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24 Cards in this Set

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When was the progressive Era? Who made up the progressive party?

1890s-1920s. middle class citizens

What were some of the goals of progressive?

Democracy/political reforms, regulation of corporations and monopolies, social justice, environment, and work labor laws.

What were the muckrakers? Who is an example?

The muckrakers were the news people who brought a problem to the public and over exaggerated it. An example would be Jacob Riis: how the other half lives, Ida Tarbell: history of standard oil, Lincoln Steffane, etc.

How was the municipal reformed?

Council manager plan: which meant the city boss was no longer in charge, but many different people in charge of many different things.

State political reforms? examples?

Things like secret ballots, People voted for officials, 17th amendment (direct election of senators)

What was Initiative, referendum, and recall when it came to state political reforms?

Initiative: people could propose a law

Referendum: right to vote on laws

recall: ability to remove certain officials from office

What are some state social reforms?

professional social workers, settlement houses, child labor laws

What did settlement houses do? who created these?

helped immigrants, gave people an education, and day care. Jane Addams

What was the goal in the temperance movement?

To remove hard liquor because they blamed everything bad that happened in society on that.

What did the temperence lead to?

It led to the 18th amendment which prohibited the selling or use of alcohol.

What was Teddy Roosevelt square deal? What is an example of how he used it?

It meant everyone should be treated equally. At a coal miners strike, he took representatives form both sides and brought them to DC to come up with a solution.

What are some things TR did when he was president?

He put in trust busting, Consumer protection, conservation laws, and pushed William Taft into office.

What is trust busting and what are some things it led to?

Trust busting led to the fall of monopolies. It brought more competition. Hepburn Railroad regulation act: made a standard price for railroads. Sherman Anti-trust act.

What were some things under consumer protection?

Upton Sinclairs: The Jungle. Pure food and drug act. Meat Inspection act.

What did Teddy do for conservation?

Forest reserve act. Gifford Pinchot: put men on the grounds. White House conservation act. John Muir: convinced teddy to put in national parks.

What did Taft do?

16th amendment: said government could take income tax. (meant big expansion for government power). Split in republican party and made African Americans remove themselves form republican party.

What professions did women do?

low wages, maids, house workers, etc.

What did women start doing?

They started dressing differently, and they started women clubs.

What were the goals of women's suffrage?

To have equal rights for women

What were some thing under women's suffrage, and who?

National American Woman Suffrage Association ran by Carrie Chapman Catt. Alice Paul, president of the national women's party. the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote.

What blocked these rights?

Jim crow laws

Who was involved in African American Equality?

Booker T Washington: Gradual equality, ATL compromise: believed in proving yourself worthy

W.E.B Du bios: Immediate equality. Niagara movement: Believe you didn't have to prove yourself worthy for rights.

What was the NAACP's goal?

Attack Jim Crow

Who was Jim Crow? and what was he found in?

Jim Crow was a character used to make fun of black people. It was found on toys, at carnivals, on books, and food.