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114 Cards in this Set

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What is the name given to the Spanish struggle against the Moors
Where were the Maya to be found – name of modern day country.
List one of the major achievements of the Maya
-numerical system and math concepts
-calendars- two of them
-art> pyramids/temples/sculpture/painting
-written language
What is an ayllu
the basic political and social units of pre-Inca and Inca life
Name the mountain retreat built by the Incas
Machu Picchu
Who were the King and Queen who sponsored Columbus
King Ferdinand II of Aragon
Queen Isabella I of Castile
Where was Columbus born and name his three ships. Where did he first set up a settlement in the New World
Santa Maria, Pinta, Nina
??? Hispanola ???
Name of the discoverer of Brazil. What was his original mission.
Pedro Alvares Cabral, en route to India
(then next: Treaty of Tordesillas 1494)
How many captaincies were granted by the Portuguese Crown. Name the most successful captaincy. What was the first capital of Brazil
In 1534 King John III: Donatory System granted 12 individuals 15 hereditary captaincies
Duarte Coelho, with Pernambuco and shipping industry most successful
Name the men who were slave hunters and opened the interior of Brazil
Give one reason for the shift in exports from brazilwood to sugar
Excessive exploitation led to decrease
Slave trade opened up labour intensive sugar industry
Name the Aztec god who was to return after 52 years
remember Malinche
Who were the conquerors of the Aztecs and Incas
Spaniards: Cortez and Pizarro
Name the last Aztec emperor. What was the Aztec capital.
Moctezuma II or Moctezuma or Montezuma
Name of the agency which oversaw all aspects of life in the New World, based in Spain.
The Crown
Name of the agency which oversaw trade. What was the major political division in the Spanish Empire.
??? Council of Indies???
Give 2 reasons why a handful of Spaniards won two empires
What is the name of the system by which groups of Indians were granted to Spaniards.
Who was the first priest to speak out against the treatment of the Indians and got the Laws of Burgos passed in 1512
Antonio de Montesinos
Who was granted the title of Protector of the Indians in 1516. In which country did he attempt to set up an experimental model colony.
Bartolome de las Casas (1474-1567)
Name 2 reasons why creoles were willing to break ties with the mother country.
Economic frustration with Spanish trade and taxation
Exclusive political upward mobility
Who took up the fight to achieve independence after the defeat of Father Miguel Hidalgo.
What was Hidalgo’s rallying cry. One reason for the failure of his rebellion.
Grito de Delores
alienated creoles
assumed pure support
Name one of the Three Guarantees offered to creoles in Mexico.
2.Unity- preferably under a monarch
3.Religion- supremacy of the RC church
Under which leader did Mexico declare its independence
King Ferdinand VII
To which Caribbean country was Simon Bolivar exiled. Where was Bolivar born.
born in Caracas, Venezuela
exiled to Jamaica
Fill in the blank. The Congress of ........................................... was called by Bolivar in 1819 in an attempt to institutionalise the rebellion.
The ........................................... were the cowboys who roamed the plains of Venezuela. They eventually switched sides and fought with Bolivar.
Who is given credit for liberating Chile and Argentina.
Jose San Martin
In which city did the two great liberators of Latin America meet.
Which European nation oversaw the transfer of the Portuguese court to Brazil. What event precipitated this exodus.
United Kingdom
The Cortes in Lisbon 1820
Give one reason why Dom Pedro I chose to declare independence from Portugal. On the banks of which river was the declaration made.
Independance or death!
Name one provision of the Constitution enacted under Dom Pedro I. This Constitution was to last until the fall of the Monarchy .
1.Two chamber parliament. Limited franchise based on property and incom qualifications. Monarch chose life-time senate members
2.Emperor could appoint ministers,governors,bishops
Give one reason for the fall of Dom Pedro I in 1831.
2.Alienated landowners by agreeing in 1826 to abolish slave trade in 1830. A British demand
Suggest one reason why fazendeiros were so fearful of abolitionist movements in Brazil.
1.theories of racial superiority popular in late 19th century (Spencer's Darwinis...or Social Darwinism)
2.desire for a cheap labour supply
What was the major export crop in Brazil from the 1830s onwards. In what major regions was that crop grown.
