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53 Cards in this Set

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Dwight D Eisenhower

Pledged support of south Vietnam, involving us in the Vietnam war. Very conservative


Migration to the suburbs. Happened en masse after WWII and soldiers wanted to live outside the city

Interstate Highway Act of 1956

Signed by Eisenhower to create highways connecting all states via road for increased trade, as well as potential for military mobilization

Thurgood Marshall

First African American supreme court justice, and was the catalyst for getting rid of jim crow laws and for civil rights

Brown vs Board of Education

Desegregated schools

Emmett Till

Black 14 year old killed in a lynching for “offending” a white woman

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Sparked by Rosa Parks’ arrest, it was a protest where blacks refused to ride buses in montomery

Martin Luther King Jr


Sit ins

4 black students protested a restaurant that segragated blacks from whites. After a week 4 students at one location turned into thousands of protesters at locations across the US

Freedom Riders

Activists who rode from the north into the segregated south to protest for civil rights

Activists who rode

Nikita Kruschev

Takes over after Stalin. Tested how far the US would go by building missiles in cuba and erecting the Berlin Wall


The first sattelite ever launched. Inspired the space race

The U-2

Type of spy plane taking pics of Russia. One crash landed, government claimed it was a weather balloon but they captured the pilot


35th President. President during Cuban Missile Crisis

Bay of Pigs

Location of failed location of Cuba. We tried to team up with enemies of Castro, but Kennedy pulled out air support and the resistance was captured

Cuban Missile Crisis

13 day period of tension in which Russia installed missiles in Cuba. JFK initiated a blockade and succeeded in getting missiles out by getting rid of our own missiles in Turkey (which were going to be replaced anyway)

Viet Cong

Communist north Vietnamese fighting against the south

Lyndon B Johnson

Vietnam was called Johnsons War because he made so many bad decisions, which ended his presidency. Believed pulling out of Nam would be the cowards way

War on poverty

LBJ intended on making a war on poverty. A response to a nationwide poverty rate of 19%

Civil Rights act of 1964

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the most comprehensive civil rights legislation ever enacted by Congress. It contained extensive measures to dismantle Jim Crow segregation and combat racial discrimination.

Civil Rights Act of 1965

removed barriers to black enfranchisement in the South, banning poll taxes, literacy tests, and other measures that effectively prevented African Americans from voting.

Gulf on Tonkin Resolution

In 1954, 2 american ships came under attack off of north vietnam, and this gave Eisenhower more war powers.

Ho Chi Minh Trail

Trail through Laos and Cambodia that North Vietnam used against the US knowing that destroying or attacking it would violate international law. We later bombed it knowing it was essential, but the public hated it.

Draft during Vietnam

2.2 million men were drafted into the war under a lottery system

Ronald Reagan

First president to expand the military on a large scale. First to employ trickle down economics which worked short term, but not long term. Wildly popular president who started as an actor


Reduction of taxes,promotion of unrestricted free trade, trickle down

Religious Right

Conservative christians. They are pro life, anti gay and almost always republican.


Left wing Revolutionaries in Nicaragua who overthrew the government and were the enemies of the Contras, who we supported. Reagan wanted to get Sandinistas out of power.


North American Free Trade Agreement. Allowed free trade between US Canada and Mexico. Signed by Clinton

First Gulf War

Response to an iraq invasion. We demandes Hussein withdraw troops but he refused. Afterward, we lead a bombing capmaign on Iraq and lead a 4 day ground campaign called Desert Storm. Hussein later gave up

Bill Clinton

Replaced HW after one term. His presidency may have revived the democratic party as republicans won 5 out of the previous 6 elections. Impeached for lying under oath but not removed from office. Also began limiting Americas intervention with the rest of the world.

Religious Right

Conservative christians. They are pro life, anti gay and almost always republican.



9/11 attacks

This attack threw Bush’s plan out of wack and defined his presidency.

Kent State

National Guard shooting on Kent State students protesting the Vietnam war.

War on terror

Global counterterrorism campaign launched by the US in response to 9/11 and lead us into afghanistan and Iraq.


Left wing Revolutionaries in Nicaragua. overthrew the government and were the enemies of the Contras,who we supported. Reagan wanted to get Sandinistas out of power. They were supported by the soviets.



The Tet Offensive

Attack launched by the Viet Cong on the US and south Vietnam. Pivotal in that it showed Americans that we can’t win the war.

Richard Nixon

Won presidency in 1968 and won re-election in 72. His scandals included watergate and continuing the Vietnam war even though he knew it was wrong. Also kinda racist.

My Lai Massacre

Americans found 1 gun in a Vietnamese town, and the commanders told the soldiers to kill everyone. Only one commander was prosecuted. More than 500 men women and children were killed.


Nixons Process of withdrawing troops to put responsibility on South Vietnam.


French meaning release from tension. Name given to a period of eased tension between Nixon’s US and Russia.

Kent State

National Guard shooting on Kent State students protesting the Vietnam war.

Hurricane Katrina

Most expensive and deadliest natural disaster in US history. Hit New Orleans the hardest. Many people blame Bush and Republicans for not doing enough.


Main priority was medical insurance reform and did that immediately. In 2010 republicans gain over 60 seats in the house flipping it. He withdrew troops from middle east.

9/11 attacks

This attack threw Bush’s plan out of wack and defined his presidency. Prior to 9/11, there was a sense of security and peace among Americans.

Bush 2

Conservative agenda, big on standardized tests, supported faith-based initiatives for votes, deficit spending.

Tech Bubble Burst

Happened during Bush 2 years. A boom in the tech industry which caused small businesses to go under.

Patriot Act

Gave federal agents sweeping power in surveilling US citizens created by Bush 2

Patriot Act

Gave federal agents sweeping power in surveilling US citizens created by Bush 2

Department of Homeland Security

Monitors who’s coming in and going out. Created by bush in response to 9/11

Bin Laden Victory?

One of his goals was to ensure America would be in continuous war in the middle east. In a way he won.