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124 Cards in this Set

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In what way(s) did legends and stories about King Arthur evolve?

Stories surround a battle in which the Britons defeated the Anglo-Saxons in battle, but little else is known about this period

What do the lives of Brunhild and Fredegund tell us about the lives of women in Merovingian times?

women could be the true powers behind the throne

What was the institutional basis of early Christianity in Ireland?

Centered on monastic missions, rather than bishoprics (lacked large cities)

Before becoming Kings of the Franks, the Carolingians controlled what office?

mayor of the palace

Who aided in Pepin being crowned king?

Pope Stephen II

By what term was the resource – often land – that was given to vassals to support them while they served their lordknown?


What agreement divided the Carolingian Empire among three grandsons of Charlemagne?

Treaty of Verdun

Who wrote a rule that became the very foundation of Western monasticism?

Benedict of Nursia

What were the three subjects studied in the trivium?

Grammar, dialect, rhetoric

Why did Alcuin call Charlemagne Europae pater, “The Father of Europe”?

Reunited Europe after Rome's collapse

Although NOT practiced by the Merovingians, what was primogeniture?

A practice in which a father would pass the whole of his property to his eldest son, rather than split it between all of his children

What was the significance of the Battle of Tours in 732?

Ended Islamic advance into Europe

What best explains why Ireland developed Christian customs of their own?

Cut off from the rest of the Christian world

For which quality or characteristic were Irish monks renowned?


According to the Bible, Jesus granted Peter the “power of the keys,” – for which doctrine did this become ajustification?

Papal authority?

In what way did the Catholic Church play a social as well as a religious role in medieval society?


Why did the owners of land that used the three-field system choose to plant beans and peas in the spring?

They released nitrogen into the soil

What did Benedict’s monks believe their vocation to be?

To intercede with God for the sinful world

Muslim Spain was unusual in that it was the primary location in Europe for cultural and intellectual encountersbetween which groups?

Muslims, Christians, and Jews

Upon what basis did Charlemagne’s claim as successor to the Roman emperors mainly rest?


What did the Truce of God require of knights?

No fighting on Sundays and holidays, can't fight noncombatants

Which Muslim faction believed in the coming of a messiah?

Shi'ite Muslims

What did Leo III’s edict of iconoclasm forbid?

Banned icons

Who was the great Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex who pushed back Viking invasions and founded a strong state thatlasted for over a century?

Alfred the Great

Charles the Simple yielded the duchy of Normandy to Rollo, a leader of what group?


In 1066, William “the Conqueror” conquered which territory?

Southern England

Which French monarch was able to recover much French territory from British control?

Phillip II

Which duchy was the seat of Otto I’s power in Germany?


What strong king took the English throne in 1154, ending the civil war that erupted over the conflict between Stephenand Matilda?

Henry II

Which was the most successful of the crusades?

The Third Crusade

What pope launched the crusading movement with a sermon at Clermont in 1095?

Pope Urban II

The Russian cities of Novgorod and Kiev were initially settled by which group of people?


How did the division of England into shires, each with a shire-reeve (sheriff) begin?

Tax-collecting system, knights

The Seljuk Turks became a major power in the Middle East after what tenth-century event?

Conversion to Islam

How did Otto I solve the problems of control he faced as he acquired more territory?

Decentralized control into fiefs

Which of the following was NOT a factor in the decline of the Byzantine Empire in the seventh century?

attacks by Germans in the West

Why did theologians challenge Leo III’s edict of iconoclasm?

Denied identity of Christ

When the Seljuk Turks defeated the Byzantines near Manzikert, what saved Constantinople from being captured?

Strong fortifications and international trade

When Charles the Simple ceded French land to the Viking chief Rollo, what became of his followers who settledthere?

Assimilated into French culture, converted to Christianity

The Investiture Controversy revolved around what conflict?

a significant conflict between Church and state in medieval Europe, was really a conflict over two radically different views of whether secular authorities such as kings, counts, or dukes, had any legitimate role in appointments to ecclesiastical offices

How did the first capitalist ventures differ from the business practices of medieval guilds?

began to produce surpluses of goods in response to more long distance trade

How did the development of towns drive the evolution of medieval society?

made possible a class of free people

The dream of the High Middle Ages’ greatest thinkers was to create comprehensive descriptions of particular topics -which term would these then be known?


