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249 Cards in this Set

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South Atlantic System/Triangular Trade

slave trade for england

Middle Passage

trail from africa to carribean. longest road for slave




god abandoned the world

John Locke


declaration of independent

Benjamin Franklin

Founding father

Can Invent

Great Awakening/ Pietism

George Whitefeild

Protestant movement

contribute to the revolution

"Mixed government"

balance of power

Articles of Confederation

temporary constitution before the actual one

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

manage the northwest

create 5 new state

Shays' Rebellion

farmer protest about tax

American alliance with France (17th century)

french provide the revolution with navy


French - us won

British gave up

Treaty of Paris (1783)

British give up america but still keep canada

"War of attrition"/Washington

by George Washington

Battle of Trenton/Battle of Princeton

washington fight during xmas


courage the patriotic

Battle of Saratoga/John Burgoyne

american won

help ally with frech

Valley Forge/Baron von Steuben

Baron von Steuben help with the spirit

2nd Continental Congress

declare the revolution war has begun

Thomas Paine's Common Sense

openly ask about independent from british

"not obey the king anymore"

Thomas Jefferson/Declaration of Independence

july 4

continuing offense the king

"all men are create equal"

Tea Act

British help a tea party ==> make american upset

Committees of Correspondence

response to the tea act

destroy tea

Boston Tea Party

pretend to be indian and destroy the tea

Coercive ("Intolerable") Acts

england "punish" a colonies

1st Continental Congress

the meeting of the colonies to oppose to the british

Paul Revere

alerting the colonial militia to the approach of British forces before thebattles of Lexington and Concord


well-prepared militia companies for colonies

Townshend Acts

imposed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea imported into the colonies.

Daughters of Liberty

women boycotts of British goods following the passage of the Townshend Acts.

Boston Massacre

British Army soldiers killed five male civilians and injured six others

Sugar Act

taxes sugar and molasses

Stamp Act

tax on printing stuff

Stamp Act Congress

first meeting in the colonies

oppose to the raise of tax

Sons of Liberty

battling the Stamp Act

destroy stuff

Declaratory Act

britain firmly claim on u.s

Eli Whitney

invent cotton gin

Missouri Compromise

missouri and maine

create a line

Rush-Bagot Treaty

following the War of 1812.

limiting naval armaments

Adams-Onis Treaty

United States and Spain

purchase florida

Monroe Doctrine

no one can colonize us

we are a free country

1812 war

us vs britain

because of the trade restriction

no change in boudaries but calm the relationship

Treaty of Ghent

ended the 1812 war

Hartford Convention

federalist died

Louisiana Purchase

buy from Napoleon with very cheap price

Lewis and Clark Expedition

to check the new land that we bought from france

Aaron Burr


Alien and Sedition Acts

federalist laws

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions/Nullification

thomas jefferson and james madison

the F laws are unconstitutional

Revolution of 1800"

jefferson defeat Adam

first non-violent power exchange

Thomas Jefferson

2nd president


vetoed the F laws but keep the bank

Alexander Hamilton

secretary of treasury

create an economic system for america

Jay's Treaty

United States and Great Britain

settle down after the revolution

Whiskey Rebellion

opposed the whiskey taxes

Washington stop the rebell

Virginia Plan

a scheme for a national goverment

New Jersey Plan

one state/one vote

poppulous state reject

Connecticut (or "Great") Compromise

agreement that large and small states reached

oppose to new jersey plan

3/5 Compromise

about slave

Federalist Papers

- collection of 85 articles

- Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay

Bill of Rights

first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.

General Winfield Scott

unsuccessful presidential candidate of the Whig Party in 1852.

Wilmot Proviso

growing controversy over slavery

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

US and Mexico

we buy Texas from Mexico

Free-Soil Movement

oppose to slavery spreading in the new land for the sake of the workers

Election of 1848

Zachary Taylor won for Whig party

but died shortly after

Popular sovereignty

let the public decide about savery

Manifest Destiny

expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.

James Polk

"Fifty-four forty or fight!

