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39 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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-Mesopotamian writing system
-first form of writing
-written on tablets
-Egyptian writing
-second form of writing
-pictures and sounds
-written on papyrus
Harappan Seals
-Harappan writing system
-third, but language
-impossible to decipher
-over 400 symbols and pictures
Chinese Writing
-fourth writing system
-each character stands for a syllable
-no link btwn speaking and writing (person could read but not speak it)
-all can read despite language diff.
-over 10,000 characters
Mesopotamian Trade
-with peoples of mountains and desert
-traded grain, cloth, crafted tools
-got stone, wood, metal (raw mats.)
Egyptian Trade
-vast deserts=barriers; no interaction
-result=limited trade/isolated area
Harappan Trade
-thriving trade within region
-got gold, silver, stones (made into jewelry)
-indus valley=good trade transportation
-sent cotton cloth (only to make it)
-had access to sea b/c of Indus
Chinese Trade
-Zhou Dynasty - built roads and canals to stimulate trade
-coined money was introduced
Mesopotamian Women
-could be merchants, farmers, or artisans
-could hold property in own name
-learned to read and write
Egyptian Women
-many rights as men
-could trade on own
-could propose marriage or divorce
-entitled to 1/3 of property
Chinese Women
-treated as inferiors
-obeyed fathers, husbands, then sons
-age 13-16, marriage set up(no choice)
-only way to improve life is have sons
Mesopotamian Irrigation and Flooding
-unpredictable flooding/weather
-could be desert, could be flooded
-no natural barriers
-limited natural resources
-dug ditches for water
-made walls of brick
Egyptian Irrigation and Flooding
-if the Nile water was several feet below, the silt reduced greatly
-if the water was several feet high, houses were destroyed
Indus Valley Irrigation and Flooding
-yearly floods=rich soil
-changed course (unpredictable)
-seasons=monsoons and floods
Chinese Irrigation and Flooding
-Huang He floods=disastrous; could ruin entire villages
-declared herself pharaoh in 1472 B.C.
-she took over instead of her stepson (heir to throne) when he was young
-successful trade expeditions
Thutmose III
-war-like ruler
-possibly murdered Hatshepsut
-pushed south to Nubia, brought wealth
Ramses II
-great builder (temples, in cliff carvings)
-treaty with Hittite, "peace and brotherhood between us forever" - lasted 25 years
-mighty ruler
-spread power too thin
-famous for library w/ 20,000 tablets
-bragged about defeat of 89 cities and 820 villages
-very military based
-restored Babylon, made it capital
-hanging gardens
-thick walls (4 horse chariot)
-high buildings (astronomy)
-began conquering neighbors
-military genius (over 2,000 miles long)
-good governor, peaceful after conquering
-kept customs, adapted to clothing, culture
-burned cities, earned many enemies
-put down revolts first couple of years
-began to expand, led army 2,500 mi.
-created satraps, Royal Road
Shi Huangdi
-"First Emperor"
-stopped internal problems
-expanded, south to Vietnam, north past Huang He
-Great Wall; forced workers, work or die
-burned "useless" (critical of him) books
Assyrian Military
-dug under walls night before
-shot waves of arrows
-beat wall, broke in
-ruthless kill and enslave all
-led scholarly life, studied and taught history, music, moral character
-5 relationships 1)ruler+subject 2)father+son 3) big bro+little bro 4)husband+wife 5)friend+friend
-filial piety
-4 virtues 1)courteous in private conduct 2)precise while serving 3) provide more than due 4)just when exacting service
Alexander's conquests
-young, still military genius
-invaded and conquered Persia
-Darius III raised army of 75,000 men, Alexander surprised army by going straight for Darius, he fled, followed by army
-re-met Darius in Gaugamela, Darius fled again
-continued east 11,000+ miles
-men tired, practically forced to go back
Greek Isolation
-mountains separate city-states(polis-50-500sq. mi.)
-separation=diff. cultures/rivalry
Hellenistic Culture
-egyptian, persian, greek, indian blend
-Alexandria=capital, strategic place=prosperity
-statues of gods, royal palaces, museum and library
-astronomy and math: earth circumference=28k, real=24k; sun=300xearth, real=1.3milx; planets revolve around earth; Euclid=book "Elements", basis for geometry; Archimedes=pie/law of lever
-Stoicism=virtuous lives
-Epicureanism= harmony
-Clossus of Rhodes=100ft. statue
Persian War
-Alexander 35k to Anatolia-win
-Darius takes 75k to rebel - Greece outnumbered, Alexander surprise attacks Darius, he and army flee
-Pheidippides sends message-26mi. "Marathon"
-Xerxes(Darius son) sends army at Thermopylae
-7k Greeks+300 Spartans waiting - held them until traitor told Xerxes of secret route
-Delian league(greek city-states) fight Persians
Peloponessian War
-Athens and Sparta (city-states)
-Athens=better navy, Sparta=army
-Spartans to Athens - burn everything
-Plague in Athens - kills 1/3 (Pericles)
-Sign truce - broken-Athens attacks Syracuse (Spartan ally)
-Athenians wiped out
1st Triumvirate
-Caesar, Crassus, Pompey
-Caesar=consul w/ help - appoints himself governor of Gaul(France) - won over in time
-Pompey=political rival, feared C - made senate order C home
-C disobeyed - to Rome, Pompey fled, C's army beats P's in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt
-C appointed dictator for life
Roman Republic
-Patricians and Plebians
-Voters=free born, white, males landowners
-Plebians representative=tribunes
-Consuls=2 officials run gov./army
-Senate=300 chosen by Patricians
-language of Romans-stayed in W after fall of Rome-official language of Roman Catholic Church until 20th Cen.
-adopted by different people and made into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian (Romance languages)
-50%+ English=Latin based
-Jesus born in Bethlehem - raised in Nazareth-baptized by John the baptist
-Carpenter-age 30=public ministry, preached and taught, performed miracles
-miracles/Pax Romana combine to spread word and belief fast
-Bible/apostles(Paul) - Constantine
Development of organized government
-Monarchy=one king, hereditary, claim divine right
-Aristocracy=noble family, social rank/wealth, social status=support for authority
-Oligarchy=small group of citizens, wealth/ability, controls military
-Democracy=ruled by citizens, landowning white males, majority rule
Good Emperors
-Nerva=started custom of adopting heir
-Trajan=biggest empire, buildings, social welfare
-Hadrian=re-organized bureaucracy
-Antonius Pius=period of peace
-Marcus Aurelius= good economy
-Diocletian=iron fist, no personal freedoms, "desended from gods"
-poet=author of Aeneid, epic of Aeneans
-praised Rome and it's virtues