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39 Cards in this Set

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Colombian exchange

Exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between europe and the new world

-domesticated animals (horses, cows)

-crops(corn, tomatoes)

-smallpox (e-nw), venereal diseases (nw-e)


Europe is the power, all other colonies are there to provide for them

Half-way covenant

Puritans srablished to ease requirements and retain control.


*baptism of children of baptized Puritans


Eighteen century philosophy

Reason could be used to improve human condition. And that tye natural world provided models for human institutions

Ex: thomas jefferson

The great awakening

Wave of religious revivals tgat spread across america during 1730s&40s as puritans

Constirutional convention1787

Sought to create strong central government sharing powers with the states -strenghten articles of confederation

Separation of powers

Refers to the different branches of government. Judicial, executive, and legislative

Checks and balances

A branch can check the power of another.

Ex-if president vetoes a bill passed by congress, but congress can overide it

Hamiltons financial plans

Created a sound financial footing for republic by Assuming state debts, creating a national bank, and imposing tariffs to protect home industries

Judicial review

Marbury v. Madison

Supreme court can declare an act of congress unconstitutional

American system

Henry clay proposed it

Strenghten amd unify tge nation and its economy by means of protective tariffs, a national bank, and internal improvements (canals and roads)

Republican motherhood/cult of domesticity

Idealization of womean as wives and mothers


Philosophical and literary movement Emphasized on the simple life&celebrating the truth found in nature.

Writers: henry david thoreau, ralph waldo emerson

Utopian communities

Failure-ex(brook farm, new harmony, and oneida ) reflected blossoming of perfectionist aspirations

2nd great awakening

Women were important

-posed moral issues of slavery

-anti liquor laws

-reformist zeal against prison

Jacksonian democrazy

Andrew jackson proposed it:

-Respect for comon man

-Expansion of white suffrage(right to vote)

-Appointment of political support for government possitions

- opposition to priviledged eastern elites


Legal Theory that a state has the right to invalidate any federal law that the state deems unconstitutional

Ex: soutg carolina- declared tariffs unenforceable in that state

Manifest destiny

Belief that us had an obligation to move west in the pasific ocean

Popular sovereingty

Principle that settlers decide whether slavery will be apermitted in their territory.

The first time popular sovereignty was put into test was in kansas after tge passafe of the kansas-nebraska act


Reorganization of states after civil war and allowing them to re enter the union

Social gospel

Based on belief that christians have a responsibility to confront socual problems actively (poverty)

*change would occur as a resuot from dedication of both religious practice and social reform

Gospel of wealth

Wealthy were the guardians of society

Andrew carnegie (foremost advocate)

Social darwinism

In society, evolutionary process occurs, with the fitrest surviving.

Believers include: john d. Rockefeller

Frotier thesis

Idea of frederick jackson turner- frontier experience makes american society more denocratic and shaped ametican values, importance of cheap, unsettle land, was vety important

New immigrants

Late 1800s and early 1900s wave of immigrants changed

Old; ebgland, germany, scandinavia

New: small farms villages from southern and eastern europe


Favored the native born over immigrants

Know nothings party was nativist

Greatest hostility towrds: irish & german catholic immigrants

Vertical and horizontal integration


Supported unlimited coinage of silver, gavernment ownership of railroads, and policies favoring farmers &working class


Used government to help better society

Ex: impure foods, child lavor, corruptiob, and trusts.

President ex: theodore roosevelt &woodrow wilson


Extreme Journalists.

Ex: jocob riiis,, ida tarbell, upton sinclair

Roaring twenties

Immigration restrctions, rise of fundamentalism, and changing sexual values


Illegal to buy sell or anything alcohol due to 18th amendment. Until the 21st amendment repelled it


Us foreign policy after ww1. Attempt to stay away from ww2. Drew from neutrality act in its beginnings


During cold war to avoid contain or block communism.

Ex: long telegram, the us focuses its policy on containing the spread of soviet influence

Mc carthyism

Public accusations of disloyalty (communism) increasing after ww2 without sufficient evidence.

Domino theory

Theory if one country falls to communism, the countries surrounding would too

Massive retaliation

Theat to soviets or anyone who goes against the us. We have nuks n we r not afraid to use then

Black power

Advocated the AA establish control of their political and economic lives.

Ex: malcom x, stokely carmichael, huey newton


Series of politicak scandals resulting in richard nixon resigning from presidential office in 1974