American Colonization Society

- b and w can not live together

- move to liberia

Nat Turner's Rebellion

make slave owner worried

William Lloyd Garrison

the voice of Abolitionism


Theodore Dwight Weld/Angelina Grimke

abolitionist speaker

Gag Rule

a gag in the mouth

Liberty Party

first antislavery party

Panic of 1837

financial crisis in 1840s

connect to the destroy of national bank

Election of 1840/William Henry Harrison


died after become president.

John Tyler's presidency

loneliest president in us history

Black Hawk War

jackson remove native american

Andrew Jackson

"Kitchen Cabinet"

"Spoils system"


Election of 1824 ("The Corrupt Bargain")

John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay

Andrew Jackson's views of the "American System"

american system: by john quinncy adam and henry clay

Jackson doesn't like it.

"Tariff of Abominations

raise the tarriff

help the north but damage the south

James Buchanan vs. John C. Fremont

last election before civil war

buchanan won. He didn't do much to stop the tension

==> low rank

Lecompton Constitution

written by pro-slavery supporters

fake Kansas constitution

Bleeding Kansas

John Brown

them dau vao lua

"The Caning of Sumner" (Charles Sumner)

Sumner was hit by Preston brooks

==> Marty and hero

Election of 1852

Franklin Pierce won a dough face

Kansas-Nebraska Act/Stephen A. Douglas

allowed people in the territories of Kansas andNebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders.

American ("Know-Nothing") Party


anti Catholic

3rd Party

Gadsden Purchase

us buy a small little amount of land in Mexico

Ostend Manifesto

the United States ask to purchase Cuba from Spain while implying that the U.S. should declare war if Spain refused.

William Walker

invade Nicaragua, connect with slavery

Fugitive Slave Act

require free soiler to return escaped slave back

Uncle Tom's Cabin

make more people sympathize with abolitionist movement.

California Gold Rush

Make people move to Cali

concern about slavery spreading

Compromise of 1850

(Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Stephen A. Douglas)

enact the fugitive slave act.

several other points

John C. Calhoun


"Common property" doctrine

Lincoln's Reconstruction plan

Ten-Percent Plan: pretty generous toward the confederate.

"Radical" Republicans

a group of republican

want harsh punishment to the of confederates.

Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction plan

oppose black people

vetoed some reconstruction plan

Black Codes

- southern laws restricting African Americans' freedom

Freedmen's Bureau Bill

- Help the free black with job, shelters,..

14th Amendment

abolish slave

Ulysses S. Grant's war strategies (total war)

- aim at the civilian side of the war

==> destroy the ability to fight

Election of 1864

Lincoln won, s Carolina succeeded

William T. Sherman's "March to the Sea"

won the Civil war

destroy confederate house, supplies, properties,...

Appomattox Court House

confederate surrendered

Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln freed Slave

Battle of Vicksburg/General Ulysses S. Grant

aggressively split confederate in half

Significance of the Battle of Gettysburg

turning point of the war: make british reject helping the south


first by South Carolina

Crittenden Plan

- keeping slavery forever in the south ==> try to call them back to the union

- failed

Fort Sumter

first battle of the civil war

no calsuaties

Jefferson Davis

confederate president

First Battle of Bull Run (Manasses)

lincoln did not satisfied and fired with Mckellan


bloodiest day in american military history

Dred Scott

famous case

William McKinley (p)/U.S.S. Maine

- Spanish American War - "A Splendid Little War"

- "free" cuba and Philippine

- Imperialism

Filipino "insurrection"/Emilio Aguinaldo

- We get Philippine after won over Spain

- Filipino did not like it and rebel


- bigger, stronger countries take over the weaker ones

Alfred T. Mahan's proposals

- We must be a superpower in the sea

- like the older superpower

- connect to imperialism

"Dumb-bell" tenements

- laws require room to have window and building to have airshaft

- not really effective

Andrew Carnegie

- American man figure " from zero to hero"

"Gilded Age"/laissez-faire

- 1870s to about 1900

- beautiful outside, not as nice inside

- a lot of immigrant come

Social Darwinism

- based on Darwinism theory

- The rich is the best and they deserve it

- Rich is in higher social position

Political machines

- mostly corrupt system

- the boss give supporters rewards


- Black moved from the South to Kansas

- affect indian

Severalty policy

"make Indian get into our societies"

Wounded Knee

- massacre

- last conflict with Indian

Plessy vs. Ferguson

separate but equal

Booker T. Washington

the great accommodator

W.E.B. DuBois

- Black must be more active, must stand for their right


-landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crops produced on their portion of land.