Rio, Coffee
Who was the leader of the abolitionist movement in Brazil, he was the author of O abolicionismo.
Joaquim Nabuco
In which year did Brazil finally abolish slavery (It had been abolished in the British Empire since 1834)
Golden Law of May 13, 1888
Name one way in which abolition of slavery proved to be beneficial to fazendeiros.
Who is the founder of the doctrine of ‘positivism’. What was one of its tenets that was attractive to republicans in Brazil.
Auguste Comte
Which countries allied against Paraguay in the War of Triple Alliance (Paraguayan War)
Paraguay versus
Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay
What were two reasons why the Brazilian army was unhappy with Dom Pedro II.
war 1865-1870...Brazil VS. Paraguay...not well conducted- lengthy post war military pay reduced, ignored...and then
1879 bill reduces military SIZE
What is the name of the theories which declared the Pope’s supremacy and authority in matters of religion that swept Europe after 1848.
Why was the alliance between Church and the Monarchy in Brazil broken between 1873 and 1875.
1873 ultramontane bishop of OLINDA, Dom Vital de Oliveira
and bishop of PARA, Dom Antonio Macedo Costa
which year did the Brazilian Monarchy fall.
March 1824 Last of Portuguese surrender; Brazilian Constitution
August 1825 Portuguese recognize independance
April 1831 Pedro I abdicated
What is the name of the “iron marshal” of Brazil who consolidated the republic
Floriano Vieira Peixoto
Second President
Veteran of Triple Alliance War
Which country delayed its recognition of the new republic in deference to Dom Pedro II.
What were two of the major characteristics of the new republic till the end of the century.
Foreign debt increasing
Name two of the three states which dominated Brazilian political and economic life at the end of the nineteenth century.
Which two countries provided most white immigrants to Brazil at the close of the century.
Italy and Portugal
What was the major political division in the Spanish Empire.
*The Crown
*Council of Indies
*Council of Indies
(based in Spain)- chartered in 1524, great nobles, court favorites, later predominately lawyers...Supreme legislativve, judicial and executive body...nominated high colonial officials, framed legislation for the Indies...
Captains General- viceroyalty of: new spain, peru, guatemala, venezuela, cuba, and chile..etc...more with more population- same function, differed extent jurisdiction assigned..Supreme civil and military officer
highest court of appeal...served as viceroys coucil of state consisted of Peninsulares (born in Spain- versus Creoles {whites born new world})
oralcalde major- some appointed by viceroy, others by crown...possessed supreme judicial and political power in districts... represented royal interest in town councils
- town councils- members called regidores...cabildo abieto and general assembly of prominent citizens called to discuss urgent matters
All royal officials were subject to a residencia (judicial review)at the end of their term of office
*inherited Hidalgo's legacy
*mestizo rural priest- like Hidalgo- was underpaid and overworked
1.Nationalism (or NATIVISM?): declared American independant of Spain. Accused Spanish of enslaving the native population and stifling Mexico's national development (your economic policy makes us poor- immoral...Spanish imcompetence stifling economy)
2.Social change- abolition of class and racial barriers
3.Land reform- lands should be owned by those who work them
4.Church- support for the RC religion sustained through tithes
Declared independance on 6 November 1813
Limpieza de Sangre
(purity of blood)= transfer of all bad habits from Spain- NO MOORISH blood- guarded, jealousy,
churches and plazas- often combined...
wealth from mines, etc...
jail, hospital, priest, grain, livestock- don't need to go to city often...villages surrounding swallowed as labour force as land attainment
more land - more prestige

often wasteful use of land and merely a status symbol bankrupting many creole families...(still some successfull farming though)
Bourbon Reforms of 1759
1.Encouraged migration of Spaniards and worsened tensions between Iberians and Creoles
2.Attempts to increase revenue worsened conditions for all classes in colonial America
Creole Grievances

-limited free trade policy- Spanish inefficient and inadequate
-taxes- especially alcabala or sales tax hindered commercial prosperity
...taxes on marketing animals, sugar, spirits, etc...
