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60 Cards in this Set

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John Harrison
lattitude, clock--stand damp, salty conditions
King Leopold II
Belgium, constitutional monarch; Congo
Czar Alexander II
Russia; democratic reforms; freed the serfs; killed by a bomber--The National Will (radical revolutionary organization)
Willhelm I
Germany; United; king of Prussia
Victor Emmanuel II
Italy; constitutinal monarch; all of northern Italy--united under him
Giuseppe Girabaldi
Italy; freed Sicily from Bourbons; joined his conquered territories with northern territores--united Italy
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Puritans--literature; Scarlet Letter
Herman Melville
Moby Dick; copied Fenimore Cooper's seafaring tales
nature; more than five senses; poets; religious overtones; no religion
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Self Reliance; Nature
Henry David Thoreau
big fan of Emerson; "Walden" (pond); "On Civil Disobedience"
Emily Dickinson
poet; inside self vs outside world; transcendentalist
American Civil War
1861-1865; both sides had advantages
Scopes trial
Darrow (Darwin) vs Bryan (bible scholar; micro vs macro evolution
Intelligent Design
do not believe in Macro nor creationism
Quantum Theory
Neils Bohr; calculate the energy states of a hydrogen atom
Uncertainty Principle
Werner Heisenberg; position and momentum of an electron
Theory of Relativity
Albert Einstein; relative nature will change; its relative!
Edouard Manet
Romantic painter; inspired Impressionists; Luncheon on the grass-- nude; art for art's sake
Claude Monet
impressionist; painter; leader; light and color
Pierre August Renoir
color and light; people; impressionist; le moulin de gallete (happy costumers with light coming through trees)
Edgar Degas
focused on movement; realism; ballet!; rehearsal of the ballet painting;
Georges Seurat
pointillism; A sunday on La Grande Jatte
Paul Cezanne
post impressionist; View over Mont Sainte-Victoire; father of modern painting; natural order rather than impose order; forms in nature--cone, cylinder, sphere
Paul Gaugin
paintings of natives of tahiti; La Orana Maria; collected art; wealthy; achieve primitive emotions
Henri Matisse
Fauvism; emotion--color, subject matter; The Red Room
Auguste Rodin
The Thinker, Burghers of Calais; classical in concept--impressionistic in execution
Claude Debussy
Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun; Clair de Lune
Maurice Ravel
Impressionistic composer as well; Pavanne for A Dead Princess; Bolero (more instruments--build up);
Feodor Dostoevsky
master of the psychological novel; Crime and Punishment; meaning of life and death
Henrik Ibsen
Norwegian Playwright; ordinary life as settings of his play; controversial themes; A Doll's House; psychological themes in plays
Friedrich Nietzche
"God is Dead"; wrote philosophy; reject intellectuality--rely on basic animal passions
Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria, Italy
Triple Entente
Russia, France, Great Britain
Vladimir Lenin
leader of the communists in Russia before Stalin; able to declare establishment of Soviet Union
Josef Stalin
aggressive communism enforcement; spread communism all over the world
Third Reich
Hitler Youth; men learned military skills, girls learned home-making skills; mandatory
Jazz Age
speak easies; credit; disregard for law
Marcel Duchamp
art aimed at aggravating people; Nude Descending A Staircase; Fountain; most people thought it absurd
Duchamp was the leader in this movement; abstract art--meaningless and random; viewer
Salvador Dali
Surrealism; Persistence of Memory; Inventions of the Monsters;
Louis Sullivan
steel, towering skyscrapers;
Frank Lloyd Wright
architecture blends in with nature; organic design;
Louis Armstrong
Ambassador of Jazz; developed scat singing
Duke Ellington
another Jazz ambassador; turned harmony upside-down--trombones play high, clarinets play low with trumpets
George Gershwin
jazz gained a more lofty status because of him; American composer; wrote jazz in classical form
Axis Countries
Germany, Italy, Japan
great Britain, France and other countries of the world including USA
Battle of Britain
Air war; Britain had faster planes with radar;
beaches of Normandy; lots of allied casualties; enemies thought it was going to happen somewhere else
Yalta Conference
divide up Germany into four parts; democratic part vs communist part= problems
Marshall Plan
US gives loans; still at war with Japan
Cold War
USSR vs USA; nuclear weapons
North Treaty Organization--USA and others against communism
Warsaw Pact: opposing side
Red Scare
Joseph McCarthy; hunt for communism in USA
Jean Paul Sarte
most famous novel: Nausea; inanimate objects, daily situations; existentialism; Being and Nothingness
Albert Camus
existentialist author; The Stranger
Jackson Pollack
splattered paint
Andy Warhol
pop art
John Cage
Four Minutes, Thirty Three Seconds