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420 Cards in this Set

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What is the left of the political spectrum?

What is the far left?



What is the right of the political spectrum?

What is the far right?



Where did Neoclassical Art start>


What did the Neoclassical Art focus on?

Reason and Storytelling

Characteristics of Neoclassical Art?

-resembles Greek or Roman

-Political Artwork/Propaganda

Famous artists of neoclassical period

David, Goya Canova

Famous Architect of Neoclassical Period

Thomas Jefferson

Famous musicians of neoclassical period

beethoven and tchaikovsky

J.L. David

most famous for Coronation of Napoleon

Who's crown did Napoleon use?


Who crowned Napoleon?

He crowned himself

What does Josephine do when Napoleon goes to Egypt? What does Napoleon do about it?

She commits adultry. Napoleon does nothing until he's emperor, then he kicks her out and marries Marie Antoinette's neice

What did Napoleon cross the Alps on?

A donkey

Who does Napoleon put in charge after he conquers Spain?

His brother

What does Spain do about Napoleon's brother being in charge?


-Penninsula Wars

What kind of warfare dd the spanish use?

Geurilla Warfare

What happens to create Spanish nationalism?
Spanish attack the french and the french get mad, the french go into a town and shoot every 10th person. Spain hates french which creates Nationalism

Most famous neoclassical architectural thing?

Arc of Triumph, Napoleon built it to march through it when he won, but it wasn't finished until after he was dead. Hitler's army was first to march through it

What did the Vendom Column show?

Napoleon's greatest victory at Austeriltz

the column was made out of artillery pieces

Who discovered the Rosetta stone?

Napoleon's men

What is Napoleon's nickname?

Little Corporal or Corsican

Where was Napoleon born?


Who controlled Corsica before France?


What was the independence movement in Corsica the Bonaparte's supported at first?

Paoli Independence Movement

Napoleon's first wife was Josephine. Why did he divorce her?

She was old and ugly and couldn't give him a son

Who did Napoleon marry after Josephine?

Marie Louise

Napoleon's son, Napoleon II did what?

he was king of Rome for the short period he was alive

Napoleon's brother Joseph was...

king of Spain, after Napoleon Wars

Napoleon's brother Louis Bonaparte was...

King of Holland, though he later fled

Napoleon's sister Pauline was...

married to general in charge of Haiti, though after his death she married Borghese

*only one who visited Napoleon on Elba

Napoleon's sister Caroline was...

the Queen of Naples

What was Napoleon the first person to do military wise?

He was the first person to combine ideas of the enlightenment with military

-mastered concept of divide and conquer

-reorganized army using merit

Where did Napoleon make his fame?


What was Napoleon's greatest victory?


What was Napoleon's worst defeat?

Russia or Waterloo

What is the biggest battle of the Napoleonic wars?


What were Napoleon's achievements?

-Napoleonic Code of Law

-Concordat with Pope

-ended feudalism in most of Europe

-broke up Holy Roman Empire

-completed infrastructure project in France

-reorganized education

-established bank of france

What is nepotism?

favoring relatives and family members by giving them positions of power

Did Napoleon believe in nepotism?


What did Napoleon sell to the United States?

Louisiana Territory

What did Napoleon struggle with in Spain?

Guerrilla Warfare

What were Napoleon's problems in Haiti?

Slave Revolt-Napoleon tried to bring slaves back to Haiti but revolting slaves burnt crops in retaliation owners burnt food and left

What is the burial place of Napoleon in Paris?

Les Invalides

What was the Battle of Tragfalgar?

naval battle off the coast of Spain

most famous naval battle

What was Napoleon's thoughts on having control of the seas?

if he had control of the seas he could invade Engand

Who was the most famous general in the Battle of Tragfalgar?

Admiral Horatio Nelson

What was Admiral Horatio Nelson's major advancement?

crossing the T; a style of naval fighting

Who said: "England expects every man to do his duty"?

Admiral Horatio Nelson

What was Admiral Horatio Nelson's ship?

HMS Victory

When does Admiral Horatio Nelson die?

After learning that England was victorious in the Battle of Tragfalgar

What did England's victory in the Battle of Tragfalgar prevent Napoleon from doing?

Invading England

Who did Napoleon defeat at the Battle of Austerlitz? How?

Russia and Austria

He used method of divide and conquer

What was the Continental System?