Creoles VS. Iberians

around 1800 about 40K Iberians out of white population about 3.2M
Creoles excluded from high office: government, church, and business
170 viceroys appointed in America until 1813 only 4 Creoles
Of the 606 bishops/archbishops...only 105 were Creole
Causes- triggers in ripe environment
1.Agrarian crises
2.Rigid social structure
3.Sequestration of Church Wealth
*creole priest
*close ties to rural masses
*16 Sept. 1810 issued GRITO DE DOLORES at the head of an army/horde of 60K...Adopted popular causes to appeal to the masses
1.Seizure of European/peninsular property...
2.Abolition of Indian tribute...
3.Abolition of slavery (for black support)...
4.Restoration of lands to Indians- does a creole care about them..
Strategies>JMM differed from Hidalgo in three major ways (learn from mistakes):
1.Actively sought support of creoles...promised propery would be respected
2.Stressed the need for rigid discipline among his forces- better trained and equipped- DISCIPLINE (preceding Bolivar & San Martin)
3.Attempted to legalize and institutionalize his revolt by raising revenue through reforming tax systems and presented program for approval at the Congress of Chilpancingo
4.Abandoned any plan (real or imagined) of bringing over Ferdinand VII to be head of State (popular support for a 'real' emperor0
Revolution from above- not grassroots- Creoles scared to support
failed- like Hidalgo- because of lack of creole support...they wanted independance on their own terms...Morelos captured,found guilty of heresy and treason and shot on 22 Dec. 1815
Consequences...of Hidalgo and Morelos actions
1.Six years of war brought Mexican economy to virtual standstill
2.A large professional army created- including indian and mestizo troops
3.Revolution moved into hands of creoles (hijacked)
4.Morelos' humane campaign calmed fears of many and brought more creoles into the independance camp
de Iturbide a creole officer emerges as leader. Proposals for independance coalesced in PLAN OF IGUALA which offered 3 guarantees:
2.Unity- preferrably under a monarch
3.Religion- supremacy of the RC church
(Reform according to status quo- step by step change....)
plan apperaed to appeal to everyone
a>appealed to church with promise to conserve their property,priviledges, and religion
b>appealed to military because they ere personally acquainted with Iturbide. Foresaw hounours being bestowed on Military
c>appealed to landowners and office holders by preserving their status
d>appealed to guerillas warfare still fighting for independance
Plan promised
declares himself emperor
1.Issued decrees from Lisbon abolishing central gov't in Rio
2.Brazilians excluded from political and military offices
3.Brazilian representatives to Cortes were greeted with derision and virtually ignored
4.New troops ordered to Pernambuco and Rio- an indication that the Cortes would not compromise
5.Economic policy- Cortes wished to re-introduce old mercantilist system (protectionist)
6.Dom Pedro I ordered to return to Europe to complete his education
Reasons for downfall Pedro I
1.High-handed and autocratic.Dissolved parliament at will.Abused power of appointment (portuguese born friends)
2.Alienated landowners by agreeing in 1826 to abolish slave trade in 1830. A British demand
3.Engaged in a disastrous war with Argentina over Uruguay
4.Used Brazil's money to support daughter's claim to the Portuguese throne (Maria da Gloria)
Also: belief that Emperor's infidelity and fathering an illegitamate child contributed death of his popular wife. Believed she grieved to death.
DOM PEDRO II- in power 48yrs
- in power 48yrs
Able to bring stability to nation for two reasons
1.character of Monarch himself-enlightened attitude-an understanding of his more limited role in mid 19 century
2.skilful use of the poder moderator (moderating power). Alternated power between two political parties, the Liberals and Conservatives.
Fall of Dom Pedro II
b)hereditary nobility
c)clergy with the same interest
d)a military spirit with a responsive and adequate army (gotta have armed loyal support)
e)a general belief that the Monarch held some mysticl power derived from the Divine Right of Kings
Brazil at end of Empire
-Societal structure remained vitually unchanged although slavery had been abolished
-Middle/Entrepreneurial class fledgling
-Masses disenfranchised tenant farmers
-LATIFUNDIA remained
- Education limited
-Foreign debt increasing
-Transport still inadequate

birth of owing money to agencies
When was the Monroe Doctrine declared.
1823, President James Munroe
Name the future American President who participated actively in the Spanish American
Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevolt
What is a mule.
