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91 Cards in this Set

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1) narrowly concentrated system of power.
2) aggressive nationalism using force to assert a sense of national superiority.
3) violently opposed to communism. This is Germany and Japan-- apparent also in their extreme racism. The US has been known to possibly support this b/c it is anti-communist.
Benito Mussolini
introduces fascism to the world. Italy looses alot after WWI-- wealth and lives. And the economy is shot. His promise to the people was to return Italy to a position of strength and dominance, like the Roman Empire. He called this the Italian World Empire or “the 2nd Great Empire”. B/c the people were so downtrodden and depressed, he is elected into his fascist position. He is similar to Hitler in that he came into power pretty much legally. Is elected Chancellor in 22. Calls himself
“il duce”- The Man in 1926. Mussolini maintains stability during WWI.
formed by Mussolini to eliminate opposition through murder and assault
Germany’s paramilitary power of the Nazi party. Like the blackshirts, providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies; the disruption of opposing political parties and the fight against their paramilitary units; and the intimidation of Jewish citizens (eg. the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses)
Mukden Incident
Where the Japanese unofficially staged and unsuccessfully attempted to blow up part of a Japanese owned railroad in northern China (Manchuria.) This acted as a pretext for the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in ‘33.
Tang Ku Truce
temporary truce after Japan has been fighting for control of China in China from 32-33. In 35, Japan pulls out of the League of Nations.
Cordell Hull
From Tennessee. Secretary of State for 11 years under Roosevelt. Established the United Nations.
Richard Wright
Nye Committee
In place from 34-36. "The Senate Municians Investigation Company" Kept the US isolationist. Investigate US weapon manufactures to see if they had pressured Wilson. They had not found evidence of this. However they did discover that when in war, the manufacturers made a lot more money.
Neutrality Acts
legal steps to ensure US isolationism, renued annually. In 35- An arms embargo to be imposed once a President officially recognizes two states at war. In 36-- The US cannot extend credit or arms to states in war. In 37-- prohibits traveling of US citizens on a warring nations transportation system. Roosevelt is hesitant to sign this, but then realizes, if signed, there are still ways around it.
Cash and Carry
US policy which only allowed the sale of things to warring nations if they paid cash up front and transported the goods from the US themselves.
Adolf Hitler
born in Austria, but in his mind, it is part of the greater German empire. typical upbringing, dreams of being an artist/architect. In 1914, Hitler view WWI as Germany’s opportunity to assert its dominance, as a world power. He joins army and is wounded twice. In prison for one year. Elected Chancellor in 1933. In '35, announces that Germany will no longer honor the Treaty of Versailles. In '36 occupies the Rhineland.
National Socialism
starts as a party spurring from the weimar perios. Was not founded by Hitler. made up mostly of angry and bitter veterans of WWI. Hitler joins and rises to leadership.
Munich Beer Hall Putsch
In 36, where Hitler and the Nazis attempt to control Munich, the capital of Bavaria, a state to the south of Germany. Defeated by the police. Bloody gang violence would occur between the communists and the Nazis, if ever they met up.
Mein Kampf
Hitler writes this while he is in prison for a year. Can be viewed as three things. 1) Hitler’s political autobiography. 2) Hitler’s social commentary. 3) Or the road map to Germany’s future-- it discusses the evils of communism and its threat to humanity (this predicts the war with the Soviet Union and its attempt to wipe out the Soviet people.)
rounding up all peoples in the villages where the German special forces had invaded the Soviet union, and killing all of them. 20-30 million Russians, mostly civilians, will die in WWII. Russia plays a HUGE role in defeating the Germans. The Germans had 90% of their strength on the Russian front.
“living room” the concept of expanding German territory to provide vast empty spaces to grow. It is Hitler’s hope for the German population to grow rapidly. This would justify the excessive expansion. Hitler issues “The Motherhood Award” to encourage population growth.