Napoleon created it and said no one could trade with England. This caused Russia to suffer, and Russia traded with England anyway

Why does Napoleon take his grand armee to Russia?

to teach Russia a lesson NOT to invade

What trouble did Napoleon have with Russia?

-couldn't get supplies there for his army

-Russians kept retreating, luring his army in

-they reach Moscow and burn it, but winter is coming & Napoleon's screwed

Scorched Earth Policy

burning everything as an army retreats

What was the major battle when Napoleon's army went to Russia? (remember:not to invade!)

Battle of Borodino

Who won the Battle of Borodino?


What czar burned Moscow and defeated Napoleon?

Czar Alexander I

What was Napoleon's biggest blow?

Russian Campaign

Ecole militaire

military school where napoleon went

Pasuale Paoli

corsican patriot and leader that inspired napoleon to be in the military

Siege of Toulon

battle in which France recaptured Toulon from Britain (& Napoleon made claim to fame)

The Directory

the gorvernment of France after the French revolution that Napoleon had to fight against

"Whiff of Grapeshot"

a quote supposedly said by Napoleon when he repulsed a royalist mob in streets of Paris (never said it)

Legion d'Honneur

highest decoration in France

it was established by napoleon

Invasion of Egypt

France invaded Egypt though they brought not only soldiers but also scientists to study the land

Battle of the Pyramids

major battle during french invasion of egypt, french won

Who were the mameluks

ruled egypt

Battle of the Nile

major naval battle fought between British and French navy's

Jean-Francois Champollion

french scholar that deciphered hieroglyphis

Coup d'etat

sudden attempt by a small group of people o take over the goverment, usually through an act of violence


an official appointed by a government to live in a forgein city and protect and promote governments citizens and interests there


direct vote of all the members of an electorate on an important public question such as a change in constitution

La Marseillaise

french national anthem

Where did Napoleon's Coronation take place?


Chateau de Malmaison

former residence of Josephine de Beauharnais and was temporary headquarters of French government

Palace of Fontainebleau

residence of Napoleon and also where he renounced his throne

Concordat of 1801

agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII that made Roman Catholic Church the church of france

Toussaint L'Overture

leader of Haitian revolt

What was Toussaint L'Overture's nickname?

black napoleon

Sir Arthur Wellesley

british general who fought against Napoleon and defeated hima t Waterloo

The Peninsular War

military conflit between First French Empire and allied Spain, Britain, and Portugal forces

What battle was the single deadliest day of the Napoleonic wars?

Battle of Borodino

Battle of Leipzig

Rssian, Prussian, Austrian, and Swedish armies defeat Napoleon

Where was Napoleon exiled the first time?



"the desired", ruled France after Napoleon except for the 100 Days period

Congress of Vienna

meeting of ambassadors from European countries whose goal was peace

The Hundred Days

when Napoleon returned from exile and ruled France

What was Napoleon's last battle?

Battle of Waterloo

Where was Napoleon exiled the second time?

St. Helena

Who was in charge of the congress of vienna?

Klemens Metternich

When was the congress of vienna?


What was the outcome of the congress of vienna?

borders and land ownership was established in the Final Act

What did the Austro-Hungarian empire control?

Austria, Hungary, and central Europe

What was the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire?


Who ruled the Austro-Hungarian Empire?


What were the Hapsburgs big supporters of?

Moors courses and horse training

In the 1800s what was Vienna?

culture capital of the world

What does rathus mean?

German for city hall

Ring Road/Ring Strauss

Vienna was enclosed by walls and the walls were torn down and buildings were built*it was the first urban renewal project

Charles X

brother of Louis XVIII-conservative, reactionary-ruled for 6 years-captured Algeria-abdicated throne because of revolution of 1830

Revolution of 1830

set of liberal revolutions in 1830s

Louis Philippe

-radical-citizen king-last king of France, ruled until 1848-revolution in 1842 was famous revolution against him

Revolution of 1848

liberal revolutions throughout Europe but especially France

What two years were there revolutions throughout France and Europe?

