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142 Cards in this Set

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-which one of the following religions has not been missionary from the beginning: judaism, buddhism, christianity, islam
-the idea the jews had that they were a people with laws and customs that separated them from the rest of humankind was called what
-second race
-what reappeared in the preaching of jesus
-God reaching out to the entire world
-what is the dominant verb in the great commission
-make disciples
-who was the first martyr for the christian faith
-what made philip move out of jerusalem
-which one of the following was not true of paul's background: roman citizen, sadducee, tutored by gamaliel
-who joined paul for his first missionary journey (other than john mark)
-what was the problem that led to the jerusalem council
-could gentiles become christians without first becoming jews
-what was paul's missionary strategy
-settle in larger cities and let younger companions go to smaller cities in the region
-what is the final phrase in the book of acts
-without hindrance
-which one of the following was not one of the three great centers of christian life in the second century: williamsburg, alexandria, antioch, rome
-for what first is antioch known
-there believers were first called christians
-in rome the church first used greek as its language. what did the use of greek imply
-most of the christians came from the poorer classes
-in what region did the christian faith take hold most rapidly between 100 and 500 ad
-north africa
-early missions in india was associated with which one of jesus' twelve disciples
-what was the center of life in celtic christianity
-what is the meaning of islam
-when pope gregory the great sent augustine to britain, where was augustine allowed to settle
-what was the best known work of the irish monks
-the book of kells
-who was the christian missionary who entered germany and chopped down the sacred oak of thor, the chief object of superstitious reverence at the time
-wynfrith of crediton, also known as boniface
-what did the peace treaties charlemagne made typically include
-conversion of inhabitants to the christian faith
-under what dynasty did christianity enter china
-what was over all in scandinavian religion
-a sense of fate and disaster
-how was christianity accepted in iceland
-by democratic process
-what phrase refers to the imaginary rectangular window between the 10th and 40th latitudes bordered around africa, the middle east, and asia
-10/40 window
-what term refers to the idea of taking the gospel to a new context and finding appropriate ways to communicate it so that it is understandable to the people in the context
-what phrase refers to a nation state in which traditional missionary work is illegal or banned
-creative access country
-what phrase refers to a church that fits well into the local culture
-indigenous church
-what term refers to the replacement of core or important truths of the gospel with non christian elements
-the order of teutonic knights was asked to evangelize prussia. what group was called in to help them
-what did francis of assisi demand of his followers
-absolute poverty
-francis later received the physical marks of jesus' crucifixion. what are these marks called
-why did dominic guzman establish the order of the dominicans
-to create an intellectually competent force
-ramon lull was the first to
-develop a theory of missions
-what was the most important event in roman catholic missionary history
-the foundation of the jesuit order in 1540
-who was the most famous of roman catholic missionaries
-francis xavier
-what portuguese settlement in asia became the beginning place for many missionary activities
-matthew ricci was helped in his missionary efforts by two of his talents. what were those talents
-his ability to repair clocks and make maps
-what was the principal obstacle to the success of mission work in central and south america from 1500 to 1600
-the cruelty of the spanish colonists
-when alexander de rhodes trained individuals to minister in vietnam, what additional field did he provide training in
-hugo grotius wrote the book de veritate religionis christianae. what was the book's purpose
-to serve as an outline of the christian faith that dutch sailors traveling to the far east could use
-when does protestant missions begin
-the movement called pietism
-what had geoge lisle been before becoming a missionary
-a slave
-where did george lisle go as a missionary
-which one of the following was not one of william carey's two principles that he put forward in 1792: attempt great things for God, expect great things from God, demand great things from God
-demand great things from God
-what was the problem with carey's translation work
-it was unintelligible because carey had not mastered the bengali idiom
-which one of the following did not join carey in serampore: joshua marshman, william ward, hannah marshman, hannah montana
-hannah montana
-what disaster occurred in carey's life in 1812
-he lost his priceless manuscripts in a warehouse fire
-where did lott cary serve as a missionary
-what was the wicked brew created by the mixed motives of the spanish and portuguese explorers
-gold, glory, and the gospel
-what disease did the spanish introduce to other cultures
-who was the apostle of the indies who worked tirelessly to alleviate the sufferings of the indigenous populations
-bartolome de las casas
-what did the colony of goa become
-the command center for the portuguese empire in the east
-who was the first woman missionary to the new world
-marie guyart
-whom did david brainerd evangelize
-native americans in new england and the middle atlantic colonies
-how long did the around the clock prayer meeting at herrnhut last
-100 years
-what usually sidetracked christian values in the great century
-lust for gold, diamonds, ivory, rubber, and other commondities
-what did great britain force the sale of in china that ultimately led to war
-indian grown opium
-according to shenk, what did missionaries tend to believe
-knowledge of the lord came clothed in the language and forms of their own culture
-what group originally sent adoniram judson out as a missionary
-congregational church
-how long did it take for adoniram judson to make his first convert
-6 years
-what did adoniram judson almost complete before his death
-a dictionary of the burmese language
-before he became a missionary, what was john theodore vanderkemp's profession
-what did john theodore vanderkemp do that caused great hostility from the local caucasian population
-he married an african
-who was the missionary explorer who made accurate scientific and geographical observations and opened up the heart of africa as never before