As an academic title, what is the literal translation of the word doctor?


What group of people were the original source of “Arabic” numerals and the concept of zero?


Which early twelfth century figure was the most famous advocate of the dialectic method?

Peter Abelard

Which ancient thinker was especially admired and emulated by the Scholastics?


Which religious order focused on preaching, teaching, and combating heresy?


Who was the English king who spent most of his reign out of his realm, leading the Third Crusade, and being heldcaptive in Germany?

Richard I, the Lionheart

Louis IX’s investigators, sent out to audit the accounts of his officials and hear complaints against them – what werethese men called?


Henry II gained control of much of the Angevin Empire by marrying which heiress?

Eleanor of Aquitaine

The medieval university’s system of moving from degree to degree by demonstrating mastery most closely resembledwhat other system?

guilds of craftsmen

How did friars differ from earlier medieval monks?

Friars worked in the world, monks were more withdrawn

As a collective, why did a universitas have considerable leverage in negotiations with local leaders?

formed a union, students were a good income source

Why would Edward I have maintained Parliament, which had started out as an assembly that was potentiallytreasonous?

easy way to get citizens to give up more money to the government

What was entailed in a professor’s glossing of a text?

Professors would read to the class, then explain what ever he had just read

The conflict between Henry II and Thomas Becket highlighted what issue in medieval Europe?

authority between church and state

What did Thomas Aquinas think about the relationship between reason and faith?

complementary to each other

The relationship between Heloise and Peter Abelard is a reminder of which important fact about medieval women?

Even brilliant women's lives were controlled by the men in them (specifically fathers)

What is the best way to describe the relationship that the Catholic Church of the High Middle Ages had withAristotle’s work?

Believed Aristotle's works were incompatible with the Christian Orthodoxy

What kind of natural disaster struck Europe several times during the first third of the fourteenth century?

Famine and plague

Roughly what percentage of the European population was killed by the Black Death between 1347 and 1350?


Which group did many Europeans blame for causing the plague?


Which Christian city was sacked during the Fourth Crusade?


Which warrior brought the Muslims of the Middle East together, formed an empire that stretched from Africa toArmenia, and founded the Ayyubid dynasty?


The Mongol leader Temujin, who led his people to conquer parts of China, Russia, and Persia, is better known bywhich name?

Ghengis Khan

What was the name of the Venetian merchant who claimed to have visited the Mongol court and whose writings are adisputed source of information on thirteenth-century China?

Marco Polo

What action did critics refer to as a “Babylonian captivity”?

Jewish exile from holy land, Avignon papacy

The Great Schism was an extended dispute over divided claims to what position?

The Papacy

Which thinker insisted that because popes were human, they were as prone to error as anyone else and proposed thatthe best way to determine truth about an issue was to seek a consensus of opinion?

William of Ockham

Who claimed that the church was a natural rather than a supernatural entity and that the church community wascomposed of individual Christians who had a right to control it?

Marsiglio of Padua

What was the underlying issue of the Hundred Years’ War?

England wanted to expand into and control France

The idea that the final authority in spiritual matters belonged to the whole community of Christians was known bywhich term?


What might be considered the silver lining to the cloud cast over Europe by the Black Death?

Reduced stress on food supply due to reduced population

After 1300, European crop production began to fall – why?

period of slowly diminishing average temperatures

According to Innocent III’s theory of papal monarchy, what kind of authority did the Pope have?

Everyone, including kings, is subject to papal authority; divine right rulers still must answer to the pope because he is God's representative on Earth

What role did Flanders have in the outbreak of the Hundred Year’s War?

Reopened war with France (Edward I)

Why did the reduced temperatures of the Little Ice Age have a serious impact on Europe?

Shortening of growing season impacted agrarian economy

Which statement best characterizes Innocent III’s accomplishments?

strengthened papal authority over church and clergy

Who had the most to gain from the papacy’s Babylonian Captivity at Avignon?

The French and the Avignon Papacy

Who became known as the “father of humanism”?


