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75 Cards in this Set

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What is an artifact?
Any clues or remains that give us evidence of the past.
What are some examples of artifacts?
Body remain, clothing, tools, weapons, written evidence
What is the differene between relative dating and absolute dating?
Absolute dating is when carbon dating is used to determine something’s exact age, and relative dating uses clues to give an approximate time frame.
What is the difference between primary sources and secondary sources?
A primary source is an original copy, or a firsthand account. A secondary source is a second hand account of an event.
Why is a surplus of food important?
Because it allows people to focus on other things such as philosophy or just specializing in a certain area or skill.
What are the 7 basic features of a civilization?
Organized governments, complex religions, job specialization, social classes, arts and architecture, Public works, writing.
What is the Neolithic Revolution?
The period of time where agriculture was introduced, which led people to go from a nomadic life to a settled life.
What are the pros and cons of Empires?
The pros include stability, safety, and also cultural diffusion. The cons can include slavery, disease, and also deaths as a result of war.
Which way do lines of latitude and longitude lay?
West to East, but determines North and South.
Explain cause and effect and give an example
A cause is the reason something happens, and the affect is the impact it has. An example is your car runs out of gas. The affect it has is you got to the gas station.
What does Mesopotamia really mean?
Between the rivers
Where is Mesopotamia?
In the Fertile Crescent between the Tigris and Euphrates River
What are the two rivers called that form Mesopotamia?
Tigris and Euphrates
Why did the first civilizations arise around River Valleys?
Traders would sail along the rivers and make it easy for trade
Where is the Fertile Crescent?
The fertile crescent curves from the Persian gulf to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea.
What modern countries exist in the fertile crescent?
Turkey and Iraq
How did flooding rivers influence the formation of governments?
Organized temple priests of royal officials would organize people to do certain jobs to prevent the flooding or to carry more water to the field.
What is cultural diffusion?
The spreading of ideas, customs, and technologies from one people to another
Why is cultural diffusion important in the formation of civilizations?
People starting sharing each other’s ideas and trade would also help form these civilizations to.
Why is trade important to civilizations?
Trade brought riches to the Sumerian cities. This is also the case for a lot of civilizations.
What is cuneiform and why is it important?
Cuneiform- ancient Sumerian writing using symbols and it was the first form of writing
What is cuneiform and why is it important?
Cuneiform- ancient Sumerian writing using symbols and it was the first form of writing
Who is Sargon and why is he important?
The ruler of Akkad. Made the first ancient civilization.
Who is Sargon and why is he important?
The ruler of Akkad. Made the first ancient civilization.
Who is Hammurabi?
Hammurabi- king of Babylon, brought much of Mesopotamia under his control
Who is Hammurabi?
Hammurabi- king of Babylon, brought much of Mesopotamia under his control
What is Hammurabis law code?
B. He wrote Hammurabi’s code so that everyone in his kingdom would know the legal principles his government was going to follow
What is Hammurabis law code?
B. He wrote Hammurabi’s code so that everyone in his kingdom would know the legal principles his government was going to follow
What is the difference between civil law and criminal law?
Civil law- The branch of law that deals with private rights and matters
Criminal Law- The branch of law that deals with offenses against others
What is the difference between civil law and criminal law?
Civil law- The branch of law that deals with private rights and matters
Criminal Law- The branch of law that deals with offenses against others
What is the importance of Akkadians?
)- This was important because it was the first empire anyone ever made and it made other people realize how to be organized and run an empire.
What is the importance of Akkadians?
)- This was important because it was the first empire anyone ever made and it made other people realize how to be organized and run an empire.
What is the importance of Babylonians?
It is important because it set down the law and it gave people a standards to live by.
What is the importance of Babylonians?
It is important because it set down the law and it gave people a standards to live by.
What is the importance of Hittites?
This was important because the weapons were stronger and had sharper edges.
What is the importance of Hittites?
This was important because the weapons were stronger and had sharper edges.
What is the importance of Assyrians?
this was important because one person would drive while the other two would fight off the approaching enemy
What is the importance of Assyrians?
this was important because one person would drive while the other two would fight off the approaching enemy
Why does the Nile flow north?
A) Because of mountains that are south
Why does the Nile flow north?