-david livingstone
-what mission group did james hudson taylor found in 1865
-china inland mission
-after the boxer rebellion was put down, the peace treaty called for compensation for loss of life and destruction of property. what did james hudson taylor instruct his missionaries to do
-not to ask for or accept any compensation
-where was the first world missionary conference held
-what was john raleigh mott's slogan
-the evangelization of the world in this generation
-what did pope pius re-establish in 1814
-the jesuit order
-what was the greatest weakness of all 19th century mission work
-which one of the following was not an approach used by michael jakovlevitch glucharev (makary): taught agriculture, gardening, and handcrafts to help people adopt a more settled existence; taught baptism was the beginning of the process, not the end; baptized new christians only after a long period of christian instruction in their own language; used a super soaker for mass baptisms
-used a super soaker for mass baptisms
-what did makary hope for and work for in russia
-the development of public education
-what condition led to charlotte "lottie" moon's death
-where was the second world missionary conference held
-what new enemy did christians face in china in 1945
-who was the medical missionary from knoxville, tennessee who served and died in china
-bill wallace
-how did the cultural revolution in china affect christianity there
-it destoryed or drove underground what was left of christianity
-who was the episcopalian missionary who served in the ivory coast in africa
-william wade harris
-which one of the following is not a goal of missionary training: genuine growth toward spiritual maturity, the ability to carry out one's assigned task, the ability to facilitate adjustment and manage stress for family and significant others, the development of expert marksmanship and the ability to deploy high explosives
-the development of expert marksmanship and the ability to deploy high explosives
-which one of the following is not one of the three foundational spiritual disciplines for any missionary: study, fasting, memorization, meditation
-what two kinds of knowledge do missionaries need
-general and culture specific
-what event helped latin american missions
-closing of china to foreign missionaries
-what missions became linked to in latin america
-creation of a just society
-where was the conference of medellin
-who came to the conference of medellin
-pope paul VI
-what the conference of medellin did
-publicly and formally identified the roman catholic church with the quest for a just society
-who became encouraged because of the conference of medellin
-christian radicals throughout latin america
-what catholics realized at the conference of medellin
-not dependent on europe but were the biggest roman catholic population in the world and had their own contributions to make
-a key word at the conference of medellin
-how gustavo gutierrez defined faith
-opting for the poor by means of a search for a better society
-liberation theology starts with
-commitment to the poor and oppressed against every form of injustice
-theological focus of liberation theology
-practical theology
-pope john paul II's reaction in 1985
-spoke against liberation theology
-other areas that empathized with liberation theology
-africa and asia
-betsy stockton's first
-first unmarried protestant woman from america to serve as an overseas missionary
-betsy stockton's former status
-where betsy stockton went to serve in 1823
-stipulation the american board placed upon sending betsy stockton
-she must be a domestic servant for another missionary couple
-where amy carmichael served for 55 years
-how many books amy carmichael wrote
-the religious order amy carmichael founded
-sisters of the common life
-where amy carmichael had first gone as a missionary
-group amy carmichael's ministry primarily reached out to
-children (specifically child widows, temple prostitutes, and orphans)
-why people criticized amy carmichael's book Things As They Are
-it gave both positive and negative perspectives of missions
-to which organization gladys aylward applied
-china inland mission
-primary reason china inland mission rejected gladys alyward
-poor academics
-aylward's profession in london
-house servant
-where aylward put her savings to go to china
-ticket agent at the railway station
-who needed an assistant in china
-jeannie lawson, an elderly, widowed chinese missionary
-work aylward was assigned in yangcheng
-operating an inn for mule drivers passing through
-job the chinese magistrate of yangcheng gave aylward
-local foot inspector
-what the job of local foot inspector involved
-making sure the new laws against female foot binding were being obeyed
-who aylward served as a spy for
-chinese military
-the film based on aylward's life
-the inn of the sixth happiness
-albert schweitzer's three areas of expertise
-medical doctor
-biblical scholar
-schweitzer's book containing controversial theological views
-the quest of the historical jesus
-where schweitzer established a hospital
-lambarene, gabon in west africa
-most renowned medical missionary family
-the scudders
-where ida scudder was born
-what people needed help with medically in india
-assistance in difficult childbirths
-why ida scudder's father could not assist with childbirths
-custom prohibited such contact
-where ida scudder received her m.d. degree
-what became ida scudder's all consuming goal in india
-building a nursing school for women
-what ida scudder taught in addition to medical courses
-a four year bible course on paul and his epistles
-two people who helped clarence jones in ecuador
-reuben and grace larson
-what hcjb stood for
-heralding christ jesus' blessing
-when world's first missionary radio program was broadcast
-christmas day 1931
-hcjb made their programming religious and also
-educational and cultural
-what was a key element of hcjb's philosophy
-what was founded in 1945
-christian airmen's missionary fellowship
-what christian airmen's missionary fellowship became known as
-mission aviation fellowship
-elizabeth "betty" greene's two firsts with the organization
-first full time staff worker
-first pilot to fly for the newly formed organization
-the group greene served with during the early months of world war II
us air force
-mother teresa's real name
-agnes bojaxhiu
-in 1931 mother teresa took vows to become a
-loreto sister
-how mother teresa served
-as a teacher specializing in geography
-what citizenship mother teresa obtained
-what mother teresa applied to rome to form
-a new congregation, missionaries of charity
-what mother teresa won in december of 1979
-nobel peace prize
-when mother teresa died