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54 Cards in this Set

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When did the Industrial Revolution start?

Answer: The Industrial Revolution started in England around 1760.

What is the significance of the Industrial Revolution?

Answer: The Industrial Revolution marked the transition from a primarily agricultural economy to a manufacturing economy.

Was the Industrial Revolution a war?

Answer: No, it was not a war.

Why is it called a revolution?

Answer: Because of the dramatic shift from agriculture to manufacturing.

What were the working conditions during the Industrial Revolution?

Answer: Working conditions and living conditions tended to be poor. Workers lived in cities, sometimes in crowded slums. Working hours could be 14 hours a day, sometimes more. New machines caused injuries and deaths. In many cases, children were also forced to work.

Where did workers live during the Industrial Revolution?

Answer: Workers lived in cities, sometimes in crowded slums

How long were working hours during the Industrial Revolution?

Answer: Working hours could be 14 hours a day, sometimes more.

What risks were associated with new machines during the Industrial Revolution?

Answer: New machines caused injuries and deaths.

Did children also work during the Industrial Revolution?

Answer: In many cases, children were also forced to work.

What were working conditions like for subsistence farmers before industrialization?

Answer: Many Americans were subsistence farmers, working long hours and farming just enough to survive.

What happened to the need for farmers after industrialization?

Answer: Fewer people were needed to farm.

Where did more Americans move after industrialization?

Answer: More Americans moved to cities where there were more jobs.

How did new transportation inventions impact cities and rural areas?

Answer: Due to new transportation inventions like railroads and steamboats, cities were connected to each other and with more rural areas.

What became easier due to westward expansion during industrialization?

Answer: Westward expansion became easier and was encouraged.

Who was the captain of industry associated with the steel industry?

Answer: Andrew Carnegie

What did Andrew Carnegie create?

Answer: Carnegie Steel, the largest steel company in the world.

How was steel used by many railroad companies?

Answer: To build the tracks of railroads.

What were Andrew Carnegie’s business practices?


Answer:Making the highest possible profit was important.

Business costs should always be kept low.

Businesses should always keep up with the latest technological innovations to remain competitive

Andrew Carnegie's philanthropic philosophy/believe

Andrew Carnegie believed the wealthy should give their money to charitable organizations

Who was the captain of industry associated with the oil industry?

Answer: John D. Rockefeller

What did John D. Rockefeller form?

Answer: Standard Oil, a large oil company.

When was the Sherman Antitrust Act passed, and what did it target?

Answer: The Sherman Antitrust Act was passed in 1890 and targeted monopolies.

What did the Supreme Court rule about Standard Oil in 1911?

Answer: The Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil was an illegal monopoly.

What did Andrew Carnegie argue in his essay ‘Wealth’?

Answer: He argued that wealthy men should live modestly and use their money for the public good.

What is the act of giving to charitable causes called?

Answer: Philanthropy

What did the canal system connect?

Answer: The canal system connected different parts of the United States.

How did the Erie Canal benefit Midwestern farmers?

Answer: The Erie Canal helped Midwestern farmers ship their crops to the East Coast.

What did the Erie Canal open up?

Answer: The Erie Canal opened up the Ohio Valley to different kinds of business and trade.

What did the success of the Erie Canal lead to?

Answer: The success of the Erie Canal led to the construction of more canals

What opportunity did the Erie Canal provide for people?


Answer: The Erie Canal allowed more people to stop farming and try something new

Who was the captain of industry associated with the railroads?

Answer: Cornelius Vanderbilt

When did Vanderbilt start his own steamship company?

Answer: 1829

What route did Vanderbilt’s company transport passengers and goods between?

Answer: Between New York City and New Orleans to San Francisco

Which railroad lines did Vanderbilt control?

Answer: Hudson River Railroad, New York Central Railroad, and others

What famous New York train station did Vanderbilt order the construction of?

Answer: Vanderbilt ordered the construction of Grand Central, a famous New York train station.

What did the Transcontinental Railroad connect?

Answer: The Transcontinental Railroad connected the Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad.

Which two railroads were part of the Transcontinental Railroad?

Answer: The Central Pacific Railroad extended west from California, and the Union Pacific Railroad extended east from Nebraska.

Where did the two railroads meet?

Answer: The two railroads met at Promontory Point, Utah.

Who encouraged westward expansion and commissioned the construction of the railroad?

Answer: Abraham Lincoln encouraged westward expansion and signed the Pacific Railroad Act into law in 1862

What is industrialization?

Answer: Industrialization is when an economy transitions from being based on agriculture to being based on manufacturing and other industries.

What is mass production?

Answer: Mass production refers to producing goods in large quantities.

What is the division of labor?

Answer: The division of labor involves breaking down tasks into many small components, with separate workers assigned to each task. This approach increases productivity by allowing workers to focus on specific tasks without losing time

What is innovation?

Answer: Innovation refers to the introduction of new ideas, products, or methods.

What is subsistence farming?

Answer: Subsistence farming involves growing enough crops or raising enough livestock to meet basic survival needs.

What is profit?

Profit is the total amount of money earned (subtracting any expenses).Example: If you sell a bar of soap for $6 and spent $2 making the soap, you earned a $4 profit.

What is Bessemer process?

An industrial process used to make steel out of iron.

What is a conglomerate?

Conglomerate: A number of different business grouped together

What is Monopoly ?

Monopoly: when one company controls an entire industry

What is urbanization?

Urbanization: the movement of a population into cities and away from the countryside (rural areas)

What is Laissez-faire Capitalism?

Laissez-faire Capitalism:An economic system with little or no government involvement. Under laissez-faire capitalism, the government usually won’t tell businesses what they can and cannot sell, set prices, or intervene if a business cannot sell its product.

What is collective bargaining ?

When unions or workers negotiate with their employers about wages, hours, and working conditions.

What is a telegraph?

An electrical device used to send messages over long distances using wires that carry electrical signals. The inventory that invented telgraph: Samuel F.B. Morse. He also invented the Morse Code, which was transmitted through the telegraph.

An electrical device used to send messages over long distances using wires that carry electrical signals. The inventory that invented telgraph: Samuel F.B. Morse. He also invented the Morse Code, which was transmitted through the telegraph.

An electrical device used to send messages over long distances using wires that carry electrical signals. The inventory that invented telgraph: Samuel F.B. Morse. He also invented the Morse Code, which was transmitted through the telegraph.

What is a patent?

Patents: Documents that protect inventors and give them the right to stop other people from making or using their invention.

What is a strike ?

Strike: Temporarily refusing to go to work as a way to protest as a group.