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115 Cards in this Set

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History within the Western Hemisphere didn't begin in 1492 with contact. True of false?


How many years had people been living in the Western Hemisphere before European contact?

Some 20,000 to 40,000 years.

What is the significance of the date 1492?

This was the beginning of recorded European history.

What did people cross while slowly mirgrating South?

A bering strait

What is a bering strait?

A narrow sea passage that separates the Eastern tip of Siberia in Russia from Alaska, and links the Arctic Ocean with the Bering Sea

Who are mirinants?

They are people of Mongolian descent

What is the Majority Theory?

It is what most scientists bear to

What is the First Minority Theory?

Predicated upon settlement patterns and population disbursments; it would tell you that the root of the Majority Theory is incorrect.

What would some people (from Minority Theory One) argue mirinants descended from?

The West Coast of Africa America/ Pacific Island

What is the Second Minority Theory?

People believed that mirinants sailed from North Africa making it to the Americas. (A scientist even tested this by taking his own voyage which ended up testing reliable)

Who were the first Americans to populate the U.S.?


What did the Mirinants have? (Think background info)

They had history, a culture/cultural advances, and established civilizations

What two regions settled the majority of Mirinants?

Central and South America

What are the four major parts of mirinants civilizations?

1. each one had a system of religion

2. each one had a class system

3. each one had a government

4. each one influenced Europe

Where did corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin, chili peppers, coca, vanilla, tapioca, turkeys, and quinine (drug) originate from?

The Americanas

Culturally the Mirinants contributed to who and what we are. True or False?


Who were the most dominant civilizations?

The Mayans

What did the Mayans develop?

A system of telling time

Why was the Mayans' calendar so unique from our everyday calendar?

They were the first known civilization to use Zero for their calendar

What did the Mayans predict?

The end of time

Was their prediction correct?


What did the Mayans build and for what reason?

They built pyramids for observation

What were the Mayans first advancements in?


Did the Mayans have a system of religion?


What was the Mayans written language?


What region did the Aztecs dominate?


Who were the Aztecs?

A wayline group fo people that acted as mercinaries

What did the Aztecs conquer?


Did the Aztecs have an Empire? Explain.

Yes they did. The empire expressed dominant control of outlying providences.

What were the Aztecs known for?

Their clubs, which were sharp rocks embeded in their clubs to whack people with.

What was the Aztecs' empire based on?

Root force

What did the Aztecs' religious system demand of?


Who was the first settlement upon Lake Texico?

The Aztecs

They predicated on the old Aztec fable of what?

Wherever you see a serpent being devoured by an eagle, perched upon a cactus devouring a snake, sell it.

The place that the Aztecs first settled upon is known as what in present day?

Mexico City

Is Mexico City the largest city in the world? Why or why not?

Yes because it consists of the largest population and has the biggest religion.

Who conquers the Aztecs? How is that so?

Cortez because there wasn't a large number of Aztecs to conquer.

Where did the Incas settle?

In present day Peru

What did the Incas practice?


What were the Incas known for? (Think promotionally)

Commercial systems (they were considered traitors)

What did the Incas come up with?

The preminant system of architexture

What nation composed the first people Europeans cam into contact with?

The Irigua Nation

What was one of the major motivations for colonialism?

The advancement of Christianity

What was pushing people out? (Think Age of Discovery)

3 G's... Gold, God, and Glory

What is the Primo Generator System of Inheritance?

The oldest son takes (inherits) everything

What was the Decline of Feudalism?

The European system declines so the Lord grants a fife, which is a land grant (servants worked on those lands) and feudalism declines because of the crusades (people leaving to fight against Muslims taking valuable resources and pushing them to East)

What seemed to be the major motivator of people?

Selfish interests

What did the men returning from their voyage bring back to Western Europe?

Spices, Lemons, and Yarns

How is a Commercial Revolution produced?

By bringing back foreign products (goods were being brought back into Western Europe)

What did the Commercial Revolution make people act like?

Merchants instead of Agriculutral based laborers

How did people earn a living during the Commercial Revolution?

By selling goods

What did the Commercial Revolution kill off?


What was feudalism replaced with?

Crafts and the rise of guilds (established prices for products)

What leads to the rise of Towns?

The Theory of Supply and Demand

What is the Theory of Supply and Demand?

Refers to the interaction between the supply of a product and the demand for the product. As the supply increases, the demand will decrease, or as the demand increased the supply will decrease. (promotes business)

What were the middle class people referred to as?


