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37 Cards in this Set

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Began in 1866 in Tennessee as a social club of former confederates by 1820, it became a vigilante group, keeping alive an antebellum culture.
KKK Opposed not only the blacks but also
“scalawags” southern white republicans
Grant’s administration
1869-1877 (Republican) Election of 1868 Grant (grand old party) won with the slogan “let us have peace”
the other candidate of durings grants election
Seymour (Democrat) slogan “this is a white man’s government or country”
Spoil system”
obtaining government jobs by favoritism, cronyism, bribery, and kickbacks
Civil Rights Act of 1875
1. Prohibited racial discrimination in juries, transportation, places of amusement.
2. In 1883, Supreme court struck down all b ut jury provision.
15th Amendment
1. Gave black men the constitutional right to vote
what still disenfranchised them?
In much of the south “pull tax” and “literacy tests” disenfranchised many black men.
who founded the woman's suffrage association?
. Lucy Stone founded the American Woman’s Suffrage Association, &
who founded the women's loyal league?
Susan B Anthony & E.C Stanton form “Women’s Loyal League”
compromise of 1877
ended Political reconstruction
stolen election of 1876
Tilden cost to Hayes
election of 1892
Cleveland- democrat
Benjamin Harrison – republican incumbent
James B. Weaver – Populist Candidate
James B. Weaveer- Populist
-Carried Kansas
- Obtained 1 million popular votes
-Strong showing in west and Midwest
Downside of populism
. Considered too radical for most farmers
anti-immigration and anti-Semitic
Election of 1896- Democrats
1. William Jennings Bryan
a. Nebraska Congressman who supports silver standard and farmers
b. “Cross of Gold Speech”
c. Nominated for presidency at age 36
Populists nominated - election of 1896
3. Bryan was called “the great commoner” for simplifying problems to masses
4. Opponents called him “hayseed radical”
election of 1896- republicans
a. Ohio congressman who supports gold standards
b. “Front Porch” Campaign
c. Mark Hanna- Brilliant Campaign Manager
2. “What’s the matter with Kansas?”
a. Essay by William Alan White criticizing populists for economic decline in Kansas
b. Distributed throughout nation – helped McKinley
results of elction of 1896
McKinley beats bryan
election of 1900
Mckinley beats bryan again.
why u.s becomes involved in world war 1
allied powers and central powers blcoked trade, but german subs larger threat.

british steam lusitania sunk in 1915-128 us dead

german sub sinks french ship sussex
who issues sussex pledges? what are they?

if german does not stop sinking neutral or unarmed ships, us will break diplomatic relations- war would soon follow
election of 1916
wilson up for relection- promisies to keep u.s out o war.

gop candidate- charles huges also promsied to keep us out of war.
result of election 1916?
huges lost by 23 electoral votes.
what is peace without vicotry
wilson- german "unrestiricted submarine welfare", ny closes its harbor, wilson and congress agree to arm merchant ships, wilson severs relation with germany.
what was the zimmermann telegranm?
germany prmises mexico weapons to attack us if war develops and mexico will get back texas arizona, and new mexico.
british intercepts message and sends to U.S
CZAR Nicholas 11
russia pulls out of war- revolution begins
eastern front collapeses, france now in peril
wilson was agains support us involvment allies as long as czarist russia was among them.
effects of the great war (world war 1)
women working in war factories
the great migration
anit german attitudes intesified
what was the great migration?
over 400,000 blacks moved north wo work in east coast and midwest war industries- remained in the north after war.
what was the treaty of versali
peace treaty officially ending world war 1
opossers of imperialism
bryan and most democrats opposed
alfred thayer mahans book?
influence of sea power upon history
jose marti
desired cuban independnce from spain
yellow journalism
sesatinalized stories on cuban rebellion fuled intense cometition amont papers
some leaders of journalism
william randolph hearst new york journal
joseph pulitzer new york world
de lome letters
de lome was spanish ambassador who wrote pricate letter insultin Mckinley
where were the de lome letters published?
published in hearts new york journal causing de lome to resign.