Because of mountains that are south
what is the geography around the Nile?
Other than about the 10 mile that lays wide that if fertile called the Black land, the rest is the Red land which is desert
Where is upper Egypt and Lower Egypt located?
Lower Egypt is located up by the Mediterranean sea and Upper Egypt Is south in the western Desert.
What are the three periods Egyptian history is divided into?
Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom
What is the importance of a bureaucracy?
It is important because it includes different job functions and levels of authority.
Name 3 Egyptian advancements
• The pyramids
• Architecture
• Trade
• Flood Management
Name 3 Egyptian struggles
• Power struggles
• Cost of pyramids
• Crop failures
• Invaders
• Flooding
• Droughts
Explain Egypts religion
Egyptians had many gods for many different things. They believed these gods ruled in this world and in the afterlife
Why did the Egyptians mummify their pharaohs?
They believe that the afterlife would be much like on earth. They wanted to preserve the body for the afterlife
What are hieroglyphics?
Hieroglyphics- a system of symbols and pictures
name two other Egyptian advancements
• Furthering science and math
• Egyptian arts and literature
Who is considered the "Father of Judaism?
what is canaan and where is it?
The promised land that the Hebrews went after they escaped from Egypt in Iraq
Name two groups who conquered the Egyptians
Assyrians and Babylonians
What does exile mean?
To kick out
What does monotheism mean?
Belief in one god
Why are Jewish ideas of Morality and Social Justice important?
Because it promotes quality and peace
What other religions did Judaism influence?
What are the 3 geographic regions of India?
Gangetic Plains, Coastal Plains, and the Deccan Plateau
Why are mountain passes important to Indian/Pakistan civilizations?
They were important because it allowed safe passage through the mountains, and it also allowed trade and other forms of cultural diffusion. Also, it was very easy to control who enters or leaves through the mountains because they were very hard to cross before the mountain passes.
Why are monsoons important to the formation of governments?
Monsoons were strong winds, and they brought about problems. Some strong leaders had to take charge in stock piling food and other supplies. This along with other natural disasters is what brought about governments, and how the government increased its power.
Where is the Indus River Valley?
It is on the west half of India, near the Hindu Kush.
How did Hinduism begin?
Hinduism began as a result of a lot of beliefs that had been accumulated over time in India.
What is reincarnation?
A reincarnation is when someone dies on this Earth and their spirit is reincarnated into another bodily form. It plays a role into the Hindu beliefs because they believe that once they die, their spirit comes back to reincarnate another bodily form, ether moving up or down in the caste system according how they lived their life.
How does the caste system play into Hinduism?
The caste system is a strict social class. It plays into Hindu beliefs; they are reincarnated into another bodily form after this life, either moving up in social class, or moving down according to the way they lived their life.
What is karma?
The Hindu belief that what you do in this life will be justly repaid in the next.
Who is Buddhism based on?
Siddhartha Gautama.
How do you reach Nirvana?
To reach Nirvana, one must follow the eightfold path, and also believe in the Four Nobel Truths. Nirvana is achieved through a lot of meditation and living well.
What is the Middle Path/Way?
A Buddhist belief that one lives his/her life in moderation. They can’t be too happy, or too sad. The must remain in a kind of neutral state.
What are three similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism?
Both try to achieve ultimate enlightenment.
• Both Nonviolent Ways.
• Develop in India.
What are three differences between Hinduism and Buddhism?
• Hinduism has gods.
• Buddhists can achieve enlightenment on their own.
• Buddhism has one human founder.
Where is the Ganges River Valley and what is the weather there?
The East and center of India. It is tropical and fertile there
Why is Chandragupta Maurya important?
He developed the first empire in India.
Why is Asoka important?
He was a powerful ruler in the Mauryan Empire, and converted his whole Empire to Buddhism.
What is a golden age?
A great period of cultural achievement.
Essay: Geography played a vital role in the formation and success of early civilizations and empires. Name 3 civilizations and explain how geography helped or hurt their success.
The Nile River helped them have a successful farming life, and lead them to prosper.
The Fertile Crescent also allowed them to have successful farming and prosper.
Indian Empires
The Himalayas acted as a guard on one part if India where they could easily control who went through and who left through the mountain passes.