1830 and 1848

Napoleon III

-elected president, made emperor

-gave France 20 years peace

-public works project

-Crimean War

-tried to colonize Mexico, leads to Mexico War, Mexico wins

-accidentally unites Germany

Paris Commune

-government that tried to take over

-only ruled Paris

-extremely liberal, almost radical

Dreyfus Affair

Dreyfus ~ jewish military officer

-arrested for spying

-put on trial found guilty

-French military was prejudiced, made up all evidence against him

-divided France

-major anti-semetic event


went to America and journaled, he published his book and everyone thought America was a great place


wrote The Count of Monte Christo and The Three Musketeers

Victor Hugo

wrote Hunchback of Notre-Dame and Les Miserableshis book saved Notre-Dame


-ordered by Napoleon III to modernize Paris

-widened streets and boulevards

-regulations imposed on facades

-sewers, water works, public parks, public monuments-redid 60% of Paris

-kicked out poor people so they couldn't revolt

-Paris the most beautiful place in the world

What were the basic themes of 1800s?


-Class Struggle (Wealthy vs Poor)

-Industrialization (Growth of cities)

Characteristics of Romantic Period




Who was Gaudi?

-Famous Architect

-nicknamed God's Architect

-lived in Barcelona

-masterpiece: Sagrada Familia


-famous artist

-painted Liberty Leading people

~ story of revolution of 1830

~ Nationalism


most famous sculptor

Who ordered the Paris Opera House?

Napoleon III, Gardiner built it, baroque style

What did Gustave Eiffel build?


-inside of statue of liberty

-Eiffel Tower (stole the idea from his assistants)

Sacre Couer

giant church meant to look Medival

What was the area around the Sacre Couer called?


What was the area of South Germany known as?

What was it's king's name?

What did the king do?

1. Bauarian

2. Mad King Ludwig

3. Built a castle because he dreamed of being a knight

What was the region around Barcelona known as?


Who was Karl Marx?

-focused on class struggle

Major works:

-Das Kapital

-Communist Manifesto

-he believed that throughout history there's class struggle

Class Struggle in the 1800s?

Karl Marx belief of what would happen?

-factory workers vs. factory owners

-believed factory workers would rise up and create communism

-thought all people created equal, and should only take what they need

-create a Utopia

What color do people who relate to Marx wear?What is a Communist Holiday?



"Workers of the world unite"

Karl Marx

"Religion is the opium of the people"

Karl Marx


factory owners


factory workers

Who was it believed would be the first communist nations?

Germany or Britain

Who was actually the first nations to turn to communism?

USSR (Russia), China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam

-all were Agrerarian (farming) Societies

Sigmund Freud

-studied the mind

-believed everything revolved around sex-interpreted dreams

-Oedipus Complex

- believed for very short period when small boys hate dad and fall in love with mom (opposite happens for girls)

-Psychoanalysis ~ people want to talk about what's bothering them

-first modern pschiatrist

Freudian slip

when subconcious mind keeps running and thoughts slip out


keeping of unacceptable ideas from conciousness i.e. in unconcious

Charles Darwin


-The Descent of men

-the origin of species

-study of evolution (survival of the fittest)

-studied on HMS Beagle in Galapagos Islands

Social Darwinism

-people put darwin's theory into people and business

rich = smart, special, good

poor = stupid, bad, lazy

-this merged with nationalism and ended with racism

Heinrich Schliemann

-loved Illiad and Oddessy

-studied Troy

-went to Turkey to dig

-found Troy

-found Mask of Agamemnon

Sir Arthur Evans

-british archaelogist who excavated the ruins of ancient city of Knossos in crete

-found minotaurs palace

-discovered Minoan Society



When did Italy become a unified nation?


Guiseppe Mazzini

-nationalist writer

-formed a group called Young Italy

Count Camillo Cavour


-unified all North Italy through politics


-George Washington of Italy

-kicked out of Europe in 1848

-becomes hero in Latin America-goes to Italy gets kicked out again

-makes Candles in U.S

-comes back

Who led The Thousand (or Red Shirts)?


What happens when The Thousand go to Sicily?

win battle, end up conquering all of Southern Italy

What was The Handshake at Teano?

Garibaldi gives South Italy to Victor Emmanuel

Who was Victor Emmanuel?

First king of united Italy


group of German states fomed to manage tariffs and economic policies within their territories


senior state or legal official of Germany


politics or diplomacy of Germany


to add


King of Germany


german word meaning empire

Otto von Bismark


-first chancellor

-also known as Iron Chancellor

EMS Dispatch

made France declare the Franco-Prussian War

Blood and Iron

famous speech by Otto von Bismark-about building infastructure and military


German nobles

Seven Weeks War

Austro-Prussian War

August Thyssen

steel producer

Krupp Family

famous for building weapons


policies to reduce power of Catholic Church in Prussia

-germanization of Germany

Richard Wagner



Southern part of Germany

famous for culture and beauty

Capital of Bavaria


Capital of Prussia



Northern Germany

famous for military

In 1800s Prussia wanted to expand, what were the steps to unification?

1. remove trade restrictions

2. build up industry (Krupp/Thyssen)

3. Fight Denmark-picked b/c knew they could win

4. Fight Austria (7 Weeks War)

5. Fight France (Franco-Prussian War)

Why did Prussia fight Austria?

Germany was to be unified under either Prussia or Austria, they defeated Austria in 7 weeks

Why did Prussia fight France?

-They needed to unify all the little states

-Bismark needed an excuse to start war,

-takes EMS Dispatch, edits it, and leaks it to French newspapers

-French declares war and Bismark unifies states

How did Germans invade France?

Through Belgium

-france was them defeated by combined German forces

What does Bismark do at Versailles?

holds a meeting saying the states should unite

Cabora: Italy: ____ : Prussia


Where did the first German Kaiser coronation take place?

Hall of Mirrors in Versailles

Who was the first German Kaiser?Who actually ran Germany?

-William I


What did Bismark believe in?


believed in whatevers best for right now

Queen Victoria

-House of Hanover

Victorian Age


Queen Victoria was the first british monarch to...

-get her picture taken

-her voice recorded

who was queen victoria married to?


What was Queen Victoria known as and why?

she was known as the grandmother of europe because many of her children and grandchildren married someone in europe

Albert, Queen Victoria's husband loved technology and did what?

Built the Crystal Palace to show case all of it, but the building caught fire

What happened when Queen Victoria's husband died?

She went into mourning for the rest of her life, and handed power over to the prime minister, shows the power beginning to go to parliament

How was Britain in the 1800s?

very conservativerules and regulationsstructured and organized timereached zeneath of empire


-colony of great britian

-discovered 1770 by Captain Cook

-Prisoners sent there from 1788-1860's

Why was Victoria seen as important and good everywhere except Ireland?

irish potato famine


-rural/peasant farms

-one of poorest nations in West europe

-7 million tons of potatoes grown each year

What kind of economy was Ireland?

Single crop economy

When did the Irish potato famine start and end?

start: 1845

end: 1849

What happened with the potatoes?

Infected by insects (phyophthara infestans) if you ate infected potato you got dysonphery

What was the british approach to the potato famine?


What did 2 million irish people do?

left the country in coffin ships headed for U.S.

why were they called coffin ships?

because so many people died on them

1 million died

Why was the potato such a big deal?



-lasts a long time

why did the u.s. hate irish?

thought of them as drunk monkeys

unsophisticated catholic

Horizontal monopoly

own all of a type of compnay in an area

ex: own all gas stations in lower providence

vertical monopoly

own everything from raw material to finished product

ex: juice company. own trees, railroad, factory for squeezing, bottle and label companies


person anti-industrial revolution some so much so that they attacked factories

why did city population skyrocket in 1800s?

where industrialization takes place, so does urbanization

why was having the town owned by the factory owner a bad thing?

factory owner owned everything, from apartments to grocery stores, to doctors and raised prices knowing their workers wages, leaving workers to fall in debt and either go to debtor's prison or remain basically a slave to the factory owner

Who performed many of the coal mining jobs?


what happened to women during industrialization?

they began to move to work in factories

-no longer worked with their spouse

-no time for children

-hazard working conditions

-paid less


the right to vote in political elections

where did industrialization start/

london, england

enclosure act

losed small fields and pushed out small farmers

how were factory conditions?

-terrible-hazardous conditions

-low wages (women paid even less)

-treated unfairly

what happens in urbanization? how are cities?

-people move from farms to cities to work in factories

-cities are bad, a lot of crime

Factories needed more supplies, like cotton where did they look and what happened?

they looked to middle east. the ottoman turk empire was dying and countries tried to take over

Austrians got what part of the Ottoman turk empire?


Why was there a war fought over crimea?

-it was the most important area, it had the best warm ports

What does industrilization lead to?

imperialism ~ colonization

What did the Europeans learn about the Middle east and where did they go next?

they learned it had no supplies and turned to Africa

what happened with Africa?

there was a scramble for Africa between britain, france, and belgium mostly

What land did France get/

they got the most amount of land, but it had no raw resources

What land did Britain get?

got the most valuable land, with the diamond and gold mines

what happened with the englishman rhodes?

he bought land from a farmer, the land turned out to be the largest diamond supply

what land did belgium get?

center of Africa, where they found rubber trees

-they had workers harvesting rubber, treated poorly

-congo is the site of the first genocide in modern history

Where did european countries look after Africa and what did they find?

India, they found tons of raw materials; cotton, spices, opium

What is india called?

"jewel of british empire"

where did the europeans move after india?


everyone wanted china, why?

the markets, they had silk and tea but the europeans had nothing to trade

what did the europeans do so they could trade with China?

began growing opium

what did traders feel they needed to go whereever they went?

felt they needed to give back,gave Christianity and Civilization

What did giving the people they traded with Christianity and Civilization eventually lead to?



Causes of Imperialism?

-search for markets or raw materials


-military and naval bases


What was the Suez Canal, why was it built?

a canal that connects the mediterranean and the gulf of suez

-it shortened the root to india by 45%

In 1884 what was organized by Bismark?

Berlin Conference

What happened at Berlin Conference?

14 European nations attended to decide how to colonize Africa

who was Liberia controlled by at one time?what happened there?


-after the civil war shipped slaves back to liberia but they were viewed as "americans" and it created tension that still exists today

What was the significance of Ethiopia?

the only completely independent nation

What happened when the europeans left Africa?

it started civil wars that still exist today

sphere of influence

exclusive rights for a mother nation


local leaders in control, puppet government

Direct colony

additional province to Mother nation

Indirect rule colonies

ruled by chiefs or locals who were westernized

David Livingstone

-christian missionary

-"explorer" (he had guides)"discovered Victoria Falls"

who was sent to find livingstone when he went missing for 6+ months and what was the famous quote when he found him?

Henry stanley

"Doctor Livingstone, I presume"

Cecil Rhodes

-founder of De Beers (diamond company)

-colonial leader so important a colony was named after him


what did cecil rhodes do?

-led britain in Boer War

-established the Rhodes scholarship

-college graduates get the oppertunity to study at Oxford for a year, one of highest academic honors

King Leopold II of Belgium

-1885 established the Congo Free state

-largest colony owned by one man

-wanted: rubber, ivory, copper

Horror of the Congo

10 million people died

if the daily quota wasn't met, hands were chopped off

South Africa

settled by Dutch until Boer Wars, when Britain kicked them out


person of dutch ancestery

What was the 1830's a big time for in south africa?

expansion (like U.S. west)

When did South Africa become an independent nation?




when people were separated into whites, blacks, and colored

Who was the most famous colored person?


What was the Kimberly area famous for?

Diamond mines

also Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

-spent most of his life in prison on Robin Island

What was the group Nelson Mandela belonged to?

African National Congress

What did the African National congress want to do?

wanted to overthrow government which made the U.S. believe he was a terrorist because they were friendly with the current government

French Indochina

contained: Vietnam, Laos, cambodia

-major trade: food

-sent Catholic missionaries

what happens to vietnemese?

japan invades in WWII

u.s. and french promise freedom if they fight against japanese

veitnemese use geurilla warefare

after war, france refuses idnependence

geurilla warriors then revolt

france and us fight, france pulls away, us stays and thus starts vietnam war

who was Poll Pot?

-leader of Cambodia

-reactionary, very nationalistic

-wanted to go back to pre-french influence (farming communities)

-murders anyone with over elementary level schooling

-shots about 1/3 of population

what did japan do in 1800s?

closed it's doors to western civilizations

What did the U.S. do to get Japan to trade?

sent Mathew Perry with armed ships, and convicnes Japan to open it's doors for trade

what happens to japan because of trading with u.s.?

Japan sees U.S. industrialized, militarized, and nationalized and realizes it should do the same

-japan invades korea b/c has no raw goods

-japan makes koreans sex slaves and slaves

-japan then goes to phillipines

Rudyard Kipling

wrote 'the white man's burden"

John Kay

invetned Flying shuttle

James Hargreaves

invented the spinning jenny

Richard Arkwright

invented the water frame

George Stephenson

invented the steam engine

James watt

improved the steam engine

Abraham Darby

invented the smelting oven

Thomas newcomen

first practical steam engine

Charles townshend

Crop rotation

Jethro Tull

seed drill

John Wesley

Methodist church

Crimean War


-fought between Russians and an alliance consisting of Ottoman Empire, Britain, and france

-arose from conflict between powers of Middle east and Russian demands for protection over the orthodox subjects of the ottoman sultan


indian soldiers that worked for british


indian government

sepoy mutiny

British armed indian soldiers with guns, and rumors were spread that the guns were greased with sacred animal fats, causing the people to rebel (though they were crushed within 2 years)

-the goal of rebellion was not reached, and britain seized complete control over india instead of relinquishing power

Pro's of british in india?

helped modernize and educate them

Robert clive

british general that led the british east india company to dominate india

what two nations fought over control of india in the 7 years war?

britain and france

thomas malthus

his theory was that human reproduction rate would surpase the food production rate


money used to start a company

where is one of the best places to grow opium?


smuggling opium is considered....

a capital crime (punishable by the death penalty)


someone who buys products for a business

selling stuff for a low price at first (ie opium) and then raising the price later is a good idea because..

people will come back, and then you can raise the price

when supply is low price goes...?


What did the opium trade do to the chinese economy?

it helped it at first and then it led to a trade deficit and the economy crumbled

How did the opium war start?

chinese government tries to confiscate british opium chests and britain says that's not right and declares war

Who wins the Opium war?


What do the Chinese have to sign at the end of the opium war?

treaty of nanjing

What did the Treaty of Nanjing do?

opened more ports, also caused the economy to crumble

Who were the Boxers?

hated westerners

knew martial arts

thought guns couldn't hurt them

marked by tattoo

Boxer rebellion

got angry at someone

Taiping rebellion

biggest revolt in chinese history and causes china to crumble

Spark of the War

Franz Ferdinand's assasination in the city of Sarajevo

Nicknames of WWI

Great War, The War To End All Wars, Kaiser'sWar

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman-Turks


Britain, France, Russia, U.S.

Nickname of American Soldiers


Nickname of russian Soldiers


Nickname of french Soldiers

Hairy Ones

Nickname of british Soldiers


Nickname of Turkish Soldiers

Turks or Joe Turks

Nickname of german Soldiers

Huns or jerries

Leader of Germany

Kaiser William II

Leader of Ottoman Empire


Leader of England

David Llyod George

Leader of France


Leader of Russia

Czar Nicholas II

Leader of U.S.

Woodrow Wilson


-German general

-fam. Battle @ Tanneburg

-in charge of eastern front

-Becomes president @ 80



-Made supreme allie commander

-Predicts wwii

-"it's not peace it's an armistice for 20 years"

Phillipe Petain

-french general

-Hero of Verdun

-Verdun seen as pivotal

-Germans wanted to kill as many french as possible

-Regarded as hero until he turns traitor in wwii


-german general

-in charge of german army

-joined nazi's @ end wwi

-this created acceptance of nazi party

Mustafa Kemal


-Fam. Battle of Gallipoli

-Defeated brits

-Becomes president of turkey

-Father of modern Turkey

-industrializes, modernizes, and westernizes turkey

Where is attaturk on political spectrum?

Left - liberal

Douglais Haig


-battle of somme

-Questionable tactics

-Enemy has 100 men, he has 101=he'll win

-"The Butcher "

-Men were slaughtered

-"the machine gun is a much underrated weapon"

John Pershing

-black jack

-fought in spanish american war

-built u.s. army

-Control of u.s. forces

-Source of friction between allies

-Established policy, Americans never fight under any flag but american

Oskar Potiorek

-Austrian General

-led austrian invasion into serbia

-"do you think sarajevo is full of assasins?"

Causes of WWI




What do Austrians say about Serbs?

-Claim they're responsible for assasination

-Gives serbs list of demands says accept or go to war

-serbs want to negotiate, austria declares war

Who do serbs ask for help?


Who does Austria ask for help?


What does Germany give Austria?

blank check


To get ready for war

How is WWI a global war?

All countries have colonies

How does Europe view America?

As a backwater, U.S. isn't involved until end

Why did the people demand war?

Nationalism was so high, and war was viewed as romantic, ppl thought it would last 6 months and scrambled to draft

What is WWI a transition from?

Old to new, BUT generals are trained in old stuff

Schlieffen Plan

A right hook to invade france because germanydidnt want to fight a war on two fronts

Why did Germany invade france first?

Russia would take longer to mobilize

Germans assumptions

-Russians take 6 months to mobilize

-france would be easily defeated in a few weeks

-bgium would not resist german attack

-Britain would remain neutral

How did germans attack france?

Through Belgium. Attack was so successful they got close to paris and looked like paris would fall b/c french forces were in alsace lorraine

Battle of Marne

-could argue this battle stopped germans and saved french

-to get french army back they took trains and then Taxis in the Taxi Cab Rescue

-french pushed Germany back to border

French & Belgium border known as

Western Front (Flanders are)

Where do 70% of battles in WWI take place?

Western Front

Where did trenches start?

Western Front


-started simple, but became more elaborate

-horrible conditions

-trenches zigzag

No Man's Land

area between trenches

Shell Shock

(PTSD) from stressful trench situation

Trench Foot

-disease gotten from being in the wet trenches for too long

French Plan

Plan 17 adopted by General Foch

-involved attack @ Alsace Lorraine

-was never put together

Russian Plan

Plan 19

-attack German with two armies

Eastern Front

Germany vs Russia

Battle of Tanneburg 1914

-most fam battle of eastern front

Why is Battle of Tanneburg most important battle?

Russia was going to entrap Germany between two armies

BUT Russia wasn't encoding their radio messages and Germany knew the plan

-also two russian generals hated each other and didn't communiate

-two armies were decimated

Who created Russians plan at Battle of Tanneburg?


What happens to Samsonov because of the failure of Tanneburg>

he kills himself and the czar goes to the front lines

What happes to Hindenburg because of Tanneburg?

becomes a national hero, ship named after him, eentually becomes president

Mustard Gas

-invented by Germans


-named b/c of mustard covered blisters that causes

Mustard Gas Effects

-blisters all over

-damage to lungs

-blindness (may be temporary)

What happened first time brits used mustard gas?

blew back in their faces and killed a lot of them

Big Bertha

-most famous


-named after wife of Krupp family

Big Bertha 2

-improved upon

-also called Paris City Gun

-meant to be able to shoot Parisrange:75mi

-bad accuracy didn't kill many people


-Austrian Gun

-range: 2 mi

Machine Gun

important: 1 operator fire same amount as 100 soldiers

-changes everything


-1rst used by Germans at Verdun in Feb 1915

-field tested against frenh


-invented by British navy

-Winston Churchill (navy general in charge)

-gvt asked for land boat to cross no man's land

-called water tank so no one would know what it was

Issue with tanks:

they broke down ALL OF THE TIME

no one knew how to use them (no strategy)

very slow

very hot inside tank

Mark I

very first model tank, nicknamed Little Willy


french tank


German Tank


no one knew how to use planes

at first only used for observation

started adding pistols, then guns

Manfred von Richthofen

-most impt plane person

-also known as Red Baron

-responsible for 80 kills-died in dogfight, not sure who killed him

What squadron was Red Baron in charge of?

Flying Circus

Flying Circus

important ppl: Red Baron, Lothar Richthofen, Hermann Goring (became Hitler's right hand man)

Battle of Verdun

German Plan: kill as many people as possible

Verdun: Meat Grinder

France vs Germany

"bleed France white"

Petain vs Hindenburg

1 million casualties

Battle of Verdun was

longest battle of war

known for it's brutality

Battle of Somme was

most famous battle

bloodiest battle

Battle of Somme

first use of tanks

no one won

idea was to relieve french at Verdun (why they're sister battles)

plan: 1 million artillery shells for 8 days/24hours

british march across no man's land expeting to be victorius, germans dug dugouts, still alive

british are slaughtered

Battle of Gallipoli

Churchill plan to knock Turkey out of war

ANZAC soldiers

greatest turkish victory

2/3's dead are ANZAC


Austrlia New Zealand Army Cor


greatest example of trench warefare horrorsif see poetry about trench warfare, it's probably about passendale

Battle of Jutland Bay

largest naval battle of war

british vs germany

both sides claimed victory

Dread Knots

World War 1 era battleships

Famous U.S. Medal

Congressional Medal of Honor

Famous German Medal

Iron Cross

Famous British Medal

Victorian Cross

Famous French Medal

Legion of Hnor

What did the lusitania lead to

u.s. being neutral and rooting against germany

What does the U.S. eventually do?

claims war on Germany (April 6 1917)

Sussex Pledge


George Zimmerman

wrote Zimmerman note

Why did the lusitania sink?

captain turner didn't zig zag

who deciphered the zimmerman note?


