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98 Cards in this Set

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manufacture, sale, and transportation of alchoholic beverages were legally prohibited
Underground taverns/hidden saloons
people who smuggled alchohol
Prodistant movement grounded in a literal, or non symbolic, interpretation of the Bible
Clarence Darrow
Defended Scopes in the Scoes Monkey Trial
Scopes Trial
a fight over evolution and the role of science and religion in public schools and in the american Society
an emancipated young woman who embraced the new fashions and urban attitudes of the day
Double Standard
A set of principles granting greater sexual freedom to ment than to women-required women to observe stricter standards of beavior than men did
George Girshwin
composer who merged traditional elements with American jazz
Georgia O'Keeffe
artist who produced intensely colored canvases that captured the grandeur of New York
Sinclair Lewis
first american to win a nobel prize in literature, one of most outspoken critics.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Jazz Age; wrote great gadsapy, revieled negative side of era
Edna St. Vincent Millay
wrote poems that celebrated youth and life of independance/freedom
Ernest Heminway
best known expatriate author
Zora Neale Hurston
a girl who read adventure stories and ldonged for the good life
E.B. DuBois
founder of NAACP
James Weldon Johnson
poet, lawyer, NAACP executive secretary
Ida B. WElls
founded antilynching organizations
Marcus Garvey
founded Universal Negro Improvement Association and recruted members
Harlem Renisance
a literary and artistic movement celebrating African American culture
Claude McKay
urged Blacks to resist prejudice and discrimination
Langston Hughes
movement's best known poet; described difficult lives
Paul Robeson
major dramatic actor
Louis Armstrong
trumpeter in Creole Jazz BAnd
Duke Elington
Jazz pianist/composer
Bessie Smith
female blues singer
prejudice against foreight born people
a polocy of pulling away from involevement in world affairs
an economic and plitical sysstem based on a signle party government ruled by a dictatorship
people who oppose any form of government
E.B. DuBois
founder of NAACP
James Weldon Johnson
poet, lawyer, NAACP executive secretary
Ida B. WElls
founded antilynching organizations
Marcus Garvey
founded Universal Negro Improvement Association and recruted members
Harlem Renisance
a literary and artistic movement celebrating African American culture
Claude McKay
urged Blacks to resist prejudice and discrimination
Langston Hughes
movement's best known poet; described difficult lives
Paul Robeson
major dramatic actor
Louis Armstrong
trumpeter in Creole Jazz BAnd
Duke Elington
Jazz pianist/composer
Bessie Smith
female blues singer
prejudice against foreight born people
a polocy of pulling away from involevement in world affairs
an economic and plitical sysstem based on a signle party government ruled by a dictatorship
people who oppose any form of government
Sacco and Banzetti
arrested and charged for murder in 1920. were itlians and judge made predudential remarks and accused them guilty even though band evidence
Quota System
Established a set amount of people who could enter the country from each country
John L. Lewis
leader of the United Mine Workers of America; called workers on strike and defied court and became a hero because wages increased 27%
Warren G Harding
put out campeign for normalacy and words of peace quieted and calmed the nation
CHarles Evans Hughes
Secretary of state, urged not more war ships be built and naval powers scrap some of war ships already existing
Fordney Mc Cumber TAriff
raised taxes on U.S. imports to 60%
Ohio Gamng
the president's poker playing cronies
Teapot dome Sandal
Fall secretyly leased land oilreserve in Wy, suddently recieved many loans, bonds, cash and was convicted of bribery
Albert B. Fall
a close friend to oil executives, leased land causing teapot dome scandal
Calvin coolidge
new president, pro business spirit, favored taxes down and business up
Urban Sprawl
cities spread in all directions
Installment plan
enables people to buy goods over an extended period wthout having to put down much money at the time of purchace
a devotion to the intrests and culture of one's nation
development of armed forces and use of tool of dipomace
France, Britain, Russi
Central Powers
Germany, austria Hungary, Ottoman Empire
ARchduke Franz Ferdinand
heir to Austrian throne, shot
No man's land
a barren expanse of mud potmarked with shell craters and filled with barbed wire
Trench warfare
armies fought for yards of ground
a u boat sank her off coast of ireland
Zimmerman Note
telegram from German foreign minister to Mexico, intercepted by British, posed alliance b/t two
Eddi Rickenbacker
famous fighter piolet of ww1, racecar driver,
slelected service act
men had to register w/ govenment to be randomly sellected for service
convoy system
guard of destroyers escorted ships accross atlantic in groups
American Expeditionary Force
explared paris, led by John J. Pershing
Gengeral John J. Pershing
led american epeditionary force
Alvin York
most famous war heroes, opposes warfare because of what the Bible says
Conscientious objector
a person who opposes warfare on moral grounds ex: Bible
Queen Liliuokalani
queen of Hawaii until 1893
the polocy in which stronger nations extend economic, political, or military control over weaker territories
Alfred T. Mahan
admiral of us navy, urged us to build up naval power in order to comete with others
william seaward
secratary of state under Lincoln and Johnson, arranged for the us to buy Alaska from Russia
Pear Harbor
naval base on Hawaii's best port, a refueling station for american ships
SAnford B. Doyle
head of government set up after the takover of Hawaii
Jose Marti
a cuban poet and jouralist who launched a revolution against Spain
Valerian Weyler
general from spain sent after revolt, herded population into camps
Yellow Journalism
style fo writing that exagerates the news to lure and enrage readers
USS Maine
in 1898 the ship blew up in the harboer of Havana, more than 260 men were killed
GEorge Pewey
commodore who gave command to open fire on Spanish Fleet, allowed us troops to land in phillipines
rough riders
voulenteer calvary
Sand Juan Hill
strategically important point
Teready of Paris
Cease fire aggreement by the U.S. and spain
Foraker Act
ended Civil rule and started government in panama
Platt Ammendment
rules that the US insisted Cuba dd to it's constitution
a country who's affairs are partially controled by a higher power
Emilio Aguinaldo
rebel leader from the Phillipines who thought the us had promised independance
John Hay
US secretary fo state, issued open door notes
Open Door Notes
letters to imperialist nations proposing that they share their trading rights, dealt with China
Boxer REbellion
CHineese rebels who killed thousands
panama Canal
a canal cutting through Latin America
Roosevelt cooralary
added to Monroe Dctorine that the US would now use force to protect it's economic interests in latin america
Francisco Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata
leaders of rebels in mexico
John j. Pershing
brigader general, sent to capture villa