A carrier of illegal drugs (sometimes innocent, sometime a body, sometimes just a smuggler)
What are the initials of the group which captured Betancourt and kept her prisoner for
seven years.
Name one of the two Latin American countries which are most famous for launching
dirty wars against its citizens in the last decades of the twentieth century.
The Rio de la Plata region: Argentina and Uruguay
In which country did the rescue of Ingrid Betancourt take place.
Which elected president did General Augusto Pinochet overthrow.
Salvador Allende
For how many days was the world on edge during the Missile Crisis.
From where did the Americans agree to withdraw missiles as part of the deal to end the Missile Crisis.
Jupiter missiles in Asia Minor, specifically: Turkey
In which country was Che Guevara captured and executed.
What do the intials UFCo stand for?
United Fruit Company
What is the name of the British naturalist who refined the theory of survival of the fittest.
Charles Darwin's first publication 'The Origin of Species'
What kind of economic strategy did the Chicago Boys advocate
Chicago scholars influenced by Milton Friedman who advocated Liberalism (strategy 100 years old that failed...miserably)
What do the initials IMF stand for. What do the initials NAFTA stand for.
International Monetary Fund
North American Free Trade Agreement
What is one reason why NAFTA is criticized.
A lack of national autonomy- over resources, commodity, currency, and by proxy, economy.
Who is the President of Venezuela and what is that country’s principal export.
Hugo Chavez, influenced greatly by Simon Bolivar and Fidel Castro.
Which Latin American president was present at the G20 summit held in England in April 2009. His country has now become a creditor nation to the IMF for the
first time since the 1980s.
Luiz (Lula) de Silva (who cannot be re-elected this year in Brazilian elections
Of which Latin American country is (Juan) Evo Morales the president since 2006.
Other than the sale of drugs, name one way in which guerrilla groups financed their
activities in Latin America.
Kidnapping foreigners
Name the country which was governed by Carlos Menem and which he led into hyperinflation and a near collapse of that country’s economy because of the
implementation of the Chicago Boys’ strategy.
the country has done quite well recently, under the Kirchners
Where would we find the Cali cartel.
Southern Colombia
What is the capital of Brazil. Name two of its most prosperous states.
Capital: Brasilia
Prosperous provinces: Sao Paulo and Paraná
What is the country of birth of Rigoberta Menchu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Who was president of the United States who authorized support for the coup against the Chilean president on 11 September 1973.
Richard Nixon
Name one group which welcomed the coup led by Pinochet.
International Telephone & Telegraph
Name the archbishop who gave his life because of his belief in Liberation Theology. In which country was he murdered.
Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez
(Óscar Romero)
in El Salvador
What do the initials OAS stand for.
Organization of American States
Name one form of punitive action which the United States adopted against Cuba.
Travel restrictions on U.S. tourists and Cuban-Americans family visitation
Import measures (limits on sugar, no cigars)
Which American President first drew up plans for the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Dwight Eisenhower
Suggest one reason for the failure of the radical Left in Latin America in the C20th.
Foreign Interventions
Who am I? I helped to defeat Maximilian in Mexico and became President. I am a liberal and noted for my honesty.
Benito Juárez
Who am I? I was surrounded by the cientificos and they advised me that I should adopt a scientific approach to ruling Mexico. I went into exile in 1911.
Porfirio Diaz
Name the two major combatants in the Mexican Revolution who gained the support of the peasants and the ‘cowboys’.
Pancho Villa
Pascual Orozco
aided by
Emiliano Zapata
When was Mexico’s constitution proclaimed? What other major world event took place in the same year.
World War I: The United States declares war on Germany.
Russian February Revolution
Name the Mexican president who is known as the father of Mexican nationalism. He
was saved from retribution because of the impending world war.
Francisco I. Madero
Victoriano Huerta (most likely)
In which year did the American Civil War end.
Name the President of the Naval College whose ideas were instrumental in shaping American military strategy at the end of the nineteenth century.
George Bancroft?
Stephen Luce?
When was the Spanish-American War. Name one territory which was ceded to the US.
Commencement: 1898
Which country was saddled with the Platt Amendment.
(Cuban relations with the American State)
Which American President instituted the Good Neighbour Policy.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt