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25 Cards in this Set

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Black power
movement emerged out of growing frustration with the limited progress of the civil rights movement; not non violent, leaders Malcolm x, economic not equal equality, 60s, 66 to mid 70s
Democratic party
Political party shifted from strong support for states rights to support for a strong and active federal government; 30s-40s, new deal
Authoritarian and corrupt leader was backed by the us in south Vietnam; early 60s
Stonewall riots
series of clashes with police marked the beginning of the gay rights movement 1969; bar raid on a gay bar
Neutrality act
Series of laws from intervening in the Spanish civil war and other conflicts; late 1930s, fascism; allowed world war two to happen; reaction to first world war
1920s women established new social freedoms for themselves by rejecting conventional ideas of femininity; young unmarried women.
Movement sought to improve the racial stock of the Us by excluding or sterilizing the racially inferior; racial inferiority by which the influenced Nazi ideas 20s to 30s
Spanish American war
conflict ushered in the era of America’s new imperialism; 1898
This was America’s main cold war foreign policy, beginning under Truman; preventing the spread of communism to other countries; funding allies to for anticommunist regimes; influenced American imperialism, spurred capitalism in other countries. 1947-1990
Mother’s little helper
Nickname was given to a tranquilizer widely used by unhappy 1950s middle class housewives; onset of widespread of prescription drugs to alter your mood
Conservative coalition
alliance of evangelicals, libertarians cold war hawks, and former segregationists came to dominate the republican party; shift of the republican party
formed by African American college students, this group played a pivotal role in the civil rights movement; student non violent college; sit in movement, freedom rides; April 1960
Economic model claims that cutting taxes on the wealthy will boost the economy, but it also led to record debt; trickle down economics; still predominant economic principle; 1980s
Soviet-Afghan war
conflict the US aided Islamist radicals, some of whom later turned against it; soviet union’s Vietnam, soviets invaded middle east, and America funded military aid to them 79-89
Joseph McCarthy
senator whipped up anti-communist sentiment until his reckless accusations ended public support for him; lots of innocents jailed for being thought of as communists; ended when he attempted to take on the military; 1950s;
Welfare states
Many of the programs of the new deal aimed to create an economic safety net known as this; still in effect today. New deal-present; 1930s to present
Watergate scandal
destroyed Nixon’s presidency and undermined Americans’’ faith in government; spy on the democratic party to get a leg up on the next election; hired five guys to plant bugs at the convention who were caught and were traced back to Nixon; only president to resign from office; 1972
Joe Louis
African American boxer who crushed Nazis’ and American racists; claims of Aryan supremacy by defeating Max Schmeling; world champion of boxing; won in only one round; undermine Aryan supremacy; late 1930s; 1938 the fight took place
practice of soldier injuring or killing their officers became widespread as dissatisfaction with the Vietnam War grew; used fragmentation grenades and threw them into officers’ tents; dissatisfaction in the military; unpopularity of the draft; 1964-1972; late 60s
New immigrants
South and east European newcomers to the US were widely regarded as racially inferior to other whites; Slavs, Greeks, Italians, and Jews. Immigration Act 1924; 1880s to 1920s
Organization successfully campaigned for prohibition, giving many women their first experience in political activism; Women’s Christian Temperance Union; blamed alcoholism on men; large number of women in political activity and later started the suffragette movement; 1890s-1910s
Unemployed councils
The early years of the Great Depression these groups aided, and demanded relief for, those who were out of work; set up soup kitchens, held rallies, and stopped evictions; 1930s
Sedition Acts
Law curtailed civil liberties during the First World War and was used to imprison political radicals; linked to the first red scare;
The Iran-contra Affair
1979 socialist sandinistas take power in nicaragua opposed by guerilla "conras", Radical Islamist group Hezbollah holding 6 american hostages in lebanon....Think Die hard 2
University Of Texas Arlington