Lafayette Escadrille

American Pilots that joined the war before U.S did

fought for allies mainly france

called Lafayete group

200+ americans

87 kills

flew spads

What did half of the U.S. army die from in WWI?

The flu

President Woodrow Wilson

-considered one of the smartest most educated presidents


-idealisti president

Woodrow Wilson quotes

-"The world must be made safe for democrcy"

-"Only a peace between equals can last"

-"the war to end all wars"

John Persing

one of top 5 greatest generals

general of armies

fam. for keeping armies together

Sgt Alvin York

young, drunk and violent, finds god

eventually drafted into army denied religious claim

goes on patrol

germans firing, everyone lying on bellies,York starts shooting takes out german gunners

german's think there's reenforements and surrender

capture 132 germans

When York was asked how he shot all the germans

"squirrels have little heds, people have big heads"

Eddie Rickenbacker

-racecar driver

-drafed into army, was a driver for Pershing

-bugged people until Blly Mitchell trains him as pilot

26 kills in 3 monthsflew spad

Hat in Ring Squadron

Hindenburg Line

German defensive line

Billy Mitchell

in charge of air service

advocates for funding of air service

predicts pearl harbor

Treaty of Brest lovak

ends fighting between russia and germany

14 Points

Woodrow Wilson's peace plan

14 points synthesized into 3 major areas:

End causes of war, Self Determination, and League of Nations

Yanks in WWI

-Belleau Wood

-Argonne Forest

Argonne Forest

-all battelions charge german lines

-one gets surrounded

-"Lost Battelion"

Why big deal? -> close to german supply lines

german forces crumbling

African America infantry units

92nd and 93rd

What happens to many African Americans after the war?

they stay in france where they are treated better

369th, the most famous division is from

New York

also known as Harlem Hell Fighters

Corporal Freddie Stowers only A.A. in WWI to recieve congressional medal

Spring Offensive

Germany's last attack

moves all troops to west front, puts everything into it

exhausts Germany

begins to look like Germans will win until run into doughboys

Why were the americans such a challenge for germans?

they weren't familiar wit the free fighting style of the amerians

Spring Offensive is a failure, what happens in germany?

-factory strikes-Navy ~ mutiny-Kaiser abdicates to Holland

Who becomes the next leader of Germany?


When was the armstice signed?

NOvember 11 at 11am 1918


agreement to stop fighting

Wilfred Owens

most famos poeton the day parents learned of the ending of war they recieved a telegraph saying son was dead


signed 5am 11/11

major figures: Foch, Matthias Erzberger(some people were jewish)

origins of nazi party & jew hatred comes from signing of armistie

Treaty of Versailles

Chemenceau - French leaderLloyd - BritishWilson - U.S.Orlando - Italy

Where was Germany during treaty of versailles?

waiting outsideit wasn't invovledhad to sign whatever it was told to sign

Where was treaty of versaille signed?

hall of mirrors

Results of Treaty of Versail

-new nations: Poland, Finalnd, Estonia, Lithuania, Lativa, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslava-mandates in M.E.

Balfour Declaration

British gvt promising land to jews in M.E.Problem: Lawrene also promised land to Palstines



What appened: straight lines drawn, just like in Africa, creates problems and civil wars

Armedian Genocide

-at end WWI hundreds of thousands of armedians disappear

-turkey denies it happened to this day

-eeryone says it was genoide

Germany Suffers

-clause in article 231 of treaty of versaille gives germany blame for WWI

-reparations ($33 billion)

-loss of military power

-reduced mavy

-no air force

-100,000 army

-Rhineland demilitarized

League of Nations

-fromed, but has no authority to make anyone do anything

Wilson's Struggle

recieved as hero in Europe, however only bought democrats with him

Henry Cabot Lodge

huge opposer of Wilson and Treaty of Versaille

Did U.S. ever join LEague of Nations?
