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16 Cards in this Set

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South Carolina
First southern state to secede in December, 1860.
Jefferson Davis
First President of the Confederate States of America
Crittenden Compromise
Promosed by Senator Crittendent of Kentucky, that the first Missouri Compromise line be extended to the Pacific as a way of preventing the Civil War. Lincoln opposed it. It never became law.
Fort Sumter
THe U.S. said it had been attacked and Lincoln asked for 75,000 volunteers to crush the rebellion.
First Bull Run
This was a major Southern victory in July, 1861, that stopped a Northern effort to capture Richmond, Virginia, the Southern capitol
This occurred in Maryland in September, 1862 and was a Northern victory that stopped a Southern effort to capture Washington, D.C. Northern victory led Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation
Emancipation Proclomation
This was issued by lincoln on September 22, 1862 and provided for the ending of slavery in ONLY Southern-controlled areas. Southern states had 100 days to stop fighting and if they did, they could keep their slaves. None did. The Emancipation Proclamation took effect in January, 1863.
This was in Mississippi and was the last remaining Southern fortress on the Mississippi River. Now the North controlled the river all the way to the Gulf of Mexico.
The North stopped a Southern invasion of Pennsylvania in July, 1863. The tide of battle nw turned in favor of the North. This battle persuaded the North to keep fighting.
Sanitary Commission
Northern women promoted better health in the Northern army camps through attention to cleanliness, nutrition and medical care.
Election of 1864
Lincoln beat the Democratic candidate General McClellan by over 400,000 votes. Shermans capture of Atlanta in the fall of 1864 helped Lincoln win.
Nat Turner's Revolt
The revolt led the South to tighten up on what Blacks could and could not do. They could not by taught to read nor write
Slave Ownership
Planters in the 1850's could expect an annual return of 8%-10% on capital invesed in slaves.
Slave Families
Slave culture was a family culture which was a source of strength and cohesion. whipping and threats of being sold off kept slaves subdued.
Black Religion
Their religion formed the cornerstone of the emerging Black culture.
White Society
Most Southern Whites were farmers not owning slaves.