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142 Cards in this Set

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When was Rome Founded?
April 21, 753 BC
Who was Aeneas' dad?
Who was Aeneas' son?
Ascanius (or Iulus)
Who was Aeneas' third wife after Dido?
Who was Evander's son?
What are the Seven Hills of Rome?
Palatine, Capitoline, Aventine, Equiline, Caelian, Viminal, and Quirinal
Which hill did Remus stand on?
Which hill did Romulus stand on?
Who was Romulus' first wife?
Who was the queen of Latium?
Who was Pallas' dad?
Who was the child of Aeneas and Lavinia?
Aeneas Silvius
In which city did Aeneas visit Dido?
Where was Lavinia from?
Which city did Ascanius found?
Alba Longa
What does Numitor do to his brother?
Kicks Amulius out of Albla Longa
Who was the daughter of Amulius?
Rhea Silvia
Who was Rhea Silvia raped by?
Who were the children of Mars and Rhea Silvia?
Romulus and Remus
Who were Romulus and Remus found by?
A Lupa (shewolf), or Acca Larentia and Fastulus
(Lar-en-tia) (Fast-ul-us)
Which roman traitor let the Sabines through the gate?
Who rides into the Earth on a horse?
Mettius Curtius
(Mett-ius) (Curt-ius)
What was Numa Pompilius the father of?
Roman Religion
Who was the father of Roman Religon?
Numa Pompilius
(Numa Pomp-il-ius)
Are you wearing your toga to Chick-Fil-A tomorrow?
Yes, because if you don't I will look like an idiot standing there being the only one with a toga on.......
What was Rhea Silvia?
A vestal virgin
What ethnicity was Numa Pompilius?
Who was Numba Pompilius' nymph advisor/wife?
What did Tullus Hostilus organize the first of?
A census! Yes! The very first census! A census is a counting of the people! And he organized the first one! Tullus Hostilius organized the first census! Did you know that? Well now... you do! So if I were to ask you the guy who organized the first census, would you say Tullus Hostilius? I would sure hope so! You know why? Because Tullus Hostilius organized the very first census of Rome ever to be created! You know what will shock me? If there is a question on the test about this, and you miss it! You know why? Because Tullus Hostilius organized the very, very first census of Rome!
What did Tullus Hostillius also organize apart from the census?
The Roman army
What was the mother city of Rome?
Alba Longa
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What were the names of the three brothers from Alba Longa?
How many Horatii brothers died?
How many Curiatii brothers died?
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(˙˙uɐɔ ǝןdoǝd ʇsoɯ 'ʇı ʇnoqɐ ʎddɐɥ ooʇ ʇǝƃ ʇ,uop) ¡pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ¡suoıʇɐןnʇɐɹƃuoɔ
How to keep a not-smart person busy for 40mins?
Step 1. Click next
To see Step 2, please press "P"
(You might have to try a few times for it to work)
What structures did Ancus Marcius build?
Pons Sublicius - bridge across the tiber and Ostia - port on Tyrrhenian Sea
(Pons Sub-lici-us) (Os-tia)
Who kicked out Ancus Marcius?
Tarquinius Priscus
What was the original name of Tarquinius Priscus?
Who was Tarquinius Priscus married to?
Where was Tarquinius Priscus from?
What was the census of Servius Tullius based off of?
Class (money)
Who were the daughters of Servius?
Tullia (good) and Tullia Minor (Evil)
Who was Tarquinius Priscus married to?
What made Servius Tullius a good king?
He listened to his advisors
Where was Tarquinius Priscus from?
What was the census of Servius Tullius based off of?
Class (money)
Who were the daughters of Servius?
Tullia (good) and Tullia Minor (Evil)
What made Servius Tullius a good king?
He listened to his advisors
Who was Tarquinius Priscus married to?
Where was Tarquinius Priscus from?
What was the census of Servius Tullius based off of?
Class (money)
Who were the daughters of Servius?
Tullia (Good) and Tullia Minor (Evil)
What made Servius Tullius a good king?
He listened to his advisors
What did Servuis Tullius famously build?
The Mamertine prison and the Servian walls
Who did Tullia Meaner fall in love with?
L. Tarquinius (Who was originally Tullia the regular's husband)
Who kills Servuis Tullius and rules Rome with his evil wife?
Tarquinius Superbus
(Tar-quin-ius Super-bus)
What did Tarquinius Superbus famously build?
The Cloaca Maxima (Sewer System) and the Jupiter Optimus Maximus (or Capitolium or Capitoline Triad - because was also in honor of Minerva and Juno)
How many books does Sibyl offer at first to Tarquinius Superbus?
What number of books does Tarquinius Superbus finally buy from Sibyl after she destroys many of them?
Who was the son of Tarquinius Superbus?
Sextus Tarquinius
(Sex-tus Tar-quin-ius)
Who does Sextus Tarquinius famously rape?
What does Lucretia do to herself after Sextus Tarquinius rapes her?
She killed herself
You just lost the game..
Better go find it O_O
What do Sextus Tarquinius and Collatinus decide to do together?
Go look at all the royal women to see what they did when no one was watching..
Who formed the Res Publica?
Brutus and Collatinus
(Brut-us) (Coll-a-tinus)
When was the Res Publica formed?
509 B.C.
Who was the first king of Rome?
Who was the second king of Rome?
Numa Pompilius
Who was the third king of Rome?
Tullius Hostilus
Who was the fourth king of Rome?
Ancus Marcius
Who was the fifth king of Rome?
Tarquinius Priscus
Who was the sixth king of Rome?
Servius Tullius
Who was the seventh and last king of Rome?
Tarquinius Superbus
Who was Lars Porsenna the king of?
Which king gives C. Mucius the name Scaevola for his bravery?
