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34 Cards in this Set

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The rabbis of the Mishnah and Talmud saw themselves as the heirs of


Two Talmuds

From Palestine and Babylonia


A rabbi who lived before the Mishnah was completed (1st or 2nd centuries)


Legal material in the Talmud


11th century, one of the most famous Talmud commentators


saying by a rabbi in the 1st or 2nd centuries NOT in the Mishnah

Mishnah Torah

most influential codification of Jewish law after the Mishnah and Talmud, by rabbi Joseph Caro


Introduction to a homily at the beginning of a complete Midrash or a chapter


an type of ancient sermon


Jewish law based primarily on the Talmud

Shemoneh esreh

A prayer that is the center of any Jewish religious service. Also known as the Amidah or the Tefilah.


Hebrew word meaning "destruction"

614th commandment

"Do not despair"- Even after the Shoah, you cannot abandon your faith

hester panim

"hidden face" explanation using Psalm 44 that God hid His face during WWII


one of the last ghettos

Mendelssohn's discussion about Jesus

Jesus followed Jewish law and rabbinic teachings to a tee, so how can Christians criticize Jews?

Harry H Epstein

Rabbi at Atlanta's Agudath Achim (1928-1982). An Orthodox rabbi who wrote creative sermons on things such as Thanksgiving and other secular American things in order to connect these ideas with Jewish thought. Also instituted services on Friday and Sunday, and fundraising.

Herzl proposes a Jewish state in which places?

Argentina and Palestine


The practice of lending money. Forbidden for Catholics and one of the only jobs allowed for Jews

3 theological concepts of Judaism

1. God revealed commandments/Torah on Mt. Sinai

2. There is one God

3. Reward/punishment system for observation of commandments

Moses Mendelssohn

Born in 1729 in Germany, known for Jerusalem and Biur, translated the Hebrew bible into German. First Jew in modern times to immerse himself in general culture

Sholom aleichem

"peace be with you"


"going up", a word used to describe going to the holy land. Happened in 5 waves


Idealistic group wanting to go to Palestine


People need to stay where they are and thrive in the diaspora


Paramilitary group in 1939 targeting Jews, Polish intellectuals, and Catholic clergy

Balfour Declaration

Palestine should be reconstituted as the Jewish national home

The Churchill White Paper (1922)

Jews have created a national home legally, so the British should recognize it as a community

White Paper of 1939

British directive to curtail and then stop Jewish immigration to Palestine

Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry (1946)

Created a bi-national state under UN supervision, issued 100,000 certificates for Nazi-persecuted Jews


Diplomats with no relevance to Palestine recommend partition with Jerusalem in neither state

Reform Views

-Torah is product of human thought, not divine authority

-Don't follow Mitzvot

-Omit prayers and abridge service

Leo Pinsker

society for spread of culture among Jews of Russia. But pogroms were his turning point and he advocated for zionism

Aaron David Gordon

1856-1922. Jews need to do hard labor and be people of the land to build a new country