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14 Cards in this Set

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What was the US like prior to entry into the war?
- the United States had entered the war in Dec. of 1941 after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.
- Prior to this they had engaged in a steady policy of supporting Britain through things like the lend-lease act.
Chronological order of some major battles. (5)
1. Battle of Britain
2. Battle of the Atlantic
3. Leningrad
4. Midway
5. Stalingrad
Significance/ Importance of Tehran Conference
* it was agreed, by Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, at the Tehran conference in Nov. of 1943 that Britain and the U.S. would set-up a second front to relieve some of the pressure off the USSR.

-Stalin thought they delayed which begins the mistrust between the "allies"
Significance/ Importance of Yalta Conference
- at the Yalta conference in February of 1945, the three leaders determined that Germany and Berlin would be occupied in three zones (later 4 zones with the French gaining an area).

- This would have great repercussions for the future.

- Spheres of influence were forming.

- At Yalta the fate of Poland was basically determined as it was clearly placed under the Soviet Sphere of influence.
Significance/ Importance of Potsdam Conference
- Results: Potsdam Declaration, changes in Poland, and many in Germany.

- This included demilitarization, denazification, democratization and decartelization.
- Austria and Germany were separated as well.
Korean War
- Korea divided into North & South, based on which superpower occupied it after the war.
- The nations went their own path
- 1950, north invades South, they wanted the Peninsula
- China became involved, fearing US would continue right into China.(supported north)
- Eventually agreed upon divisions at 38th parallel anda demiliterized zone that still exists today.
- Liberated by the USSR in WW11.
- A hard line Rakosi was prime miniser in 1952 and created an atmosphere of persecution and terror.
- After Krushchev's speech, large protests developed.
- Nagy, a non-communist, what put into power.
- He went to far with reforms, wanted well beyond being just a friendly and more independant country.
- Sought complete autonomy
- Declared that Hungary would remove itself from the Warsaw Pact
- Thousands were tried and Nagy was executed.
- Liberated by Soviets, but unsure which way it would go
- Elections where commies won 38%.
- Stalin clamped down.
- Non-communist president Benes was pushed aside and the foreign minister Masaryk was killed.
- The western nations were angered and shocked by these events and the US public supported a greater role for the US and Europe.
Truman Doctrine
- President Truman made an address to Congress that called on the US o support nations economically and even militarily when confronted wwith the threat of communism.

- It called for support to Greece and Turkey and became US policy and part of the containment strategy.
Marshall Plan
- An extension of containment and the Truman Doctrine,
- Proposed by George Marshall.
- "Full stomachs don't have revolution"
- It involved massive financial aid to Western Europe to help those economies and kept away the threat of communism.
- Aid was offered to Eastern Europe, but was refused by the Soviets who wanted to keep the West out of Eastern Europe.
Berlin Blockade
- Germany was divided into zones.
- US and allies did not want to give up their part even though Berlin rested squarly inside of East Germany.
- Did not want same thing to happen with Stalin as it did with Hitler, they were holding on.
- As Western Berlin moved towards a strong united sector and currency reforms were enacted (US was tiredof waiting to sort the issue out with USSR and just wanted to get on with it)
- Blockaded all routes to Berlin.
- US and Britain responded with a massive airlift of supplies into West Berlin.
- Eventually Stalin let it go, claiming the West woukd not give up and ti was getting pricy.
- Germany was formally divided immediately after.
- Events like the Berlin Blockade made the West fear soviet expansion.
- The US then linked themselves with western europe security with NATO.

- Soviets designed a counter part of NATO called the Warsaw Pact and involved nations of Eastern Europe and the USSR.
- McCarthy was a senator who used the fear of communism created by world events and the discovery of soviet spies in the US.
- He declared there were people in the state department that might be communist and should be investigated.
- He led several investigations but eventually he was seen as going to far and even bullying people.
Power Shift After WW2
- The World after WW2 became a bi-polar world.
- The other major powers had been defeated or weakened by WW2.
- Two superpowers emerged and the other nations tended to line up on either side.

- US was already an economic power that was brought out of isoltion by WW2.

- USSR through 5-year plans, its occupation of Eastern Europe and its huge military was the other superpower.
