conservation-regulating buisness monopolies-enforcing anti-trust act-supporting progressive ideas
election of 1908
roosevelt gave up and didn't seek 3rd term-taft didn't want to do it-reoosevelt backed him-taft won
election of 1912
roosevlet runs as 3rd party-bull moose party-wilson won/democrat
new freedom
wilsons slogan-improve bank system-lower tariffs-break up monopolies
new nationalism
roosevelt campaign-stressed government activism-regulate trust-conservation-recall decisions that nullified progressive programs
new immigration
immigrants from sth and eastern europ came to america
ethnic neighborhoods
set away from main cities-ethnic segragation
castle garden
emigrant landing depot-ny
ellis island
mouth of hudson-replaced castle garden-immigration depot
statue of liberty
titled liberty enlightening the world-monument for signing us decleration-gift from france
open door policy
policy by sec of state hay's-to london berlin tokyo rome and paris-proposed keeping china open to trade
boxer rebellion
chinese- nationalists-"fists of rightous harmony"-rebellion against foreigners against china-started attacking peking embassies-settled for 333 million
society w/equal access to resources
society w/classes are abolished-karl marx is the father
philosophy that considers state unnessary,harmful-favors staeless society
1924 national orgins act
law reduces number of immigrants to 2%-set limitatins on imigration
"battle of the currents"
between edison and westinghouse over electrical currents-westinghouse won-AC
Alexander Graham Bell
invented telephone
Dr.James Naismith
physical education instructer-invented basketball
theater in 1900
policy of extendig power of other nations
yellow journalism
sensationalism in newspapers-during war w ny world and ny journal
willaims randolph hearst
owner of ny journal
group of public officials wanted to pposses other nations regardless implications
sinking of the uss maine
blew up -266 died-america said it's spanish mine-spain says it was boiler
rough riders
us volunteer cavalry-roosevelt led-war in santiago
de lome letter
letter from spanish minister de lome stolen by cuban spy and published-criticized mckiney
george dewey
navy caommadore-captured warship in marlila-became war hero
panama canal
ship canal joins atlantic and pacific ocean-lrgest and most difficult project ever
hay-herran treaty
treaty to build panama canal-$25 mill bought from panama
panamania revolution
part of columbia-u.s. helped panama and it became free
roosevelt corollary
u.s. should stop europeans in wetern hemesphere
dollar diplomacy
taft encouraging bankers to aide dept-plagued gov.
victoriano huerta
military dictator in mexico-overthrew and shot president-wilson sent troops and herta resigned
venustiano corrarza
leader of consitutionalis party inmexico-backed by wilson
pancho vill
leader of independant gang of bandits in mexico