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61 Cards in this Set

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Louis XIV
Absolutist king of France, moves capital to palace of Versailles, regent is Cardinal Mazarin, deals with nobles and centralization
Palace of Versailles
Grandeur palace, made new capital of France under Louis XIV
Form of gov’t in which sovereign power or ultimate authority rested in hands of monarch who claimed divine right to rule and responsible only to god
Jean-Baptise Colbert
indirect taxes, mercantilism: encouraged exports, but discourages imports; under louis XIV
Scientific Revolution
transition from traditional to modern way of thinking
a. Discovery of laws of nature
b. Overturning of the Aristotelian Universe (geocentric)
c. Replacement w/ Newton’s Mechanical Universe
Geocentric Universe
earth is center of the universe, to complex
Nicholas Copernicus
Polish astronomer; discovered heliocentric model (sun is center of universe)
Johannes Kepler
challenged perfect orbit of the universe; proposes elliptical orbit
- Italian astronomer, telescopes for looking at the sky, no end to the universe, punished by the church
The Enlightenment
philosophical movement of the 18th century marked by
a. Questioning of traditional values and doctrines
b. Emphasis on the ideas of human progress
Sir Isaac Newton
laws of physics to natural laws of society, rationality in natural phenomena
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
wrote ‘Social Contract’, people are dumb so someone must rule us and take care of us
‘Spirit of Laws’, set up legislative system/branches
civil liberties, critical of everything, Deist (god set up universe and allows it to run itself)
Enlightened Absolutism
aka despotism
Frederick the Great
Prussian King, eliminate torture, religious toleration
Joseph II
Austrian Habsburg, abolished serfdom, enlightened economy
Catherine the Great
German Princess married Peter III of Russia became queen, established culture, expanded Russian borders, didn’t free serfs/made life worse
Baroque Art
exaggerated motion, produce drama, grandeur
Rococo Art
life of the aristocrats, focus on this world’s leisure activities
worship of Greek and Roman Civilization
Baroque Music
Bach and Handel
Classical Era
(invention of the Piano) Haydn & Mozart, operas and symphonies, music for everyone
Charles IV of Austria
Holy Roman Emperor, daughter Maria Theresa (only heir), creates pragmatic sanction (women can become heir)
War of Austrian Succession
France and Prussia didn’t want Maria Theresa to become ruler of Austria, Britain helps Austria (hates France), Maria becomes queen of Austria anyway, Prussia gets Salasia though
Seven Years War
aka French Indian War, Maria Theresa upset that Prussia won’t give back Salasia, she manipulates tension between france an GB over territories (French-indian part), GB&Prussia vs. France,Austria,Russia, Russia backs out, Prussia keeps Salasia, France loses all of Quebec
Louis XVI
King of France before the French Revolution, weak, country in shambles
Marie Antoinette
Married to Louis XVI
Estates General
Clergy and Aristocrats equal to Everyone, therefore no one ever wins, third estate attempts to change this= starts the revolution
Phases of the French REvolution
Aristocratic Phase- Estates general revolt
Liberal Phase-Institute a constitutional monarchy w/ Louis XVI as king
Reign of Terror- Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety
Thermidor Reaction-Directory established to organize the unstable government
Finance minister to Louis XVI, hid horrible state of the country
The Great Fear
CPS and Robespierre murder those who accused to be against the revolution summer of 1789
raid on a prison, result of economic depression
Pillnitz Declaration
Prussia and the Holy Roman Empire ask France to end Revolution
Sans culottes
upper middle class during the French Revolution
Battle of Valmy
France vs. Prussia, battle that occurred when National Convention declared France a republic 1792 part of revolutionary wars
Reign of Terror punishment of choice, beheads
Vendee Revolt
Peasant revolt/ insurrection 1788
Charlotte Corday
Aristocrat murderer of Marat, hated by sans-culottes
Napoleonic Code
1804 laws under Napoleon as Emperor
Equality before the law
Careers open to talent
Protection of private property
Abolition of Serfdom
Secularization of the State
Public education (not women)
1799 overthrow the directory (thermidor reaction, 1802 Consul for life on directory, 1804 emperor of france, turned revolutionary wars, expanded French empire and satellites, lost in Russia due to harsh winter, Religious Freedom in France, Censorship,
-In Europe….Hereditary Empire of Satellites, expands French, eliminates serfdom, complex bureaucracy, changes the map
-After Russia Loss sent to Elba, returns for 100 days, captured 1815 sent to St. Helena till death
Napoleonic Wars
napoleon turned the revolutionary wars around, tried to expand all the way to Russia
Congress of Vienna
1814-1815 England, Austria, Prussia, Russia, France, decide how to fix the map of Europe
Concert of Europe
upholds the ideas of Congress of Vienna and Paris Treaty, 1818, 1820, 1822, 1825. For the Congress of Vienna countries to maintain their power
Reestablishment of Bourbons, conservative constitutional monarchy, reverses acts of French Revolution 1814-1824, Chambers of Peers and Deputies
Charles X
1824-1830, compensates aristocrats for damage during French Revolution, increases power of clergy, dissolves chamber of deputies 1830
July Revolutions
Charles X too absolutist, coup d’etat against, workman fight in “July days” 1830
Louis Phillipe
Orleans monarchy established by Lafeyette and Orleanist establish new constitutionally monarch w/ limited power to the king (July Monarchy), reforms but still favors wealthy
favor Monarch, aristocrats, wealthy
1848 Revolutions
France- ended July Monarchy and established 2nd republic w/ Napoleon III; caused by economic depression, bad harvests, ends slavery, universal male suffrage
Austria- establishment of Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarch led by Kousseth
Italy- See wars of Italian unification
Napoleon III
president of 2nd republic (1848-51) emperor of Second Empire (1851-1870)
Hungarian led “lawful revolution” asking for Hungarians to run themselves not break away, granted but after death of King is revoked and dual monarchy established
Industrial Revolution
application of ideas of scientific revolution to culture
Willing to experiment with new methods and crops
Mostly English and dutch
Crop rotation
Enclosure movements
Population explosion
James Watts
didn’t invent the steam engine (Savery and Newcomen did) but perfected it and made an engine based on coal
Impact of Industrial Revolution
population explosion, Great Exhibition 1851, Long work hours-children women, England most industrialized and world power
Reform Act of 1832
created new towns and cities out of old boroughs, expanded voting to property owners
Queen Victoria
represented pride and morality of Victorian Age while England became a powerhouse (1837-1901)
Marx, variety of socialist ideologies, resources shared equally, problems rooted in class division, gradual change over history
Wars of Italian Unification
1st war-(1848) was divided into 9 states after Congress of Vienna, Giusseppe
Mazzini and King Albert of Sardinia seek to unify country, crushed by Austrians and in Crimean War
2nd war- (1859)Nap III(france), Cavour(italy) vs. Austria, Piedmont (N. Italy) wins but Nap III backs out, 1860 central and North Unified
Garibaldi leads movement in the south, turns over to Emmanuel in the North
Victor Emmanuel of the North becomes first King of Italy
Franco-Prussian War
France won’t have German prince heir to Spain, France declares war on Prussia after Bismarck manipulates telegram, Prussia wins, Germany becomes unified under Wilhelm I as King.
(German Unification) Prime Minister 1862 Prussia, leads unification of France, Manipulates telegram to make it seem as if the French gov’t disrespects the Germans