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61 Cards in this Set

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Policy of aggressively building up a nation's armed forces in preparation
World War 1
Sussex Pledge
Pledge by the German government in 1916 that its submarines would warn ships before attacking
World War 1
Group of armed and unarmed ships deployed to protect merchant shipping from attack
World War 1
Distributing goods to consumers in a fixed amount
World War 1
The redying of troops for war
World War 1
Tactic in which senators take the floor, begin talking, and refuse to stop talking to permit a vote on a measure
World War 1
Cease fire or truce
World War 1
Speech or actions that encourage rebellion
World War 1
Situation in which neither side in a conflict is able to gain the advantage
World War 1
Zimmerman Note
1917 note by a German diplomat proposing an alliance with Mexico
World War 1
Deliberation murder of an entire people
World War 1
Fourteen Points
President Wilson's proposal in 1918 for a postwar European peace
World War 1
A German submarine
World War 1
Russian Revolution
Collapse of the Czar's government in Russia in 1917 to the Bolshevik take over
World War 1
Liberty Bond
Special war bonds sold to support the Allied cause during World War 1
World War 1
Sekf Determination
Power to make decisions about one's own future
World War 1
League of Nations
International Organization formed after World War 1, that aimed to promote security and peace for all members
The 1920's
Red Scare
A period of intense fear of communism and other extreme ideas
The 1920's
Installment Plan
A system that lets customers make partial payments at set intervals over a period of time
The 1920's
Spanish-speaking neighborhood
The 1920's
Harlem Renaissance
African American literary awakening of the 1920's centered in Harlem
The 1920's
Scopes Trial
1925 trail in Tennessee on the issue of teaching evolution in public schools
The 1920's
Payments from an enemy for economic injury suffered during a war
The 1920's
Policy of avoiding political or economic alliances with foreign countries
The 1920's
Assembly Line
Manufacturing process in which each worker does one specialized task in the construction of the final product
The 1920's
Mass Media
Print and broadcast methods of communicating information to large numbers of people
The 1920's
During Prohibition, a supplier ofillegal alcohol
The 1920's
Versailles Treaty
1919 treaty that ended World War 1
The 1920's
Program which nations voluntarily give up their weapons
The 1920's
Term control during the 1920'3 to describe a young woman with a fondness for dancing and brash actions
The 1920's
Jazz Age
Term used to describe The 1920's
The 1920's
During prohibition, a place where alcoholic drinks were served illegally
The 1920's
Official ideology of the Soviet Union characterized there by complete government ownership of land and property, single-party control of the government, the lack of individual rights, and the call for Worldwide revolution
The 1920's
A numerical limit
The 1920's
Statistics that describe a population, such as data on race or income
The 1920's
Lost Generation
Group of writers of the 1920's who shared the belief that they were lost in a greedy materialistic world that lacked moral values
The 1920's
Set of religious beliefs including traditional Christian ideas about Jesus Christ the belief that the Bible was inspired by God and does not contain contradictions or errors, and the belief that the Bible is literally true
The 1920's
Making high-risk investments
The Great Depression
Business Cycle
Periodic growth and contradiction of a nation's economy
The Great Depression
Buying on a Margin
Practice by which investors purchase a stock for only a fraction of its price, borrowing the rest
The Great Depression
Makeshift shelter of the homeless during the early years of the Great Depression
The Great Depression
Black Tuesday
October 29, 1929, the day on which the Great Crash of the stock market began
The Great Depression
Dust Bowl
A region in the Great Plains that had a period of drought and a dust storms during the 1930's
The Great Depression
Great Crash`
Collapse of the American stock market in 1929
The Great Depression
21st Amendment
Constitutional amendment, ratified in 1933, that ended prohibition
The Great Depression
New Deal
President Franklin Roosevelt's Program of relief, recovery, and reform programs to combat the Great Depression
The New Deal
Conversion to government ownership
The New Deal
Hundred Days
Period at the start of Franklin Roosevelt's presidency in 1933, when many New Deal programs were passed by Congress
The New Deal
National Debt
The total amount of money owed by the National government
The New Deal
Social Security System
Publicly run system that provides regular payments to people who cannot support themselves
The New Deal
Income of a government
The New Deal
A leader who manipulates people through such means as half-truths and scare tactics
The New Deal
An alliance of groups with similar goals
The New Deal
Describing a form of government that controls every aspect of its citizens lives
World War 2
Policy of giving into someones demands in order to preserve the peace
World War 2
Term used for American soldiers in World War 2 derived from "Government Issue"
World War 2
Battle of the Buldge
World War 2 battle in which German forces launched a final counter attack in the west
World War 2
Battle of Iwo Jima
World War 2 battle between the United States and Japan
World War 2
Concentration Camp
Place where prisoners of war and other prisoners are confined, usually under harsh conditions
World War 2
Deficit Spending
Government spending of borrowed money
World War 2
Japanese American whose parents were born in Japan
World War 2