What is the Renaissance?

At the root is the theory of humanism

What is Humanism?

Taking the empire off of God and placing it on Man

What happens during The Renaissance?

Man will move away from explaining the world in which he lived in using "God," now to use "man" (this spurs the curiosity of the world)

What is the Scientific Revolution?

Developments of mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry transformed the views of society and nature.

What did the people use as way of navigating in place of the stars?


What was the best selling book of the late 15th centry?

Columbus' Narration

What two things were invented during the Scientific Revolution?

The astrolabe (predicts the positions of the sun, moon and stars) and the compass (gives directions by N, S, E and W)

During the Scientific Revolution what advancements were made?

Longitude and Lattitude

Who is the Americas named after?

Amerigo Vercuisi

Who was Amerigo Vercuisi?

A map maker who discovered the Americas

Who was Ponce De Leon?

He's known for the Fountain of Youth and gave Florida it's name "La Florida" because it was the land of flowers

What was the first permanent European settlement?

St. Augustine, Florida

What happened in 1502?

The first recording of Africans being imported to Spanish Florida was created

Who was Hernando De Soto?

He founded the pathway of the Mississippi River, so De Soto County in Mississippi is named after him.

Who were the first major European explorers interested in commerce and trade only?

The Portuguese

Did the Portuguese set up settler colonies?


Who helped the Portuguese with trade?

Prince Henry the Navigator

Who set up a navigational school

Prince Henry

What did the Portuguese couple with?

The advancements of the Scientific Revolution and ship making which allowed them to push out

Who was Bartholomew Diaz?

He rounded the cape of good hope to get to the East

Who was Vasco Da Gama?

The first European to reach a direct route to far East

Who was Vasco Nunez De Balboa?

Discovered the Pacific Ocean

Who was Ferdinand Magellan?

First mere time seller and named the Pacific Ocean (he circumnavigated the world)

Why is the Pacific Ocean called what it is?

Because the waters are calm and warm

What region are the Portuguese most active in?

Africa (specifically East Africa)

Did the Portuguese start slave trade?


What is the Gem of the Portuguese Empire?


What is the largest colony for the Portuguese? Why?

Brazil because it was the most profitable

Why did the Spanish set up trades?

For the benefit of the mother country

Would small or large numbers of men go into the Spanish colonies?


What were the Spanish intermarried to?

The Native American populations

Who did the very beginnings of the Spanish originate from?


What descent was Columbus?


What did Columbus do?

He made 4 voyages on his own; he was funded by Isabella; he was trying to find a quicker route to East Indies (even though the quickest route had already been discovered)

Who does Columbus sail with?

90 men; 20 Africans were aboard the 3 ships

Who was Pedro Alonzo Nino?

He was aboard one of the 3 ships that set sail for Columbus' voyages; he was the navigator

What are the names of the 3 ships used for his voyages?

The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria

What does he first land in?

Waitland Islands

What does Columbus call the Waitland Islands?

San Salvador

Where does Columbus sail to after San Salvador?


Who was the first European to step foot on Cuba?


Who was credited as the first European to find the U.S.?


Why were Columbus' voyages important?

Because it was documented as contact, changes Western Europe's view of the world, and globalized the world

Where did Columbus originally think he was?

Somewhere off the Coast of East India

Who proved that the world is circular?


Who introduced diseases such as small pox into the world?


Who conquers the Incas?

Francisco Pazal

What region was Spain's dominant power located?

Western Hemisphere

Who set colonies up as settler colonies (pushed people into them)?


Why were the English colonies set up?

Based on merticalism and set up for balance of favorable trade

Why do colonies exist?

To benefit metropoll, to benefit mother country in a variety of ways, and to rid itself of the undesireable

What do the colonies supply the mother country with?

Raw resources and goods

Who was a major buyer of cotton?

Liverpool, England

What are some raw resources?

Gold, rice, indigo, cotton, etc.

What type of colony was Australia?

A penicode colony

What is a Penicode Colony?

One where people that were living there were making people who couldn't pay off debt leave

Who are Religious Decentives?

Those who protested the Catholic Church

What was the English Reformation?

Henry the 8th was in charge, made people question who was superior: the king or pope? Est. the English church (catholocism)

What were the 4 biggest religious groups that left England?

Catholics, Puritans, Quakers, and Mirinits