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60 Cards in this Set

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Brown v Board of Education Topeka
Supreme court case in which ruled that schools segregated by race were unconstitutional.
Little Rock
The group of african american students who attempted to integrate Central High school. The Governor of Arkansas, Faubus tried to stop them, and Eisenhower had to send Federal soldiers to help them.
Plessy v Ferguson
Supreme court case in which the US Supreme court ruled that sperate but equal schools for black and white students were legally acceptable as long as the facilities were equal in quality. De facto they were not.
Jackie Robinson
American baseball player, the first black player in the major leagues, for the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
elected 68 delegated to the DNC. arrived and asked for their representatives to be seated instead of the all white ones that the Dem. Party sent. Pres. Johnson compromised with them by saying that he would seat two representatives and the rest could stay as "non voting guests". they rejected it . Fannie Lou Hammer was the leader.
Orval Faubus
Governor of Arkansas who violated federal court order to integrate Little Rock's Central High School. Said that "blood would run in the streets" if integration happened. basically incouraged the resistance.
24th Amendment
Banned states from taxing citizens to vote for president and congress aka poll tax. these taxes affected blacks who wanted to vote but were too poor.
Voter Education Project
founded by SNCC, CORE, and other groups. Projects whose aim was to register southern African Americans to vote. Members were routinely beaten or jailed.Was a success in every state except Mississippi.
Melba Beals
One of the Little Rock Nine.
A Philip Randolph
During World War II his protests lead Roosevelt to ban discrimination in government and defense jobs. 1941
CORE-Congress of Racial Equality
An organization dedcicated to non violent protests. founded 1942
Harry Truman
Presedent Truman desegregated the armed forces. 1948
Thurgod Marshall
Founded the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. 1940 fought against segregation in eduction
Founded by WEB Du Bois fought to bring an end to rcial segregation and violence through legal means.
Earl Warren
Chief Justic During the Brown vs. Board of Education trial. Issued the Supreme courts unaminious decision that segregated schools were unconstitutional.
Montgomery Bus Boycott (c/e)
Sparked by the arrest of Rosa Parks. headed by the NAACP who created the Montgomery Improvement Association with MLK as the President.
Rosa Parks
The NAACP member who refused to give up her seat and was arrested in Montgomery Alabama.
Martin Luther King Jr.
minister of baptist curch in montgomery. Leader of the Montgomery Improvement Asociation, and later the SCLC, and even later the Poor people's movement.
SCLC- Southern Christian Leadership Conference
created by the representatives of the Montgomery Improvement Association, and other groups. Held nonviolent protests.
Mongomery Improvement Association
Sector of the NAACP which organized the Montgomery Bus boycott. President was Martin Luther King JR.
When you stay seated in a place as a form of protest. They were successful in causing businesses to change the segregation policies. They were held througout the south but paricularly in NAshville, Tennesse, Greensboro, NC, and Mississippi.
James Farmer
leader of CORE.
Mohandas Gandhi
His nonviolent tactics inspired the civil rights movementleaders, including MLK, James Farmer, James Lawson and others.
James Lawson
AA minister who traveled to India to study under Gandhi. Conducted nonviolent protest workshops in Nashville, and on AA college campuses in the south. Staged the Nshville sit-ins in restuarants to end segregation.
Happened after Greensboro sit-in. James Lawson headed this sit-in. Lawson held workshops to prepare people for the sit in. It was successfull.
Four college kids held sit-in in Woolworth's store, where they were denied service because of their race. these students read Lawson's books. more people joined in each day.the were successful and many restuarants opened to all races, and some opened nationwide to all races.
SNCC- Student Nonviolent Cordinationg Commitee
Formed by yound african american sit-in leaders to conduct other nonviolent protests. members took part in freedom rides.
Freedom Riders
went on freedom rides to draw attention to the fact that the supreme court ruling to integrate facilities in bus stations serving interstate passengers was not being inforced. Started by CORE continued by SNCC.
Diane Nash
leader of the SNCC, gathered the SNCC volunteers to continue the rides. Was aided by robert kennedy. was jailed in mississippi for using the white stalls .
Robert Kennedy
Attorney General, who ordered the Alabama governor to send police protection for the SNCC members. the police purposely dissapeared so he sent 600 federal marshals instead.
James Meredith
Attempted to enroll into The University of Mississippi. was denied because of his race, federal courts ordered his enrollment. Robert Kennedy order 500 federal marshals, and the Pres. Kennedy sent in the troops.
George Wallace
Alabama Governor who physically stopped two AA Vivian Malone and James Hood from enrolling in the University of Alabama. But eventually steped aside.
Albany Movement
Began when SNCC members were arrested when they staged a sit-in because local officials were ignoring the new integration laws. the federal gov did nothing about their arrest so local civil rights leaders and MLK got involved. It was a failure because the opponents used the schism between the local leaders and the SCLC who were "taking over" also the police redicted MLK's strategy of nonviolence and instead paid off his fine so he was released from jail. He origianlly said he would stay in jail until integration happened and offered others to join him, knowing the jail couldnot hold them all, but the police used all local jails to house the people. Taught MLK that the SCLC should organize its own campaign, not just help others campaigns.
Strict Crutiny
the way judges look at afirmative action cases
Martha Griffiths
woman who lobbied for ERA
Emmit Till
boy from chicago who was killed in the south for talking to a white girl. his funeral was in chicago.
Executive Order 11063
banned racial and reliious discrimination in housing built or purchased with federal aid.
Civil Rights Act 1968- Fair Housing Act
Banned racial discrimination in the sale, rental, or financing of housing, and it made harming civil rights workers a federal crime.
Voting Rights Act 1965
Suspended literacy tests and other devices used to exclude black voters.

