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21 Cards in this Set

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What three groups of people were progressive?
-Populist=regulate big business
-Mugwumps=republicans that wanted reforms
-Middle Class=felt they weren't being represented
What were the issues that the progressives wanted to change?
-Break up or regulate trusts
-Killing political machines
-Improve bad city conditions
-Consumer protection
-Improve labor conditions
-Voting reforms
-Banking reforms
-Female Suffrage
What were Muckrakers?
Dig up crud on people in power
Who were three muckrakers?
-Thomas Nast=Political cartoons, corruption by NYC's political machine Tammany Hall by Boss Tweed (Tweed was put in prison)
-Jacob Rils=wrote about living conditions of urban poor and child labor, NYC passed building codes and ended child labor and increased enrolment in school
-Upton Sinclair=The Jungle, investigated dangerous working conditions and unsanitary procedures, meat inspection and drug and food act were passed
Who were two social gospel reformers?
-Jane Addams=social work founded settlement house movement and hull house
-Margaret Sanger=educated poor about family planning and birth control, founded Planned Parenthood
Who were two more mukrakers?
-Frank Norris=The Octopus, fictional book exposed monopolistic railroad practices, court case against railroads
-Ida Tarbell=Standard Oil Company, exposed ruthless tactics of company through a series of articles, the company was declared a monopoly and and broken up
What were two city reforms?
-City Commissioner Plan=cities hired experts in different fields to run a single aspect of a city.
-City Manager Plan=a professional city manager is hired to run each department of the city
What were the five state reforms?
-Recall=allows voters to petition to have an elected representative removed from office
-Initiative=allows voters to petition state legistlatures in order to consider a bill desired by citizens
-Referendum=allows voters to decide if a bill or proposed amendment should be passed
-Secret ballot
-Direct primary=ensures that voters select candidates to run rather than party bosses
What is temperance?
-Women's Christian Temperance Union=Williard, if caught fines and prison, ad campaigns that drinking was unpatriotic
-18th amendment=no selling buying or drinking
What were the major events in women's suffrage?
-Seneca Falls=dmeanded right to vote, Stanton
-Split into National Women's Suffrage Association (Stanton) and American women's suffrage association (Stone)
-National Women's party by Paul, more radical
-19th amendment=women's suffrage
-Trustbusting-Sherman Antitrust Act
-Railroads-Interstate Commerce ct, Elkins Act, Hepburn Act=railraod regulation
-Meat Inspection Act and PureFood and Drug Act
-1902 Coal Strike=broke up srike because if was dangerous to public
-Conservation=protect land with natural resources
-Civil Rights=Roosevelt only supported some individual A-A's, not collectively
-Payne Bill=lowered rates on manufactured goods,and lowered tariffs, contributed to divide in republican party, busted 90 trusts, overall not as progressive, a step backward
-Clayton Antitrust Act=intended to strengthen Sherman one, prevented creation of a monopoly by forbidding businesses from getting stock of another
-Federal Trade Commission=agency that could investigate violationsof antitrust act
-Under Wood Act=tried to lower tariffs
-Local Suffrage Battles=college educated women became invloved in the movement
-Did support women's suffrage even though he was tentative about it
-Did not support anti-lynching
-Wanted to attack large businesses to give power to average citizens
What are the reasons for US imperialism?
-Global competition=already coast to coast, expanding into other countries
-Military strength=land different places for camps and bases
-New Markets
-Belief in cultural superiority=we're the best everyone wants to be like us (social darwinism)
What were the underlying causes of WWI?
-Militarism=glorification of war and military, large reserve armies, mobilization, naval expansion (to rival Britain-Germany)
-Alliances=defense agreements, Triple Alliance=Germany A-H, Italy, Triple Entente=France, Russia, GB
-Nationalism=extreme pride in one's nation, French wanted revenge for loss of Alsace-Lorraine, Slavic people wanted to unify
-Imperialism=domination of one country by another, Germany and France over Morocco, Russia and A-H rivals in Balkins, Britain and Germany in Middle East
-Anarchy (International)=no international organization to uphold treaties, Europeans pursue policies w.o considering neighbors
What were two short term causes of the war?
-Assasination of Francis Ferdinand=heir to AH throne, killed by Serbian nationalist, Germany joins AH, France and GB join Russia
What are the reasons for US imperialism?
-Global competition=already coast to coast, expanding into other countries
-Military strength=land different places for camps and bases
-New Markets
-Belief in cultural superiority=we're the best everyone wants to be like us (social darwinism)
What were the underlying causes of WWI?
-Militarism=glorification of war and military, large reserve armies, mobilization, naval expansion (to rival Britain-Germany)
-Alliances=defense agreements, Triple Alliance=Germany A-H, Italy, Triple Entente=France, Russia, GB
-Nationalism=extreme pride in one's nation, French wanted revenge for loss of Alsace-Lorraine, Slavic people wanted to unify
-Imperialism=domination of one country by another, Germany and France over Morocco, Russia and A-H rivals in Balkins, Britain and Germany in Middle East
-Anarchy (International)=no international organization to uphold treaties, Europeans pursue policies w.o considering neighbors
What were two short term causes of the war?
-Assasination of Francis Ferdinand=heir to AH throne, killed by Serbian nationalist, Germany joins AH, France and GB join Russia
What was the Schlieffen Plan?
-Germany had enemies on east and west so they wanted to stroke quickly on France (and hoping Russia would be slow to mobilize then strike them
-But violated treaty by invading Belgium, so Britain enters and declares war on Germany
Why did the US go to war?
-Financial=US banks lent $ to both sides, until Germany was blockaded and blew up ships
-British propaganda=most news from Britain was exaggerated German atrocities against defenseless citizens
-Zimmerman Telegram
-German submarines=practiced unrestricted submarine warfare, wanted US to enter late or not at all. They attacked any foreign vessel in their war zone, sunk 4 American ships
-Russian Revolution=Russian czar overthrown, leaders of rev. promised to establish constitutional gov., all allies had "democratic gov." idea of war for democracy