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82 Cards in this Set

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(bankers, factory workers, merchants) believed in ideas of enlightment, some were as rich as nobles, payed high taxes and lacked privileges.
(tradesmen, apprentices, laborers, domestic servants) second and poorest group, paid low, often out of work.
largest groups, ½ of their income went to nobles, taxed on everything! Resented wealth (1st and 2nd estate)
Problems in france under Louise XVI
economy was in a decline, louis and wife were huge spenders. he was a weak leader and never paid things on time.
Great fear
homes were attacked. A wave of panic because of rumors. peasants were outlaws . louis and antoinette fled and never returned.
French Revolution slogan
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"
radical political organization involved in the gov changes.
*How Napoleon came to power
Defeated delegates and became the "hero of the hour" Became leader of the french army. Won battles. Used troops to drive out members of the national legislature. Assumed powers as a dictator.
What Napoleon did while in power
conquered a lot of land except Great Britain.
How he fell from power
continental system( blockade), peninsular war(lost about 300,000 soldiers), invasion of russia ( left with 10,000 left.
Battle of Trafalgar
Napoleons most important battle. Caused his downfall.
Warfare Tactics "Scorch Earth Policy"
Used against Napoleon.
Battle at Waterloo
last battle Napoleon lost.
*Congress of Vienna
Nationalism began to spread. France was surrounded by powerful countries. Restored a balance of power. Restored Europe's royal families.
Coup D'etat
sudden seizure of power of the gov by the people
Tennis Court Oath
people refused to leave the tennis court until a new gov. was created
Balance of Power
sharing of power between countries and its allies.
Group that led independence movements
people born in spain. controlled land, wealth, and power.
parents were born in spain. had some land, below in power
mix of european and indian
* Mulattoes
mix of european and african.
Jose de San Martin
Miguel Hidalgo
Toussaint L'Ouverture
Joao IV of Brazil
What is nationalism?
When a persons loyalty wasto the country not the king.
Destroyed empires (OAR)
Ottoman,Austrian, Russian
United empires
Germany &Italy
Unification of Germany
Otto Von Bismarck was master at realpolitik. Made allianced w. austria and fought denmark. Caused 7 weeks war. Germany united after franco-prussian war. second reich
Unification of Italy
Camillo di Cavor united with Garbaldi(followers were redshirts) who united southern italy.
Results of Agricultural Revolution
Food supply increased, living conditions increased, cloth increased. Seed drill was invented.Crop Rotation was VIP
What an enclosure allowed farmers to do.
farmers to experiment more with their land and forced small farmers to give up farming and move to the city
What is the Industrial Revolution?
A time when the output of machine-made goods greatly increased. Started in England.
technology of the industrial revoultion.
cotton gin, steam engine, railroads.
positive effects of industrial rev.
created jobs for workers, contributed to wealth of nation, technology increase, raised standards of living, better housing and cheaper goods.
negative effects of industrial rev.
factories were dangerous and not sanitary, class tension, laborers saw little improvements.
Stock holding.
put money in and get money back. you could get more or less than you put in. If you own a stock thats all you are responsible for.
workers would strike to get what they wanted
protect workers in the business.
Adam Smith
thinker of Laissez Faire. argued that gov regulations only interfered with production and wealth. "Let people do as they please"
no private property owners. All goods and serviced would be shared equally.
Laissez Faire economics
Law of self-interest, competition, and supply & demand
What is socialism
Factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all. Gov should control factories, mines, railroads. End poverty and promote equality. Charles Fourier and Saint Simon.
Collective bargaining
occurs between employees and employers.
Suppy and demand
Supply increases and demand decreases. If a demand decreases then the supply decreases.
Negative effects of imperialism in Africa
Africans lost control of land and independence, died of new diseases, loss of crops, war and famines, division of African continent.
Positive effects of imperialism in Africa
reduced local warfare, humanitarian efforts improved sanitation, provides hospitals, build schools, economic expansion and railroads.
an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products; played an important role in the fate of the Ottoman Empire.
pacific rim
countries that border the Pacific Ocean.
suez canal
human-made waterway that cut through the Isthmus of Suez. “Lifeline of the empire.”
east indies
largest imperial empire
opium war:
took place mostly at sea, chinese were no match for britians steam powered gunboats,chinese suffered a himiliating loss.
extraterritorial rights
foreigners didnt have to obey chinas laws.
*chinas response to imperialism
food production barely increased, opium addiction rose
sphere of influence
an area in which the foreign nation controlled trade and investment.
open door policy
chinas doors were open to all merchants
*Japans response to imperialism
They modernized and became imperialistic. Meiji error.
*Method of enforcement: Police terror
use of terror and violence to force obedience and to crush opposition. May spy and even murder to achieve their goal.
*Method of enforcement: Indoctrination
Convince all citizens that their unconditional loyalty and support are required.
*Method of enforcement: Propaganda/Censorship
Control of ALL media. Citizens had to accept certain beliefs or actions. Anyone who questions was imprisoned or killed.
*Method of enforcement: Religious Ethnic Persecution
leaders create “enemies of the state” to blame for if something goes wrong. May be forced to live in certain areas or are subjected to rules that apply to only them.
last ruling family in russia
wanted a small number of people to do a lot of change. leader was lenin
bloody sunday
3. 200,000 workers and their families approached the czar’s winter palace. They wanted better working conditions, more person and elected legislature. Nicholas II’s generals fired at the crowd. About 1,000 were wounded and killed.
allowed genocide and starvation n ukrain
great purge
A campaign of terror directed at eliminating anyone who threatened his power.
what year did communism start?
*Causes of communism in Russia
revolutions against czar. eventually they were overthrown
What started the cold war
US was upset that stalin signed a non-aggressive pact with germany. stalin later blamed the allies for not invading German-occupied Europe.
puppet gov.
After WWII, USSR set them up in eastern European countries. Controlled by USSR.
iron cutain
A border that soviets built that pushed the Nazis back. It neglected the Yalta agreement and put communist govs. in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland and Yugoslavia.
NATO: 10 westerm nations and the US.
Warsaw: USSR, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania.
Created many reforms for the USSR but this eventually led to its destruction
Russia’s 1st elected president
Dealt with problem in Chechnya and won 2000 Election.
why did the soviet union collapse
Reforms made by Gorb.
georgia (country NOT state)
2 summers ago (one on test) Russia invaded Georgia.