Immigration Theory
protecting purity of the Aryan race. Made it a “race crime” for a white to be with any other ethnicity. Jews are the biggest threat to Germany Passion Play. The final solution for wiping out the Jews (gypsies, physically and mentally ill, gays) are death camps. Nazism becomes a secular religion.
where the US returns after WWII, reflected in the passing of the Neutrality Acts. Ignoring the threat Hitler imposes when he becomes Chancellor in 33.
First target for the Italians, In 36,it takes 6 months for the Italians to invade Ethiopia. This shows how weak the Italians are militarily. Hitler then has to bail Mussolini out. This becomes a habit.
Spanish Civil War
Gen Francisco Franco leads a rebellion in Spain to create a fascist dictatorship which he outlives (dies in '75). This civil War keeps Spain Neutral during the War. It also is a preview of WWII. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is set in this atmosphere.
Ludlow Amendment
takes away congress' power to declare war unless the war is present on US territory
USS Panay
Japan sinks this American ship on the Yangtze River in China, and then apologizes for it, paying $2 million dollars in compensation.
Quarantine Speech
1937. Roosevelt’s speech to economically isolate “aggressor nations” and stop the spread of disease. Incredibly unpopular.
northern, southwest and western regions of Czechoslovakia inhabited mostly by ethnic Germans. Annexed into German Territories under military administration in 1938. Overwhelmingly pro Nazi. 300,000 Jews were exported while 500,000 Sudetendeutsche joined Natzi forces (about 17.5% of male population compared to the usual 7.9 %.) Later at Potsdam, it was decided that the Germans were to leave all Sudetenland.
Munich Agreement
In 1938 Italy, UK, France, and Germany signed this, in the face of Hitler’s overwhelming territorial demands, to allow the German annexation of the Sudetenland (without the presence of Czechoslovakia) in an attempt to appease Hitler and avoid a second world war. this obviously failed.
Non-Agression Pact
is a national treaty between two or more states/countries agreeing to avoid war or armed conflict between them and resolve their disputes through peaceful negotiations. Sometimes such a pact may include a pledge of avoiding armed conflict even if participants find themselves fighting third countries, including allies of one of the participants.
Weimar Republic
period from 1918-1924 where Germany briefly flirts with a republic or the “elected” There are however, hundreds of political parties. The National Socialist workers party happens to be one of them.
Weimar Republic
period from 1918-1924 where Germany briefly flirts with a republic or the “elected” There are however, hundreds of political parties. The National Socialist workers party happens to be one of them.
Anschluss (Austria)
German for "connection" or union, political annexation. The occupation and annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany in 1938. It was the culmination of the anschluss movement that had called for unification since 1918. Austria was annexed into the German Third Reich in 1938.
“lightning war” in german. describing all-motorised force concentration of tanks, infantry, artillery, combat engineers and air power, concentrating overwhelming force at high speed to break through enemy lines, and, once the lines are broken, proceeding without regard to its flank
Maginot Line
Was a line of concrete fortifications, tank obstacles, artillery casemates, machine gun posts, and other defenses, which France constructed along its borders with Germany and Italy, in light of its experience in World War I, and in the run-up to World War II. Generally the term describes only the defenses facing Germany
Destroyers for Bases
In 1940, an agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom A transfer of fifty mothballed destroyers from the United States Navy in exchange for land rights on British possessions.
arsenal democracy
1940, came to specifically reference America and its industrial machine, as the primary military supplier for the Allied war effort. Coined by Roosevelt in a fireside chat. He promised to help the United Kingdom fight Nazi Germany by giving them military supplies while the United States stayed out of the actual fighting. The announcement was made a year before the Attack on Pearl Harbor, at a time when Germany had occupied much of Europe and threatened Britain.
March 1941. The program under which the United States of America supplied the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, China, Free France, and other Allied nations with materiel between 1941 and 1945.Effectively ended United State’s neutrality.
Atlantic Charter
August ‘41. It was drafted by Britain and the United States, and later agreed to by all the Allies. The Charter stated the ideal goals of the war: no territorial aggrandizement; no territorial changes made against the wishes of the people; restoration of self-government to those deprived of it; free access to raw materials; reduction of trade restrictions; global cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all; freedom from fear and want; freedom of the seas; and abandonment of the use of force, as well as disarmament of aggressor nations
USS Greer
1941 US warship to Iceland and tracks a german uboat, and would transmit info to British. Uboat misses greer. greer misses uboat. Roosevelt lies and says the US Greer wasn't tracking the uboat and uses this as an excuse to attack any/all Uboats in north atlantic. from September to December US is in an undeclared naval war with Nazi germany.