Authorized federal supervision of voter registration.

Allowed federal workers to register voters.
Civil Rights Act 1957
Established a federal Civil Rights Commission to investigate violations of civil rights.

Created a civil rights division within the Justice Department to enforce civil rights laws.

Authorized the federal government to prosecute anyone interferring with another persons right to vote.
Civil Rights Act 1964
Banned discrimination in public accomodations.

Outlawed unequal voting requirements

Barred discrimination in employment based on race, gender, religon, or national origin.

Established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision.

Applied federal power to speed the integration of schools and other public facilities.

Most significant civil rights law since the reconstruction amendment. gave government the power to prevent racial discrimination.
Montgomery Bus boycott
Began by Rosa parks arrest. AA lead by MLK organized the boycott to protest Parks' arrest and segregation on city buses. Ended when Supreme Court ruled segregation unconstitutional. Inspired other boycotts across the south. Gave MLK nation wide attention.
March on Washington
MLK "I have a dream speech." March was for jobs, school desegregation, and vaiour civil rights laws. 1st to be televised.
Roe v Wade
Establish a women's right to an abortion as a part of the constitutional right of privacy. this ruling has lead to the battle in plitics between the "pro-life" and "pro-choice" voters.
Medgar Evers
head of the NAACP in Mississippi. was one of the movements most effective leaders. He was shot by a Ku Klux Klan member, who was not convisted until the age 73.
Eugene Conners
Birmingham police cheif who used violence to break up the Birmingham campaign. News Channels televised his police blasting the protesters with fire hoses.
Birmingham campaign
MLK and the SCLC led this campaign. He staged sit-ins and marches in Birmingham, Alabama inorder to protest it strict segregation. Whenadult volunteer showout dwindled because of the possibility of jail (no work) MLK used children. The portesters met much violence including being hit with fire hoses. MLK won this when city officials aggreed to his demands. he called this his most significant victory in the deep south.
Fannie Lou Hammer
a Mississippi Freadom Democratic Party leader. She presented the MFDP's case to the Democratic Convention.
Selma Campaign
MLK began a campaign in Selm, Alabama, to gain voting rights. he wanted to dramtize the situation to the federal government to bring it to their attention. he sent thousands of people to voter regristration sites. then schedualed a march from selma to montgomery. led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Edmund Pettus Bridge
bridge which MLK planned to coss during the Selma Campaign. Police block his way. his resumed the march 2 days later and stopped at the base of the birdge until federal protection came then the march finally reach montgomery.
De Facto
What actually hapens on the streets regardless of court decisious. (discrimination)
De Jure
What the court decisions dictate. the what should be happening. (end to discrimination)
Commision to reelect the president. responsible for the plumbers and Watergate.
The domino theory
the idea that communism would spread to neighboring countries if vietnam fell to communism
Walter Cronkite
Anchor of the CBS Evening News. Became a critic of the war after the Tet Offensive.
The U.S. forces goal to improve rural security during vietnam. goal was to win the hearts and minds of the citizens, calming the opposition especially in the countryside.
Doves and hawks
Doves are people who opposed the war. Hawk were people who supported the war. both criticised Johnsons actions in the Vietnamese war.
the U.S.'s goal in leaving the war. It involved turning more of the fighting over to the South vietnamese when slowly bringing troops home.
Silent Majority
Nixon believed that there was a silent majority od americans who disapporved of antiwar protesters and generally support the governments goals in Vietnam.
Henry Kissinger
National Security advisor under Nixon. He devised plans to end the war, including Vietnamization. He made secrete peace negotiations with N. Vietnamese reolutionar Le Du Tho.