Lars Porsenna
(Lars Por-senna)
Which girl was so brave that Lars Porsenna decided to end the war against Rome out of amazement?
Who was Neoptolemus' mom?
Who defended the bridge of Rome (Pons Sublicus) from the Eturians?
Hortius Cocles
(Hort-ius Coc-les)
Who was kicked out of Rome for killing a Tribune?
Whom did Coriolanus join as revenge to the Romans for kicking him out of the city?
What was the name of the wife of Coriolanus?
What was the name of the mom of Coriolanus?
What did the Romans do to protect themselves from Coriolanus and his army of Volscions?
They put his wife and mom on the battle field and his mom talked him into leaving
What was the name of the alliance all the Latium cities formed that Rome had to fight?
Latin League
Which brothers helped at the battle of Lake Regillus?
Discouri Brothers
At what year was the battle of Lake Regillus?
496 B.C.
I see you reading this...
Haha, you know that made you nervous for at least a split-second
(If it didn't then go drink out of the wrong waterhole, then we will see who gets nervous O_O)
What were the people who Rome defeated called who were turned into allies?
What was the treaty the Romans made with the Latin League?
Foedus Cassionum
(Foe-dus) (Cass-ion-um)
What year was Cincinnatus appointed dictator to save the Roman army?
454 B.C.
What was Cincinnatus doing when the Roman senate approached him about becoming dictator?
Ploawin hiz phields..
In how many days did Cincinnatus rescue the Roman army?
16 days
What was the constant struggle between the Plebs and Patricians called?
Conflict of the Orders
At which mountain are the Romans trapped when Cincinnatus rescues them?
My. Algidus
In which year was the Res Publica put on hold because of outcries of the Plebians?
451 B.C.
What were the people called who were in charge of codifying the Res Publica so the Plebs would be happy?
What book/law-thing did the Decemviri make?
Law of the 12 Tables
Who was the guy (great grandfather of Appius Claudius) who associated (I guess..? I didn't get notes on that part) in some way with Verginia bringing an end to the Decemviri's rule?
Appius Claudius
In what year did Brennus and the Gauls attack Rome?
390 B.C. (Before Cheez-its)
Who warned Menlius about Brennus and the Gauls attacking?
The geese of Juno
What does Brennus ask for in return for him and the Gauls leaving?
1,000 pounds of silver on his scale
What does "Vae Victus" mean?
"Woe to the ones having been conquered" - too bad, so sad, you lost
What are the years in which Rome is conquering Italy?
509 - 264 B.C.
In what year was the Via Appia built and by who?
312 B.C., and built by Appius Claudius Caecus
(App-ius) (Cla-ud-ius) (Cae-cus)
Why was the Via Appia built?
It was first built to get to the rich soils of Campaignia, but later to fight Pyrrhus' army (Neoptolemus' army) in 2nd Samnite War
What was the 2nd Samnite war called?
The Great Samnite War
What was built in the year 312 B.C.?
Aqua Appia (first Aqueduct) and Via Appia (main road through Italy)
In what battle did the Romans lose with the Samnites during the second Samnite War?
Caudine Forks
(Cau-dine Forks)
What happened to the Romans after the battle of Caudine Forks?
(Hint: It means to "pass under the yoke)
They became enslaved
What does it mean to be enslaved? (Common Phrase/Motto thing)
Sub Hasta Venire (To come under the sword)
What was southern Italy known as?
Magna Gracia
Which city did Rome face in Southern Italy?
Which king did Tarentem call for help?
Who does Epirus send to help Tarentem?
Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus)
What "tanks" does Pyrrhus bring into Italy?
What is a Pyrric Victory?
A victory that cost you so much, it isn't really a victory
Who declines Pyrrhus' request for a peace treaty between Tarentem and Rome?
Appius Cladius
(Ap-pius Clad-ius)
In what year does Alexander the Great die?
323 B.C.
How many big, important battles were there against Tarentem?
In what year was the battle of Herclea (1st Major Battle of War with Tarentem)?
280 B.C.
In what year was the battle of Ausculum (2nd Major Battle of War with Tarentem)?
279 B.C.
In what year was the battle of Malventum (3rd Major Battle with Tarentem)?
275 B.C.
In what year was the Lex Horensia passed?
287 B.C. ********VERY IMPORTANT
In what year did Menenius Agrippa tell a fable of the stomach and body (Patricians and Plebs) to the Pleb Secession?
494 B.C.
What law stated that Plebs and Patricians could get married?
Lex Caenuleia
(Lex Cae-nul-eia)
In what year did Rome control all of Italy?
275 B.C.
Who were two famous Censors?
Cato and Appius Cladius
How often was a Census taken?
Every 5 years and 18 months
What could you be once you became Quaestor and which club were you automatically in?
Aedile, Tribune, Praestor; Club - Senate
(Aed-ile) (Tri-bune) Prae-stor)
How many Quaestors were there?
How many Aediles were there?
How many Tribunes were there and what power did they have?
10; Veto Power
What was Roman Government Called?
Cursus Honarum
What was "power" in the government called?
What were Tribune laws called?
Which Assembly of the People was in charge of electing Religious Officals?
Comitia Curiata
(Com-it-ia Cur-ia-ta)
What was the Assembly of the People that elected the Magistrates called?
Comitia Centuriata
(Com-it-ia Cen-tur-i-ata)
What was the Assembly of the People that elected the Tribunes called?
Comitia Tributa
(Com-it-ia Tri-buta)
What was the Assembly of the People that only plebs could participate in?
Concilium Plebis
(Con-cili-um Pleb-is)
What did the Lex Hortensia, made in 287 B.C., state?
Laws affected both Patricians and Plebs (ended 'Conflict of the Orders')