USS Reuben James
was the first United States Navy ship sunk by hostile action in WWII. Escorting British materiel to Britain and sunk by “wolf pack” German Submarines in Oct 41.
Tripartite Pact
The Tripartite Pact, also the Three-Power Pact, Axis Pact, Three-way Pact or Tripartite Treaty was a pact signed in Berlin, Germany in 1940, which established the Axis Powers of World War II. The pact was signed by representatives of Nazi Germany (Adolf Hitler), Fascist Italy (foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano), and Imperial Japan(Japanese ambassador to Germany Saburo Kurusu).
Known as the Rome-Berlin Axis until '39, when Japan joins. Axis powers are Germany, Japan, and Italy
overtakes civilian govt by way of military dictatorship . Japan begins expansion by conquering Manchuria in 31 and 32 b/c they supplied most of the coal, wood, etc for Japan. '37 Japan invades China and captures Nanking in a month. This is referred to as the "rape of Nanking" b/c of the terrible violence and war crimes the Japanese committed against the Chinese. In '38 Japan controls all Chinese ports. Roosevelt avoids the restrictions imposed by the Neutrality act by not declaring war between the two nations.
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
The vision of Japan having control over a greater Asian Empire
July 41- French territory. Japanese conquer it, Use this as starting point to invade indonesia
to conquer this territory is a major strategic objective for the Japanese (b/c of natural resources: crude oil, etc.) Up until the conquering of Indo China. the US has been helping Japan by supplying natural resources and scrap metal. The US then gives Japan an ultimatum-- if Japan doesn't withdrawal from indochina, The US will stop all oil and metal supplies. Ultimatum is ignored by the Japanese. This intensifies Japan’s need for Indonesia so they begin planning Pearl Harbor.
Hideki Tojo
was a general of the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA), the leader of the Taisei Yokusankai, and the 40th Prime Minister of Japan during most of World War II, from 17 October 1941 to 22 July 1944. As Prime Minister, he was directly responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor, which led to the war between Japan and the United States, although planning for it had begun before he entered office. After the end of the war, Tōjō was arrested, sentenced to death for Japanese war crimes by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, and was hanged on 23 December 1948.
Pearl Harbor
Disaster for US that could have been averted or minimized. We kinda knew what they wanted to do. Plan orange, a hypothetical Japanese attack made up in the 20s, proposed that Japan would use air strikes for a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, early Sunday morning. Oahu picked up a large reading of planes on a radar, then shut the radar down and didn't pay attention to it. It was 7:50 when they attacked. In 2.5 hours, they destroyed a significant amount of stuff and killed 3,000. Didn't destroy dry dock and the repair facilities. 3 days after this, congress declares war on Japan. Then, Germany declares war on US. This turns out to be a major error on the Nazis’ part. US shifts focus to defeating Germany first.
Big Three
US, Soviet Union, Britain. There 1st priority -- defeat germany. How? by attacking 2 fronts. (Over 90% of Germany’s army’s strength and braun is invested in the Eastern front.)
in 1942, the US bomb Germany during the day and the British bomb at night.
E. Germany city. Nothings really there. Just an administrative city. US bombed Dresden and create a firestorm where 20 thousand to 100 thousand Germans die. The lowest point, the worst it ever got when the US bombed Germany.
N. Africa/ Italy
Germany invades N. Africa in 1942 and Italy in 1943. Summer of 44 US and Britain invade France
Operation Overlord
US and Britain invade Normandy, France and force Germany to fight two front war
Elbe River
45 american forces link up with Soviets at this river. We allow the soviets to take Berlin. April 30th 1945 Hitler commits suicide. Germany Surrenders in May of 45
fear of that which is alien or foreign. This best describes the conflict between the US and Japan, where racism is rampant.
