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58 Cards in this Set

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Black Codes
Codes that keep freedman from gaining power (no guns, jury or jury)
Freedman's Bureau
A government agency that helped former slaves(find jobs, education)
Hiram Revels
The first African American senator
Amnesty Act
An act that Restored white southerners right to vote(except for the 500 military officials in the south)
Poll Tax
Made you pay to vote bad for white farmers and freedman
Literacy Test
You had to pass a test to be able to vote
Grandfather Clause
Allowed southerners to vote if they had ancestors who voted by1867
Jim Crow Laws
A set of laws that seperated blacks and whites(schools, bathrooms trains)
Plessy vs. Furguson
Supreme court ruled that segregation is legal as long as both facilities are equal
13th Amendment
Banns slavery
14th Amendment
Allows African Americans to to be citizens(equal protection under law)
15th Amendment
Can not deny the right to vote due to race
16th Amendment
Congress can pass a graduated income tax
17th Amendment
The direct election of senators
18th Amendment
Prohibition-illegal to sell alcohol in USA
19th Amendment
Women have the right to vote
Progressive Era
Period of social economical and political changes from industrialization
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
An Act that prohibited businesses from destroying their competition
People who wanted to improve life,end political corruption and give voters more power
Wisconsin Idea
Robert La Follette, progressive changes in the government-lower RR rates, Primaries, Initiative, Referendum and Recall
John Dewey
A Progressive educator who tried to solve problems
Booker T. Washington
An African American who worked slowly to gain political power
W. E. B. Dubois
An African American who fought actively for political power and equality
Voters select party's canadate
Voters can remove elected officials from office
Voters can propose bills to the legislature
Voters can vote on bills directly
Building up armed forces, bigger army's and navies
Pride in ones nation, free for all nation vs. nation
Building an empire
Fourteen Points
Speech by Woodrow Wilson, A plan for peace after WWI
League of Nations
Inter-Governmental organization that wanted peace and better life(failed in WWI)
Everything Germany has to give to pay for the war
Someone who encourages someone or a country to go to war
A situation in war when the fighting parties agree to stop fighting
Harlem Hell Fighters
African American regiment that faced racism when stationed in the USA
Discount on railroad price
A group of Corporations run by a single Board of directors
Someone who dislikes the government
when the immigrants adapted to a new culture while they still held onto their old one
Old Immigrants
Protestants, Northern and Western Europe, Spoke english, English Irish and German, had $and were skilled, Quickly assimilated
William Seward
U.S. Secretary of State, wanted U.S. to dominate Pacific trade
Open Door Policy
Any nation can trade within any sphere of influence in China
Powerful countries seeking control of weaker countries
Staying out of word affairs
Manifest Destiny
U.S. has a right and duty to expand throughout the North American continent
Buffalo Soldiers
African American soldiers who fought in the spanish-american war
A nations independence is limited by a more powerful country
George Goethals
Led 40,000 people to work on the Panama canal
"Big Stick" Policy
Theodore Roosevelt foreign policy
Platt Amendment
U.S. can control Guantanima bay
New Immigrants
Catholic & Jewish, from Southern & Eastern Europe, spoke differnet languages, Italians Russians & Greeks, Poor unskilled, Had trouble adapting to life
Treaty of Kanagawa
opens 2 japanese ports to U.S. trade
Foraker Act
Puerto Rico has a limited say in their government
Monroe Doctrine
U.S. can keep Europe out of Latin America
Roosevelt Corollary
U.S. is a police power in Latin America
Dollar Diplomacy
U.S. must invest in Latin America
Moral Diplomacy
Condemn Imperialism, Spread Democracy, Promote peace