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54 Cards in this Set

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group considered to be "mother culture" of Mesoamerica and first to develop glyphic writing
Ancient native american group known for its accomplishments in math and astronomy
region that stretches from central Mexico to present day Nicaragua
tools and other objects that humans made that give clues about who ancient people were and how they lived
Mesoamerican group was a fierce warrior nation, wealthy due to gold deposits nearby, capital Tenochtitlan begun on swampy island
Located in the Andes mountains, terraced land for to farm, constructed great stone roads to knit empire together
Group primary sources of food were fish, seal, and whale. Lived in igloos.
Nomadic, developed sign language and used smoke signals
Native American group that hunted and gathered, were semi-nomadic and lived in brush covered dwellings
Northeastern Woodlands
Lived in longhouses and cultivated 60 varieties of beans and 20 varieties of squash
Descended from Anasazi, lived in sun dried brick homes and developed irrigation system
Native American group that lived in post and plank houses, relied on salmon and carved totem poles
American Southwest area with little rain near Arizona, developed canal system of irrigation, raised corn, beans squash, traded widely
Lived where Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Utah now meet, mainly farmers who traded widely
Mound builder society in Midwest, grew corn, large trade network, mounds served as burial sites
Mound builder society, built first cities in North America
Farmers, traced family ties through women(matrilineal)
Joint Stock Company
a way to finance a colony, backed by investors, people put money into a project to earn money, investors split any profits and divided losses
Man's rebirth of curiosity with life
economic system in which nations increase their wealth and power by obtaining gold and silver and trading where exports outnumber imports
House of Burgesses
created in 1619, became the first representative assembly in the American colonies
Portuguese sailor, set out from Spain went around South America, to Pacific Ocean, his crew made it back to Spain, first to sail around the world
Bartholomeu Dias
First Portuguese sailor to sail around the southern tip of Africa
Amerigo Vespucci
Italian sailor who set out to find a sea route to Asia, realized land he saw on voyage was not Asia, a German mapmaker named continent after him
Prince Henry
Leader of Portugal who established a school for navigation and geography
Spanish military leaders who led the exploration and conquest of the Americas in the 1500's.
Colombian Exchange
the movement of living things(plants, animals, disease) and ideas from one hemisphere to the other hemisphere
Sir Walter Raleigh
Attempted to sponsor two unsuccessful English Settlements on Roanoke Island
Area off Cape Cod on Massachusetts coast where Mayflower landed and Pilgrims settled.
Headright System
John Smith
English soldier who forced the first settlers at Jamestown to work in order to survive
John Rolfe developed a high grade version of this crop that the colonists learned to grow quickly and became popular in England
a separatists group asked to settle in America as a "distinct body by themselves". They landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts to settle.
naval stores
North Carolina colony is known for this
Elected Assemblies
1619 House of Burgesses became first of these after colonists became annoyed by strict rule of the Governor of VA
Religious Freedom
The colony of Rhode Island guaranteed the right to practice religion in any way they they choose
Believed all people could live in peace and harmony settled in Pennsylvania where all had religious freedom, treated Native Americans fairly
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Puritan colony where only male church members could vote or hold office, elected representatives to a law making body
cash crop
a crop raised primarily for sale
Navigation Acts
England wanted part of the trading profits of New England, they passed these acts to restrict colonial trade, colonists ignored them
Bacon's Rebellion
landless settlers in Va complained of taxes and favoritism towards large land owners and demanded war against Native Americans to seize land
Proclamation of 1763
forbade colonists to settle west of the Appalachians, due to high cost to defend western lands
Triangular Trade
trade developed between Northern Colonies, Africa and the West Indies where slaves were sold
Stamp Act
Law requiring all legal and commercial documents to carry an official stamp showing that a tax had been paid. Fell directly on all colonists.
Boston Tea Party
Protest against the Tea Act by Sons of Liberty dumping hundreds of chests of Tea into the Boston Harbor
Intolerable Acts
Parliament passed laws to punish the Ma. colony for tea party & to serve as a warning to them, called coercive acts but colonists called them this
a force of armed civilians pledged to defend their community
Bacon's Rebellion
landless settlers in Va complained of taxes and favoritism towards large land owners and demanded war against Native Americans to seize land
Proclamation of 1763
forbade colonists to settle west of the Appalachians, due to high cost to defend western lands
Triangular Trade
trade developed between Northern Colonies, Africa and the West Indies where slaves were sold
Stamp Act
Law requiring all legal and commercial documents to carry an official stamp showing that a tax had been paid. Fell directly on all colonists.
Boston Tea Party
Protest against the Tea Act by Sons of Liberty dumping hundreds of chests of Tea into the Boston Harbor
Intolerable Acts
Parliament passed laws to punish the Ma. colony for tea party & to serve as a warning to them, called coercive acts but colonists called them this
a force of armed civilians pledged to defend their community