-former slave

Ku Klux Klan

-Southern Christian based group

-valued white supremacy

Election of 1876/Rutherford B. Hayes

vs Samuel Tilden

controversial election

Hayes ended the reconstruction era

Warren G. Harding's administration


a lot of posthumous scandal

one of the lowest ranking

Hawley-Smoot Tariff;
Washington Naval Arms Conference
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact;
Dawes Plan

did not solve the problem but cause WWII

Treaty of Versailles

end of WW1

14 Points

Woodrow Wilson's plan for world peace

Palmer Raids

1919 and January 1920

look for radical leftists, especially anarchists,

Sacco-Vanzetti Case

- were convicted of murdering a guard and a paymaster during the armed robbery

-controversal case

18th Amendment

prohibit alcohol

Zimmermann Telegram

make US involve in WW1

Impact of Russian Revolution on WWI

russia get out of the war

more american in the war

Theodore Roosevelt's conservation policies

national park,...

Square Deal

teddy roosevelt

"New Freedom"

Woodrow Wilson's

restriction to big business


journalism that explode the corruption during the gilded era

Direct primary system

a party's candidates for public office are nominated by direct vote of the people

Initiative, referendum, and recall

people have ultimate say

Open Door Policy

imperialist share the china cake

Boxer "Rebellion"

rebellion in China

Theodore Roosevelt's "Big Stick" Diplomacy

train to have a powerful military

use power to compromise with the smaller contries

Roosevelt Corollary

- similar to Monroe doctrine

- we are the polic for the Latin countries

William Howard Taft's "Dollar Diplomacy"

use money to influence the smaller countries

Woodrow Wilson's "Moral Diplomacy"

- not "bully" but try to teach the countries our moral

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) (Wagner Act)

allowed labor union

Social Security Act

President Franklin D. Roosevelt`s signature

provide welfare, protection for unemployment

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

help 2/3 people to find jobs

Tax Reform Bill of 1935 (Revenue Act of 1935)

tax more on the rich peole

"Court-packing" scheme

Roosevelt want to fill the conservative congress with the progressism

"Roosevelt Recession"

the new deal got its peak

economic start to decline

Fireside chats

people hear FDR through radios

Brain Trust

FDR call the expert to help him solve the problem

"Hundred Days"

(Emergency Banking Act; Civilian Conservation Corps; Prohibition repealed; Agricultural Adjustment Act; National Recovery Administration; Federal Emergency Relief Administration; Public Works Administration/Civil Works Administration)

congress have to be very fast (not like the other times) to solved the problem

Roosevelt's critics (Dr. Francis Townshend; Father Charles Coughlin; Senator Huey Long)

Dr. Francis Townshend : about social security

Bonus Army

ex-veteran ask for bonus

damage hoover reputation

Black Tuesday

October 29, 1929

fist strike of the GD

Dust Bowl

Greatest drought in American history

The "new" KKK

during the GD

now also opposed to immigrant and Catholic

Harlem Renaissance

African-American art spread in Halerm street of New York

Marcus Garvey

new D.E.Bois rival

tell A-A to leave and come back to Africa to be accepted

Fair Deal

U.S. President Harry S. Truman

want to kinda continue the New deal

Election of 1948

Joseph McCarthy/McCarthyism

Lied about detecting communist

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAAC)

to look for Communist or Socialist

Alger Hiss

Soviet Spy


Soviet; world's 1st satellite to go to the space

Interstate Highway System

Form a lot of high way

for military purpose

"Iron Curtain" speech

by Winston Churchill

about the spreading and distribution of Communist

came true

George Kennan (Mr. X)/containment

We should banned Soviet Union from spreading.

Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan

help the countries recovering from WWII

==> containment


North- Atlantic Treaty Organization

balance with the Communist countries

Douglas MacArthur and the Korean War

Douglas MacArthur threatened to use atomic bomb to end the war.

