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58 Cards in this Set

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1. Who blamed the burning of Rome on Christians and viciously persecuted them?
Emperor Nero
Early church Father who was burned at the stake at age 86
Translated the early Latin translation of the Bible known as the Vulgate, insisting that the Apocrypha would only get in over his dead body?
The heretic that was excommunicated by the early church for his false teaching and rejection of the Old Testament and much of the NT
The false teaching that the physical world is evil, that salvation is through hidden knowledge and Jesus is just an emanation from God
Gnosticism ...or Docetism
False teaching that God the father son and spirit are just three manifestations of God and not 3 separate persons
Dealt a death blow to Gnostacism in the 2nd century. Wrote Against Heresis.
Recognized all 66 of the books in the Bible as inspired and referred to them as the canon in his Easter Letter
Divided Roman Empire and persecuted Christians
Emperor Diocletian
Wrote first church history book since Acts
Black dwarf. Stood up to the emperor regarding Jesus not being created.
literal approach to scripture. nicknamed Golden-Mouth.
John Chrysostom
Wrote the city of God. Guided Christians after the fall of Rome
False teacher. Taught that salvation depends on works and humans don't have a sin nature.
Missionary with an Axe.
Bishop Boniface
knight who stripped for a bishop. Wrote Lord Make Me An Instrument of Thy Peace prayer.
St. Francis of Assisi
Father of the scholastics. developed the Ontological Argument to prove God's existence
St. Anselm
Dumb Ox. The Sum of Theology is God Himself
St. Thomas Aquinas
Inspiration for WWJD. Wrote Imitation of Christ
Thomas a Kempis
Put together the first printed Greek NT in 1516
Desiderius Erasmus
Dominican peddler sold indulgences
Johann Tetzel
French reformer forced to flee to Switzerland. Wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion
John Calvin
Wrote so a plowman could read his translation of the NT
William Tyndale
Scottish reformed helped establish the Presbyterian church. Prayer Give me Scotland or I die
John Knox
Anyone outside the Roman Catholic church is cursed
Council of Trent
No true Christian can exploit the natvie americans
Used water and snake skin to preach the gospel to African slaves in America. Called himself the slave of slaves.
Pedro Claver
Was convince that Calvin's position on predestination was wrong. His followers published The Remonstrance
Jacobus Arminius
Baptized himself. Started the Baptist church.
John Smyth
wrote Pilgrims Progress
John Bunyan
Baptist leader. Wanted to separate the church and state in the colonies. Founded a community in Providence where every faith was welcome
Roger Williams
Enlightenment view that God is distant
Founder of the Quakers
George Fox
Where was the longest prayer meeting in history that lasted more than 100 years
The Moravians at Herrnhut
Leader in the Great Awakening. Preached "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
Jonathan Edwards
Slave-trader who wrote Amazing Grace
John Newton
cross-eyed servant at Oxford who became known as the Great Awakener when he preached soul stirring sermons throughout America
George Whitefield
Wrote When I Survey the Wondrous Cross. The Father of English Hymns.
Isaac Watts
Father of modern theology. Approach to Bible encouraged higher criticism and the quest for the historical Jesus
Friedrich Schleiermacher
member of parliament who worked to outlaw slavery in Britain
William Wilberforce
English paster and social reformer. Great man of faith. Founded numerous orphanages in London.
George Mueller.
Father of modern missions. Just a plodder attempting to do great things for God.
William Carey
Missionary who became Chinese. The future is as bright as the promises of God.
Hudson Taylor
Missionary. Heart buried in Africa, body buried in London.
David Livingstone
God's lawyer. Introduced altar calls.
Charles Finney
Prince of Preachers. Pastored the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London preaching to some 6,000 every Sunday
Charles H Spurgeon
Shoe salesman turned preacher. Saw world as a shipwrecked vessel.
Dwight L. Moody
Plymouth Brethren leader who began teaching a dispensationial approach to understanding the Bible.
J. Nelson Darby
German-Swiss pastor. Developed Neo-Orthodoxy
Karl Barth
German pastor and professor who opposed Hitlers treatment of the Jews. Wrote The Cost of Discipleship. Executed by the Nazis.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Imprisoned for helping Jews in WWII. The Hiding Place is about her.
Corrie Ten Boom
Black holiness pastor in LA who led the Azusa Street Revival.
William Seymour
Founded Foursquare
Aimee Semple McPherson
Started Bible Standard Churches
Fred Hornshuh
Started Open Bible
John Richey
Episcopal pastor in Van Nuys, CA who spoke in tongues and initiated the Charismatic Movement.
Dennis Bennet
Pastor who started the Jesus People Movement with Hippies
Chuck Smith
Movement uses postmodern thinking in its approach to the Bible and Church
The Emerging Church