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32 Cards in this Set

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who were the big four countries at the congress of vienna?
Russia, Prussia, Austria and Great Britain
What was the primary purpose of the congress of vienna?
to re-distribute the land that napolean conquered throughout europe
what were some outcomes of the congess of vienna?
1.france was restored under Louis 2.britain gained control of the seas 3.austria was given control in germany
at the congress of vienna what territory did austria gain in germany?
lombardia and venice
who represneted britain?
who represented prussia?
who represneted russia?
czar alexandra I
who represented France
who represneted austria
after napolean what king of government did france have?
constitutional monarchy
the france revolutions of 1848 provided the motivaion and basis for italy and germany to..
unify various regions under one ruler
before unification, what countries controlled city-states in italy
france, spain, austria
what type of governemtn did italy want in 1848?
who became commited to italina unification i 1840s?
Count Camillo de Cavour
waht type of governmetn did italy adopt AFTER unfication?
a constitutional monarchy
what state led the charge in unifying italy?
before unification, italy was made up of
city states
who was considered the practical statesmean of italian unification?
before unification what was cavour?
prime minister of piedmont-sardinia
what did cavour find?
what were cavour's 3 goals?
1.modernize piedmont-sardinia
2.make piedmont center for italian unification
3.constituionaly monarchy
what did cavour accomplish?
lowered tariffs
built railroads
built army
balence budget
what did Giuseppe Garibaldi want?
create a unified and republican italy, organize people
who were garibaldi's red shirt army made up of?
civilian volunteers.
the kingdom of italy was under the leadership of
King Victor Emmanuel II
what kind of government did the new kingdom of italy have?
pariamentry government.
"by blood or by iron" refers to Bismarcks view on:
what did germany have to do in order to unify?
fight of internal and external threats
What happened in the auto-prussian war?
prussia defeated austrias army even though austria's army was 4x larger
what happened in the franco-prussian war?
germany recieved Alsace and Lorraine.
the newly unified germany states called themselves
the German Confederation
what did bismark draft for the new german empire?