Truman fire him ==> Controversal at that time

"New Look"/"Massive retaliation"

alarm the Soviet : we going to doing something if you do something bad

Eisenhower doctrine

send troops to the Middle East to protect them from Communist (oli also)

Battle of Stalingrad

turning point


Get French back

Battle of Midway

Battle with Japan


during WWII

cut back the amount of product that civilian can buy to support the war

Japanese-American internment

Racist + Fear and anger about Japanese fascism

==> Concentration camp

Lend-Lease Act

Lend greater amount for the allies

==> led to the pearl Harbor

Atlantic Charter

FDR and Churchill talk about what they gonna do after winning the war

- 4 freedom

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

give job

provide electricity for 8 states

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)/Port Huron Statement

- talk about credibility gap

Free Speech Movement at Berkeley

student protest 1964-1965

University of California, Berkeley


more aggressively political and public than the beats

Operation Rolling Thunder

Drop bomb to North Vietnam

Malcolm X

support violence civil right movement

vs Luther King

Black Power/Black Panthers

Party for Self-Defense.

Ceasar Chavez

boycott grape

- union regconision

American Indian Movement (AIM)

Native American protest for their right

- Alcatraz prison

Women's Rights Movement/National Organization for Women (NOW)

stand for more women in the government

Women's Liberation Movement

political campaigns about reforms

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)/Sit-in Movement

Civil right movement

sit in bar - pub to be served like white

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)/Freedom Rides

intend a civil right movement in the bus station

was stopped and beat

March on Washington

August 1963

Martin Luther King's I have a dream

Civil Rights Act of 1964/Voting Rights Act of 1965

- outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

- ended unequal application of voter registration

1964 presidential election

Lyndon B. Johnson vs Gold waterGoldwater talk strongly about Coldwar ==> Johnson won a landslide

Great Society programs

Lyndon B. Johnson

want to help poor people

War on Poverty/Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO)

Lyndon B. Johnson

- intend to eliminate poverty Medicare

1960 presidential campaign/election

first debate

first debate on tv

kennedy vs nixon

Peace Corps

cold war policy

reach out to the 3rd world countries to gain support

Alliance for Progress

cold war policy

help the Latina countries

Brown vs. Board of Education

end the Separate but equal

Montgomery Bus Boycott

successful nonviolent protest

Rosa Park

Baby Boomers

Huge increase in birth

school, houses was built

a lot of recent president are baby boomers

The "Beats"


challenge the social standard

"Peace dividend"

- extra money during peace time

- actually spend in federal decific

"Contract with America"

republican document about what they would do

Clarence Thomas

- Anita Hill case

- base for sexual harrashment

Persian Gulf War

we won easily ==> keep oil

higher Bush reputation


cut tax and social program

==> poor not happy

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, or "Star Wars")

Missile Defense base from Soviet weapon



we supply the contras to fight the pro-communist gov

Iran-Contra Affair

Reagan administration sell weapon to Iran (our enemy) and use the money for the Contras

Reagan's meetings with Mikhail Gorbachev

end the Cold War

Gerald Ford's problems as president

- pardon Nixon so quickly

- recieve a potential disaster economy

Jimmy Carter's "outsider" campaign as president

get support from the credibility gap

Camp David Accords

Israel and Egypt peace meeting with the help of Jimmy Carter

Panama Canal Treaty

Carter promise to give back them after the century

Iranian Hostage Crisis

444 days

badly affect Carter's reputation and help Ronald Reagan

OPEC oil embargo

affect us deeply

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

equal rights for women

Affirmative action

policy that favored the disadvantage group (in college, works,...)

"New Right"

religious conservative (opposed gay, abortion,...)

start to step in the polictical

George McGovern

lose to Nixon (only got 2 state)


Big scandal that lead to Nixon reassignment

Executive privilege

President right to not give the disadvantage information for the national security

Smoking gun/ the tape

- Nixon gave the tape

Credibility gap

civilian think that the gov is dishonest

Tet Offensive

North vietnam Attack during Tet

Robert Kennedy

Front runner for the President

Was assassinated also

Campaign/Election of 1968

Nixon won

Silent Majority

help Nixon won


tried to get troops out of Vietnam

My Lai Massacre

American soldier killed Vietnamese civilian

Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT)

limit nuclear power with Soviet