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35 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of the land bridge that connected Asia with North America?

Beringia land bridge

Why did the land bridge disappear between Asia and North America?

the ice melted which allowed the water to cover the bridge

what is believed to be the 1st crop grown by the early Americans?


moving from place to place in search of food and water is known as?


when do archaeologists believe that the 1st empire developed in the Americas?

1200 B.C

what was the name of the 1st empire to develop in the Americas?


which native american society developed in Guatemala and the Yucatan peninsula?


which native american society developed in the valley of Mexico?


what is the name of the native american society that developed in south america?


which native american civilization could be found in the "four corners area"?


what states make up the "four corners area"?

Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona

what role did a totem pole play amongst the native american in the northwest coast region?

family history, wealth, accomplishments, ancient spirits

what was a potlatch and what was the significance of it?

an elaborate ceremony; give away your possessions for a higher position in society

what were the multi-story houses in the southwest region of north america built out of?


what are kivas and what is their purpose?

an underground ceremonial chamber for religious ceremonies and councils

why did early native americans not believe in selling land?

it was a source of life

what is commodity?

anything you are willing to trade or sell

what does kinship mean?

strong ties among family members

what does "division of labor" mean?

assignment of tasks according to gender, age, or status

what was the bark covered houses of the iroquois called?


native american groups that lived in the great plains and the grasslands of the west were constantly moving. what animal were these native americans hunting?


which religion swept across most of west africa by the 1400s?


what were the names of some of the west african cities that flourished?

timbuktu, gao, jenne

who is credited with starting the religion known as islam and when did it begin?

muhammad in 622

what crop did the portuguese farm on the islands of principe and sao tome on the west african coast?

sugar cane

what is a plantation?

where a single crop is grown on a large scale

who was the famous songhai emperor who made songhai the largest west african empire in history? (know for never losing a battle)

Sunni Ali

what is a savanna?

region of dry grassland

which rain forest kingdom developed in the lower zaire (Congo) river?


what is a matrilineal society?

people who trace their lineage through their mothers family

what agricultural skills did west african bring to the americas?

skills for growing rice

what was the first european country to explore the coastline of africa?

portuguese sailors

what was the prince henry of Portugal commonly called?

Henry the Navigator

what does "renaissance" mean and what was it?

means "rebirth", a period when europeans began investigating all aspects of the physical world

what was the dominant religious institution of western europe?

roman catholic church