Who was the first major northern artist to take a serious interest in Italy’s Renaissance?

Albrecht Durer

Which country took the early lead in Atlantic exploration?


From the 1430s onward, the Medici family held political and cultural dominance in what Italian city?


Because of the pope’s 1494 Line of Demarcation, most of North and South America was colonized by which power?


Who was the most prominent of the northern humanists?


To what exactly does the word Shariah refer to in Islam?

Body of canonical law put forth in the Quran

Which country sponsored the voyage of the Genoese sailor John Cabot?


How did Italy become home to four of Europe’s five largest cities by 1400?

Italian ports were extremely important for all Mediterranean trade

When looking at the past, from which source(s) did, Renaissance humanists drew their greatest inspiration?

Classical writers such as Cicero, Aristotle, etc.

The development of what exactly was, arguably, the most important contribution northern painters made toRenaissance art?

Oil paint

How is the modernity of the writings of Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio best represented?

Wrote in the Italian vernacular instead of Latin

What are some of the explanations for the political divisions of Renaissance Italy?


What are some of the explanations for the political divisions of Renaissance Italy?

Booming economy meant money to spare for the arts

Why is Donatello’s David considered the first true Renaissance sculpture?

First freestanding nude since antiquity

Why was Renaissance painting less influenced by classical examples than other arts, such as architecture andsculpture?

Very few classical paintings have survived antiquity

What was a major factor motivating Portugal to take the lead in European Atlantic exploration?

Restricted access to the Mediterranean

Why did the Europeans use Africans rather than Indians as slave labor in the Americas?

Indians would quickly die off from European diseases, while Africans had more of the same immunities

Which of the following phrases would best describe the advice Machiavelli gave to rulers in The Prince?

The end justifies the means

.Shakespeare’s plays were first performed during the reign of which English ruler?

Queen Elizabeth I

What scholar unintentionally contributed to the Protestant Reformation through his Biblical studies?

Martin Luther

Who protected Luther when the pope attempted to silence him?

Frederick the Wise of Saxony

Who sold indulgences with this jingle: “When a coin in my coffer rings, a soul from Purgatory springs”?

Johann Tetzel

Under John Calvin’s leadership, which city became a haven for Protestant refugees from all over Europe?


The burning at the stake of Michael Servetus was evidence of the brutal treatment of those who opposed whichreligious leader?

John Calvin

Apart from the Scandinavian states, which was the only major country to break with the papacy during theReformation?


Which act by the English Parliament severed ties with the papacy and recognized the king as the head of England’schurch?

Act of Supremacy

By entering the Thirty Years’ War on the side of the German Protestants, how did Cardinal Richelieu demonstratecold-headed political realism?

Put needs of the state before religious conflicts (politiques)

Who were the Huguenots in France?

French protestants

Who succeeded Henry VIII in England?

Edward VI

Francis I made an alliance against the Habsburgs that shocked Europe. With whom did he build this alliance?

With Suleyman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire

Which agreement decreed that each prince could decide whether his state would be Catholic or Lutheran?

Peace of Augsburg

The Thirty Years’ War ended with which peace treaty?

Peace of Westphalia

Which group believed that the Bible should be the only standard to govern faith?


What did buyers believe they were paying for when they bought indulgences?

salvation, less time in purgatory

At the time he posted the Ninety-five Theses, how might Martin Luther would best be described?

faithful catholic interested in debate

What belief was shared by supporters of the Reformation and Renaissance humanists?

Western civilization could be restored through the study of ancient works

What does the term “Renaissance Popes” implies about popes such as Nicholas V and Julius II?

more concerned with worldly power than religious piety

On which doctrine did Calvin and Luther disagree?


The Swiss Brethren were also known as Anabaptists – why?

opposed infant baptism, rebaptized adults

Why did Henry of Navarre allegedly say “Paris is worth a mass”?

He converted to Catholicism to become King of France

How did James I and his son Charles I view the authority of kings?

Divine right authority with no need for parliament

What was the main source of Oliver Cromwell’s power as ruler of England?

support of the New Model Army

How were the Edict of Nantes and the Peace of Augsburg similar?

Allowed religious minorities to live in designated areas