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34 Cards in this Set

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John Ray
late 1600s, "Natural Theology", New Method of Planets, Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of Creation. FOSSILS: rejected flood theories, grew that way, God testing us.
Carl Linnaeus
early 1700s, 'Father of Taxonomy(classification of organisms)', System of Nature, very sexual
James Hutton
mid 1700s, "scottish enlightenment", firstto connect erosion with sedimentation, "Deep Time"(the stretch of geological history)
Comte de Buffon
1700s, Histoire Naturella 1749-88, 36 volumes. Earth is 75,000 yrs old based off of cooling rate of iron, ancestral degeneration
Georges Cuvier
mid 1700s- early 1800s, compared living animals with fossils, extinct species, Catastrophism
Jean-Baptise Lamarck
mid 1700s – early 1800s, indviduals lose characteristics they don’t need & gain ones they do, inherits required traits
William Paley
: mid to late 1700s, Utiliterian, Christian writer and apologist, Natural Theology, 1- some things are design-like 2- design-like properties aren’t producible by unguided natural means 3- some things in nature are by means of a intentional design – if there are laws in nature there needs to be some sort of law-giver
Charles Darwin
1809-1882, 1825 Uni. Edinburgh, 1827 Cambridge, Dec. 1832-Oct. 1836 set sail on Beagle, galapogos islands –birds, RS, 1844 Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation – evolution, fossil evidence, Lamarckian theory. 1859 Origin of Species by Natural Selection,
Asa Gray
1810-1888, evangelical, believed variations were guided developed by God, called himself “Christian Darwinist”
George Frederick Wright
1838-1921, geologist, theologian, “Darwinism is ‘ the Calvinistic interpretation of nature’”
Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield
Princeton theologian, Concurcus: everything is caused by law and divine design
John Scope
: 1900-1970, taught physics and math, took to trial because he taught evolution
Whitcom & Morris
1961 The Genesis Flood, led to Creation Research Society & Institute for Creation Research
Nicolas Carnot
1796-1832, Carnots Heat Cycle
Alexander Fleming
invented Penecillin
Louis Pasteur
1822-1895, made a vaccine for rabies, 1- passed air through cotton, found organisms that cause putrefaction, 2- collected air from around france, different airs → different organisms,
the idea the world was affected by large scale catostrophies
the belief the universe has and will always exist unchanged; that scientific laws are constant throughout space and time
Natural Theology
the attempt to prove Gods existence through studying nature
Watchmaker Argument
“design implies a designer” William Paley Natural Theology 1802
The Beagle Voyage
5 years, Charles Darwin, dec 27 1831 oct 2 1836
Artificial Selection
selective breeding
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
Natural Selection
charles Darwin, process where heritable traits that make it easier for survival and are successfully reproduced become more common in a population over time
Darwin's Religious Biography
agnostic. Lady hope(Christian) and Edward aveling(atheist) tried to convert him
Scientific Reception of Darwinism
belief in any kind of evolution, belief in evolution only by NS, he natural animal origins of man, atheistic materialism. England- accepted struggle, not selection. Russia- accepted selection, not struggle. Germany-associated with particular opinions on emryogenesis
The Eclipse of Darwinism
1890-1930, eclipsed by orthogenesis and mutation theory by Hugo de Vries. 1930-35 evolution by NS is finally accepted
Warfield, everything caused by law and divine design
Spontaneous Generation
origin of life coming from inanimate matter (i.e. maggots from rotting meat), disproven by Louis Pasteur.
when a rival theory is consistent with the evidence but obviously goes against the original theory
Carnot's Heat Cycle
1824, from warm region to cool one for mechanical energy (heat engine), or vice versa to make a heat pump (like refridgerators, iar conditioners…)
e=energy m=mass c=celeritas (speed of light) 1905 paper, einstein
Double Helix
1953 Francis Crick and James Watson
Steam Engine
moving force behind industrial evo., drove machinery in factories and mills, powering pumping stations and transport aplliances like railways locomotives, ships, and cars
Scopes Trial
1925, Dayton, Tennessee. Scopes taught evolution in his classroom, went against the Butler Act (where you cant teach something that denies the story of Divine Creation)