Japanese invade American stations in the Philippines simultaneous to Pearl Harbor. Most Americans are evacuated. The remaining 3,000 are marched across the Philippines in terrible conditions to a camp for the Japanese’s POWs
Isoroku Yamamoto
Plans/executes Pearl harbor. Upholds that Japanese are the pure, superior race. Professional soldier. Spent years being a Japanese diplomat to the US and Britain so he understands the threat that The US’ huge industry and resource impose.
Japanese warrior code. Your highest honor is to die for the emperor. The worst thing you can do is surrender. Opposite of US, where there is heavy emphasis on the safety of the individual
Upon invasion of this Japanese City, the US forces were shocked to see so many people-- men, women, children--whole families, commit suicide together following bushido code.
Literal translation “divine win.” These were Japanese volunteers who would fly their aircraft into warships, committing suicide and bringing harsher damages to the enemy.
Operation Olympic
the intention of capturing the southern third of the southernmost main Japanese island, Kyūshū, with the recently captured island of Okinawa to be used as a staging area. Part of the overall plan of Operation Downfall-- the allies plan for invading the Japanese later in WWII. This was later abandoned when the US dropped the atom bombs and Japan surrendered
is widely regarded as the most important naval battle of the Pacific Campaign of World War II. Between 4 and 7 June 1942, only six months after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor the United States Navy decisively defeated an Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) attack against Midway Atoll, inflicting irreparable damage on the Japanese fleet. US code breakers were able to find out the date and the time so we were well prepared.
War Production Board
was established as a government agency on January 16, 1942 by executive order of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The national WPB's primary task was converting civilian industry to war production. The board assigned priorities and allocated scarce materials through patriotic propaganda such as "give your scrap metal and help Oklahoma boys save our way of life." It initiated events such as scrap metal drives, which were carried out locally to great success.
Office of Price Administration
An executive order placed under the Office of Emergency Management. 1941. The functions of the OPA were originally to control money (price controls) and rents after the outbreak of World War II. The OPA had the power to place ceilings on all prices except agricultural commodities, and to ration scarce supplies of other items. At the peak, almost 90% of retail food prices were frozen. It could also authorize subsidies for production of some of those commodities.
One of the bloodiest battles ever. Possibly 2 million die. Germany attacked Stalingrad, Russia through luftwaffe in August of 42. Huge losses for the Germans unable to resupply the stationed troops in the winter of 42/43. Marks no more victories for the Germans in the East.
womens, army corp, naval corp, and air support pilots
A. Philip Randolph
leader of the largest Black labor Union. Threatened a massive march on Washington unless the Roosevelt administration takes steps to prohibit racial discrimination. They comply and there then is a ban on racial discrimination in the defense sector/industry
to see to it that there was no racial discrimination in the defense Industry
Double V campaign
(adopted this name from Roosevelt terminology which represents victory)
NAACP campaign which calls for victory over racism here in the US and victory over fascism overseas. Many African Americans went into the military at this time, as a result of the campaign (even though the military is still segregated at this time.) They, however, are no longer restricted to support jobs. In 1948, Truman later issued an executive order requiring the military to integrate.
a program created in 1942 and wasn't fazed out until the 60s because it was so successful. Created to help make up for labor shortage in the agricultural labor force during the war, the govt recruits mexican nationals to work the harvest in the SW US. They then return to their homes in interior Mexico. Through this program, Mexican nationals make much more money in the US than they did in Mexico.
Zoot Suit Riots
At this time (43) major riots are occurring all over big cities. These riots involved young hispanic men. Service men transiting through southern california would beat up zoot suiters. The zoot suit gang would then fight back. Soon LAPD gets involved and it turns messy. This is a low point for ethnic harmony during the war.
code talkers
Native Americans transmitting encoded messages in their Native Language
Executive Order 9066
At this time Japanese Americans are viewed as objects of suspicion and hostility with no justification-- guilt by association. In 1942, all Japs on west coast were to report to internment camps. Could only bring with them what they could carry in their hands. Located in desolate areas, deserts, WY, MT. Govt didn't want them to draw attention.
1st generation of Japanese men born in US, 2/3 of those in internment camps were this. A way out of the camps for young Nissei men was to join military and fight total discrimination. They fought mainly in Europe, segregated
442nd combat team
In WWII, the most decorated unit is this Japanese-American unit fighting in europe.
Korematsu v. US (1944)
The Supreme court decision addressing internment camps. SC ruled in favor of the govt, saying that internment camps are constitutional. It was declared that "in time of war, those ethnically affiliated with warring nation pose a higher threat of being associated with the enemy nation" Its ironic that Japs in Hawaii were not detained (this is really because the economy would have fallen to pieces without those men working in that state) They were later released by the supreme Court in 44.
Servicemen Readjustment Act (G.I. bill)
(G.I. bill)- provides returning veterans with compensation upon return if unemployed for up to 52 weeks. It also helps them get their old jobs back, the ones they left. It also lowered the rates on VA home loans and provides 4 years of college. (so its basically an act providing housing and education for veterans)
suburbs to meet huge housing demand after WWII, named after the developer
Invasion of allied forces through Normandy. Largest Amphibious attack ever. Success due to weather and two diversionary attacks led at the Straits of dover.
conference 1 of 3. 11/28-12/1/44 -- military strategy is the main topic. Stain and US all talk about foremost defeating germany. It is decided US will take back Spain while Stalin will take back France.
conference 2 of 3. 2/4/45 -- Stalin hosts it. Germany is close to being defeated. We start to see fractures in the big three. We see that all nations have started looking to please their own self interests. The goal is to determine how the Axis powers will be occupied. It is decided that US will be sole occupying power of Japan. Germany’s occupation will be split up into four zones. E-Soviet Union, N-Britain, W-France., S-central- US. Roosevelt tries to persuade Soviet Union to declare War with Japan and support the US invasion of Japan. Stalin promises declaration of war after Germany is defeated. 2 mos. after this, Roosevelt dies. Truman takes over. Allied control council made up of military leaders in Big Three and France. Berlin is in East. At Yalta they decided berlin would be divided into 4 zones (as a post-war, temporary solution)
7/17/45 Its clear the Allies are breaking apart. Truman is more confrontational with Soviets than Roosevelt. August 10th 1945. Soviets declare war on Japan (even though they didn’t help much) and they receive the territory they were promised.
Leyte Gulf
Success for the US in the Philippines. Largest Naval battle. Japanese suffer heavy losses. First use of Kamikaze Attacks. At this point Japan had fewer aircraft than US had Naval vessels
Thomas E. Dewey
Republican Presidential canidate in 40 and 44 elections. Barely defeated by both Roosevelt and then Truman. Govt of New York. Plays major role in Dwight D. Eisenhower's election in 52
Manhattan Project
Secret US govt program to build and test nuclear bombs. in 1945, they became ready to detonate one of the bombs, to test it out.
Gen Leslie R. Groves
Commander to the manhattan program.
Los Alamos, NM
Where everything was assembled
J. Robert Oppenheimer
Father of the atomic bomb
Trinity 5:29:45 am
Place where the bomb was detonated, in the middle of the White Sands desert in NM. And the moment where everything changed, where we gained the ability to wipe out humankind.
Naval base, arms factory in Japan, and hasn't been hit too heavily yet. Becomes the first target for the atomic bomb.
August 6th, 1945
bomb is detonated 2000 feet above the city. 100,000 people die instantly, and more will die and become sick
Is the 1st choice for the second atomic bombing. However, it was overcast and they couldn’t get a good sight of the target. So they went to their 2nd choice, Nagasaki where 80,000 people died
United Nations
Founded by Cordell Hull. An international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace.
Taft-Hartley Act.
1947. Passed by republican administration in response to the Wagner act in order to prevent labor union gangs. Closed shop is prohibited nationally, and it becomes required for unions to give 60 days notice before a strike. It also gave the president the authority to seek injunctions against strikes if he feel’s it might hurt overall national interest (would delay a strike for 80 days.) In 47, Truman vetoes it, but congress overwhelmingly votes to override that veto.